Bulk provisioning devices with AWS IoT Core for Amazon Sidewalk - AWS IoT Wireless

Bulk provisioning devices with AWS IoT Core for Amazon Sidewalk

You can use bulk provisioning to onboard a large number of end devices to AWS IoT Core for Amazon Sidewalk in bulk. Bulk provisioning is useful especially when you manufacture a large number of devices in a factory and want to onboard these devices to AWS IoT. For more information about manufacturing devices, see Manufacturing Amazon Sidewalk devices in the Amazon Sidewalk documentation.

The following topics show you how bulk provisioning works.

  • Amazon Sidewalk bulk provisioning workflow

    This topic shows you some key concepts of bulk provisioning and how it works. It also shows the steps that must be performed so that your Sidewalk devices can be imported to AWS IoT Core for Amazon Sidewalk.

  • Creating device profiles with factory support

    This topic explains how to create a device profile and obtain factory support for it. You'll also learn how to retrieve the YubiHSM key and send it to your manufacturer for obtaining the control log after the devices are manufactured.

  • Provisioning Sidewalk devices using import tasks

    This topic shows you how to bulk provision your Sidewalk devices by creating and using import tasks. You'll also learn how to update or delete your import tasks, and view the status of the import task and devices in the task.