Event notifications for AWS IoT Wireless - AWS IoT Wireless

Event notifications for AWS IoT Wireless

AWS IoT Wireless can publish messages to notify you of events for your LoRaWAN and Sidewalk devices. For example, the device registration event notifies you when the Sidewalk devices in your account have been registered.

How your resources can be notified of events

When certain events occur, AWS IoT Wireless publishes event notifications. For example, when you've provisioned your Sidewalk device, it generates an event. Each event causes a single event notification to be sent. Event notifications are published over MQTT with a JSON payload. The content of the payload depends on the type of event.


Event notifications are published at least once. It's possible for them to be published more than once. The ordering of event notifications is not guaranteed.

Events and resource types

The following table shows the different types of events for which you'll receive notifications. The event types depend on whether the resource type is a wireless device, a wireless gateway, or a Sidewalk account. You can also enable events for your resources at the resource level. This applies to all resources of a particular type, or for select resources, as described in the following section. For more information, see Event notifications for LoRaWAN resources and Event notifications for Sidewalk resources.

Event types based on resources
Resource Resource type Event type
Wireless device LoRaWAN Join
  • Device registration state

  • Proximity

Wireless gateway LoRaWAN Connection status
Sidewalk account Sidewalk
  • Device registration state

  • Proximity

Policy for receiving wireless event notifications

To receive event notifications, your device must use an appropriate policy. The policy allows it to connect to the AWS IoT device gateway and subscribe to MQTT event topics. You must also subscribe to the appropriate topic filters.

The following is an example policy.

{ "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement":[{ "Effect":"Allow", "Action":[ "iot:Subscribe", "iot:Receive" ], "Resource":[ "arn:aws:iotwireless:region:account:/$aws/iotwireless/events/join/*", "arn:aws:iotwireless:region:account:/$aws/iotwireless/events/connection_status/*" "arn:aws:iotwireless:region:account:/$aws/iotwireless/events/device_registration_state/*", "arn:aws:iotwireless:region:account:/$aws/iotwireless/events/proximity/*" ] }] }

Format of MQTT topics for wireless events

To send you event notifications, AWS IoT uses MQTT reserved topics that begin with a dollar sign ($). You can publish and subscribe to these reserved topics. However, you can't create new topics that begin with a dollar sign.


MQTT topics are specific to your AWS account and use the format arn:aws:iotwireless:aws-region:AWS-account-ID:topic/Topic. For more information, see MQTT topics in the AWS IoT developer guide.

Reserved MQTT topics for wireless devices use the following format:

  • Resource-level topics

    These topics apply to all resources of a particular type in your AWS account.


  • Identifier-level topics

    These topics apply to select resources of a particular type, specified by the resource identifier.


For more information about topics at resource and identifier levels, see Event configurations.

The following table shows examples of MQTT topics for the various events:

Events and MQTT topics
Event MQTT topic Notes
Sidewalk device registration state
  • Resource-level topic


  • Identifier-level topic


  • {eventType} can be registered or provisioned

  • {resourceType} can be sidewalk_accounts or wireless_devices

  • {resourceID} is the amazon_id for sidewalk_accounts and wireless_device_id for wireless_devices

Sidewalk proximity
  • Resource-level topic


  • Identifier-level topic


  • {eventType} can be beacon_discovered or beacon_lost

  • {resourceType} can be sidewalk_accounts or wireless_devices

  • {resourceID} is the amazon_id for sidewalk_accounts and wireless_device_id for wireless_devices

LoRaWAN join
  • Resource-level topic


  • Identifier-level topic


  • {eventType} can be join_req_0_received or join_req_2_received or join_accepted

  • {resourceID} can be wireless_device_id or dev_eui

LoRaWAN gateway connection status
  • Resource-level topic


  • Identifier-level topic


  • {eventType} can be connected or disconnected

  • {resourceID} can be wireless_gateway_id or gateway_eui

For more information about the different events, see Event notifications for LoRaWAN resources and Event notifications for Sidewalk resources.

If you've subscribed to these topics, you'll be notified when a message is published to one of the topics. For more information, see MQTT reserved topics in the AWS IoT developer guide.

Pricing for wireless events

For information about pricing for subscribing to events and for receiving notifications, see AWS IoT Core pricing.