Creating a channel group in AWS Elemental MediaPackage - AWS Elemental MediaPackage v2

Creating a channel group in AWS Elemental MediaPackage

This guide shows how to create a channel group as a holder for your channels and origin endpoints. You can provide high-level information about your channel group and can add a certain number of channel groups for each account. After you create a channel group, you can add channels to the channel group.

You can use the MediaPackage console, MediaPackage API, or AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to create a channel group. When you're creating a channel group, don't put sensitive identifying information like customer account numbers into free-form fields such as the name or description field. MediaPackage doesn’t require that you supply any customer data. This includes when you work with MediaPackage using the MediaPackage console, MediaPackage API, AWS CLI, or AWS SDKs. Any data that you enter into MediaPackage might get picked up for inclusion in diagnostic logs or Amazon CloudWatch Events.

To create a channel group
  1. Open the MediaPackage console at

  2. Choose Create channel group from the Channel groups list.

  3. For Name, enter a name that describes the channel group. This is the name that you use for API and console interactions. The name is the primary identifier for the channel group, and must be unique for your account in the AWS Region. Supported characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ (underscore), and - (hyphen) with a length of 1–256 characters. You can't use spaces in the name, and you can't change the name after you create the channel group.

  4. (Optional) For Description, enter any descriptive text that helps you to identify the channel group.

  5. Choose Create.

    MediaPackage displays the new channel group's details page.

    After you create a channel group, MediaPackage provides an egress domain URL that is fixed for the lifetime of the channel group. This domain remains regardless of any failures or upgrades that might happen over time.

    All channels and origin endpoints that belong to this channel group will use the same domain URL. For stream delivery from MediaPackage, direct your CDNs to this domain.

    When you create a channel group, if you exceed the quotas on the account, you'll receive an error. The error will be similar to Too many requests, please try again. Resource limit exceeded. This error means that either you exceeded the API request quotas, or that you reached the maximum number of channel groups that your account permits.

You can add channels to a channel group to do the following:

  • Permit a live content stream from a source such as AWS Elemental MediaLive or another encoder.

  • Permit downstream video players and content delivery networks (CDNs) to start requesting content playback.

For instructions on adding channels to a channel group from the MediaPackage console, see Working with channels in AWS Elemental MediaPackage.