Code examples for AWS Marketplace Catalog API using AWS SDKs
The following code examples show how to use AWS Marketplace Catalog API with an AWS software development kit (SDK).
For a complete list of AWS SDK developer guides and code examples, see Using this service with an AWS SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.
Code examples
- AMI products
- Add a dimension to an existing AMI product and update the offer pricing terms
- Add a region where an AMI product is deployed
- Create a public or limited AMI product and a public offer with hourly annual pricing
- Create a public or limited AMI product and public offer with hourly monthly pricing
- Create a public or limited AMI product and public offer with hourly pricing
- Create an draft AMI product with a draft public offer
- Restrict a region where an AMI product is deployed
- Restrict product visibility
- Specify whether AMI assets are deployed in new regions
- Channel partner offers
- Create a draft CPPO for any product type
- Create a resale authorization replacement private offer with contract pricing
- List all CPPOs created by a channel partner
- List all shared resale authorizations available to a channel partner
- Publish a CPPO and append a buyer EULA
- Publish a CPPO using one-time resale authorization and update price markup
- Publish a draft CPPO and update price markup
- Update the expiration date of a CPPO
- Container products
- Entities
- Offers
- Create a custom dimension for a SaaS product and create a private offer
- Create a draft private offer for an AMI or SaaS product
- Create a private offer with contract and Pay-As-You-Go pricing for a SaaS product
- Create a private offer with contract pricing and a flexible payment schedule for a SaaS product
- Create a private offer with contract pricing for a Container product
- Create a private offer with contract pricing for an AMI product
- Create a private offer with hourly annual pricing and a flexible payment schedule for an AMI product
- Create a private offer with hourly annual pricing for an AMI product
- Create a private offer with hourly pricing for an AMI product
- Create a private offer with subscription pricing for a SaaS product
- Create a private offer with tiered contract pricing for a SaaS product
- Create a public free trial offer with subscription pricing for a SaaS product
- Create a replacement private offer with contract pricing
- Describe a public offer
- Expire a draft private offer
- List all private offers
- List released public and private offers for a specific product ID
- Update an offer to apply a contract with Pay-As-You-Go pricing
- Update an offer to apply hourly annual pricing
- Update an offer to apply targeting to specific geographic regions
- Update name and description of a public offer
- Update the EULA of an offer
- Update the expiration date of a private offer to a future date
- Update the free trial duration of a public free trial offer for a SaaS product
- Update the refund policy of an offer
- Products
- Resale authorization
- Create draft resale authorization
- Describe a resale authorization
- Publish a one-time resale authorization with a private offer
- Publish multi-use resale authorization with an expiration date
- Publish multi-use resale authorization with an expiration date and a EULA
- Publish multi-use resale authorization with an expiration date and reseller contract documentation
- Publish multi-use resale authorization with expiration and add a specific buyer account
- Publish multi-use resale authorization without an expiration date
- Publish multi-use resale authorization without an expiration date and a EULA
- Publish multi-use resale authorization without an expiration date and reseller contract documentation
- Publish multi-use resale authorization without expiration and add a specific buyer account
- Publish one-time resale authorization and add Flexible payment schedule
- Publish one-time resale authorization and add a EULA
- Publish one-time resale authorization and add a specific buyer account
- Publish one-time resale authorization and add reseller contract documentation
- Publish one-time resale authorization and add whether it is a renewal
- Restrict resale authorization
- Update name and description of one-time or multi-use resale authorization
- SaaS products
- Create a draft SaaS product with a draft public offer
- Create a public or limited SaaS product and public offer with contract pricing
- Create a public or limited SaaS product and public offer with contract with Pay-As-You-Go pricing
- Create a public or limited SaaS product and public offer with subscription pricing
- Publish a SaaS product and associated public offer
- Publish a SaaS product and associated public offer from an existing draft
- Update dimensions on an AMI or SaaS product
- Utilities