Disabling an entitlement temporarily
When you disable an entitlement, the content becomes unavailable to the subscriber account immediately. However, the entitlement and the associated output remain on your flow. These resources continue to count toward your quota for outputs and entitlements. Later, you can enable the entitlement to re-instate access.
If you want to stop streaming content to the subscriber’s flow permanently, revoke the entitlement instead. That action removes the entitlement and the associated output from your flow.
To disable an entitlement (console)
Open the MediaConnect console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/mediaconnect/
. -
On the Flows page, choose the name of the flow that is associated with the entitlement that you want to disable.
The details page for that flow appears.
Choose the Entitlements tab.
Choose the entitlement that you want to disable.
Choose Disable.