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Clone RFCs (re-create) with the AMS console

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Clone RFCs (re-create) with the AMS console - AMS Advanced User Guide
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You can use the AMS console to clone an existing RFC.

To clone, or recreate, an RFC by using the AMS console, follow these steps:

  1. Find the relevant RFC. From the left navigation, click RFCs.

    The RFCs dashboard opens.

  2. Scroll through the pages until you find the RFC you want to clone. Use the Filter option to narrow the list. Choose the RFC that you want to clone.

    The RFC details page opens.

  3. Click Create a Copy.

    The Create a request for change page opens with all options set as in the original RFC.

  4. Make the changes you want. To set additional options, change the Basic option to Advanced. After you have set all options, choose Submit.

    The active RFC details page opens with a new RFC ID for the cloned RFC and the cloned RFC appears in the RFC dashboard.

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