Create a network analyzer configuration - AWS IoT Wireless

Create a network analyzer configuration

Before you can monitor your wireless gateways or wireless devices, you must create a network analyzer configuration. When creating the configuration, you only need to specify a configuration name. You can customize your configuration settings and add the resources that you want to monitor to your configuration even after it's created. The configuration settings determine the trace messaging information that you'll receive for those resources.

Depending on the resources you want to monitor and the level of information you want to receive for them, you may want to create multiple configurations. For example, you can create a configuration that displays only error information for a set of gateways in your AWS account. You can also create a configuration that displays all information about a wireless device that you want to monitor.

The following sections show the various configuration settings and how to create your configuration.

Configuration settings

When creating or updating your network analyzer configuration, you can also customize the following parameters to filter the log stream information.

  • Frame info

    This setting is the frame info for your wireless device resources for trace messages. The frame info can be used to debug the communication between your network server and the end devices. It is enabled by default.

  • Log levels

    You can view Info or Error logs, or you can turn off logging.

    • Info

      Logs with a log level of Info are more verbose and contain both error log streams and informational log streams. The informational logs can be used to view changes to the state of a device or gateway.


      Collecting more verbose log streams can incur additional costs. For more information about pricing, see AWS IoT Core pricing.

    • Error

      Logs with a log level of Error are less verbose and display only error information. You can use these logs when an application has an error, such as a device connection error. By using the information from the log stream, you can identify and troubleshoot errors for resources in your fleet.

Create a configuration using the console

You can create a network analyzer configuration and customize the optional parameters using the AWS IoT console or the AWS IoT Wireless API. You can also create multiple configurations and later delete any configurations that you're no longer using.

Create a network analyzer configuration

  1. Open the Network Analyzer hub of the AWS IoT console and choose Create configuration.

  2. Specify the configuration settings.

    • Name, description, and tags

      Specify a unique Configuration name that only contains letters, numbers, hyphens, or underscores. Use the optional Description field to provide information about the configuration, and the Tags field to add key-value pairs of metadata about the configuration. For more information about naming and describing your resources, see Describing your AWS IoT Wireless resources.

    • Configuration settings

      Choose whether to disable frame info, and use Select log levels to choose the log levels that you want to use for your trace message logs. Choose Next.

  3. Add resources to your configuration. You can either add your resources now or choose Create and then add your resources later. To add resources later, choose Create.

    In the Network Analyzer hub page, you'll see the configuration that you created along with its settings. To view the details of the new configuration, choose the configuration name.

Delete your network analyzer configuration

You can create multiple network analyzer configurations depending on the resources you want to monitor and the level of trace messaging information that you want to receive for them.

To remove configurations from the console
  1. Go to the Network Analyzer hub of the AWS IoT console and choose the configuration that you want to remove.

  2. Choose Actions, and then choose Delete.

Create a configuration using the API

To create a network analyzer configuration using the API, use the CreateNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration API operation or the create-network-analyzer-configuration CLI command.

When you create your configuration, you only need to specify a configuration name. You can also use this API operation to specify the configuration settings and add resources when creating the configuration. Alternatively, you can specify them later by using the UpdateNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration API operation or the update-network-analyzer-configuration CLI.

  • Create a configuration

    When you create your configuration, you must specify a name. For example, the following command creates a configuration by providing only a name and an optional description. By default, the configuration has frame info activated and uses a log level of INFO.

    aws iotwireless create-network-analyzer-configuration \ --configuration-name My_Network_Analyzer_Config \ --description "My first network analyzer configuration"

    Running this command displays the ARN and ID of your network analyzer configuration.

    { "Arn": "arn:aws:iotwireless:us-east-1:123456789012:NetworkAnalyzerConfiguration/12345678-a1b2-3c45-67d8-e90fa1b2c34d", "Id": "12345678-a1b2-3c45-67d8-e90fa1b2c34d" }
  • Create configuration with resources

    To customize the configuration settings, use the trace-content parameter. To add resources, use the WirelessDevices and WirelessGateways parameters to specify the gateways, devices, or both that you want to add to your configuration. For example, the following command customizes the configuration settings and adds to your configuration the wireless resources, specified by their WirelessGatewayID and WirelessDeviceID.

    aws iotwireless create-network-analyzer-configuration \ --configuration-name My_NetworkAnalyzer_Config \ --trace-content WirelessDeviceFrameInfo=DISABLED,LogLevel="ERROR" \ --wireless-gateways "12345678-a1b2-3c45-67d8-e90fa1b2c34d" "90123456-de1f-2b3b-4c5c-bb1112223cd1" --wireless-devices "1ffd32c8-8130-4194-96df-622f072a315f"

    The following example shows the output of running the command:

    { "Arn": "arn:aws:iotwireless:us-east-1:123456789012:NetworkAnalyzerConfiguration/12345678-a1b2-3c45-67d8-e90fa1b2c34d", "Id": "12345678-a1b2-3c45-67d8-e90fa1b2c34d" }
List network analyzer configurations

You can create multiple network analyzer configurations depending on the resources that you want to monitor and the level of detail of trace messaging information that you want to receive for the resources. After you create these configurations, you can use the ListNetworkAnalyzerConfigurations API operation or the list-network-analyzer-configuration CLI command to get a list of these configurations.

aws iotwireless list-network-analyzer-configurations

Running this command displays all the network analyzer configurations in your AWS account. You can also use the max-results parameter to specify how many configurations you want to display. The following shows the output of running this command.

{ "NetworkAnalyzerConfigurationList": [ { "Arn": "arn:aws:iotwireless:us-east-1:123456789012:NetworkAnalyzerConfiguration/12345678-a1b2-3c45-67d8-e90fa1b2c34d", "Name": "My_Network_Analyzer_Config1" }, { "Arn": "arn:aws:iotwireless:us-east-1:123456789012:NetworkAnalyzerConfiguration/90123456-a1a2-9a87-65b4-c12bf3c2d09a", "Name": "My_Network_Analyzer_Config2" } ] }
Delete your network analyzer configuration

You can delete a configuration that you're no longer using with the DeleteNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration API operation or the delete-network-analyzer-configuration CLI command.

aws iotwireless delete-network-analyzer-configuration \ --configuration-name My_NetworkAnalyzer_Config

Running this command doesn't produce any output. To see the available configurations, you can use the ListNetworkAnalyzerConfigurations API operation.

Next steps

Now that you've created a network analyzer configuration, you can add resources to your configuration or update your configuration settings. For more information, see Add resources and update the network analyzer configuration.