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Starting a cutover

Mode fokus
Starting a cutover - Application Migration Service
Halaman ini belum diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Anda. Minta terjemahan

To launch a cutover instance for a single source server or multiple source servers, go to the Source servers page and check the box to the left of each server you want to cutover.

Open the Test and cutover menu.

Under Cutover, choose the Launch cutover instances option.

The Launch cutover instances for X servers dialog will appear. Choose Launch to begin the cutover.

In the Source servers page, the Migration lifecycle column will show Cutover in progress and the Next step column will show Finalize cutover.

The AWS Application Migration Service console will indicate Launch job started when the cutover has started.

Choose View job details on the dialog to view the specific job for the cutover launch in the Launch history tab.

Successful cutover launch indicators

You can tell that the cutover instance launch was started successfully through several indicators on the Source servers page.

  1. The Alerts column will state Launched.

  2. The Migration lifecycle column will state Cutover in progress.

  3. The Data replication status will state Healthy.

  4. The Next step column will state Finalize cutover.

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