Creating a Neptune Analytics graph from Amazon S3 - Neptune Analytics

Creating a Neptune Analytics graph from Amazon S3

Neptune Analytics supports bulk importing of CSV or ntriples data directly from Amazon S3 into a Neptune Analytics graph using the CreateGraphUsingImportTask API. The data formats supported are listed in Data format for loading from Amazon S3 into Neptune Analytics. It is recommended that you try the batch load process with a subset of your data first to validate that it is correctly formatted. Once you have validated that your data files are fully compatible with Neptune Analytics, you can prepare your full dataset and perform the bulk import using the steps below.

A quick summary of steps needed to import a graph from Amazon S3:

  • Copy the data files to an Amazon S3 bucket: Copy the data files to an Amazon Simple Storage Service bucket in the same region where you want the Neptune Analytics graph to be created. See Data format for loading from Amazon S3 into Neptune Analytics for the details of the format when loading data from Amazon S3 into Neptune Analytics.

  • Create your IAM role for Amazon S3 access: Create an IAM role with read and list access to the bucket and a trust relationship that allows Neptune Analytics graphs to use your IAM role for importing.

  • Use the CreateGraphUsingImportTask API to import from Amazon S3: Create a graph using the CreateGraphUsingImportTask API. This will generate a taskId for the operation.

  • Use the GetImportTask API to get the details of the import task. The response will indicate the status of the task (ie. INITIALIZING, ANALYZING_DATA, IMPORTING etc.).

  • Once the task has completed successfully, you will see a COMPLETED status for the import task and also the graphId for the newly created graph.

  • Use the GetGraphs API to fetch all the details about your new graph, including the ARN, endpoint, etc.


If you're creating a private graph endpoint, the following permissions are required:

  • ec2:CreateVpcEndpoint

  • ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones

  • ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups

  • ec2:DescribeSubnets

  • ec2:DescribeVpcAttribute

  • ec2:DescribeVpcEndpoints

  • ec2:DescribeVpcs

  • ec2:ModifyVpcEndpoint

  • route53:AssociateVPCWithHostedZone

For more information about required permissions, see Actions defined by Neptune Analytics.

Copy the data files to an Amazon S3 bucket

The Amazon S3 bucket must be in the same AWS region as the cluster that loads the data. You can use the following AWS CLI command to copy the files to the bucket.

aws s3 cp data-file-name s3://bucket-name/object-key-name

In Amazon S3, an object key name is the entire path of a file, including the file name.

In the command

aws s3 cp datafile.txt s3://examplebucket/mydirectory/datafile.txt

the object key name is mydirectory/datafile.txt

You can also use the AWS management console to upload files to the Amazon S3 bucket. Open the Amazon S3 console, and choose a bucket. In the upper-left corner, choose Upload to upload files.

Create your IAM role for Amazon S3 access

Create an IAM role with permissions to read and list the contents of your bucket. Add a trust relationship that allows Neptune Analytics to assume this role for doing the import task. You could do this using the AWS console, or through the CLI/SDK.

  1. Open the IAM console at Choose Roles, and then choose Create Role.

  2. Provide a role name.

  3. Choose Amazon S3 as the AWS service.

  4. In the permissions section, choose AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess.


    This policy grants s3:Get* and s3:List* permissions to all buckets. Later steps restrict access to the role using the trust policy. The loader only requires s3:Get* and s3:List* permissions to the bucket you are loading from, so you can also restrict these permissions by the Amazon S3 resource. If your Amazon S3 bucket is encrypted, you need to add kms:Decrypt permissions as well. kms:Decrypt permission is needed for the exported data from Neptune Database

  5. On the Trust Relationships tab, choose Edit trust relationship, and paste the following trust policy. Choose Save to save the trust relationship.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "" ] }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }

Your IAM role is now ready for import.

Use the CreateGraphUsingImportTask API to import from Amazon S3

You can perform this operation from the Neptune console as well as from AWS CLI/SDK. For more information on different parameters, see


aws neptune-graph create-graph-using-import-task \ --graph-name <name> \ --format <format> \ --source <s3 path> \ --role-arn <role arn> \ [--blank-node-handling "convertToIri"--] \ [--fail-on-error | --no-fail-on-error] \ [--deletion-protection | --no-deletion-protection] [--public-connectivity | --no-public-connectivity] [--min-provisioned-memory] [--max-provisioned-memory] [--vector-search-configuration]
  • Different Minimum and Maximum Provisioned Memory: When the --min-provisioned-memory and --max-provisioned-memory values are specified differently, the graph is created with the maximum provisioned memory specified by --max-provisioned-memory.

  • Single Provisioned Memory Value: When only one of --min-provisioned-memory or --max-provisioned-memory is provided, the graph is created with the specified memory value.

  • No Provisioned Memory Values: If neither --min-provisioned-memory nor --max-provisioned-memory is provided, the graph is created with a default provisioned memory of 128 m-NCU (memory optimized Neptune Compute Units).

Example 1: Create a graph from Amazon S3, with no min/max provisioned memory.

aws neptune-graph create-graph-using-import-task \ --graph-name 'graph-1' \ --source "s3://bucket-name/gremlin-format-dataset/" \ --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/<role-name>" \ --format CSV

Example 2: Create a graph from Amazon S3, with min & max provisioned memory. A graph with m-NCU of 1024 is created.

aws neptune-graph create-graph-using-import-task \ --graph-name 'graph-1' \ --source "s3://bucket-name/gremlin-format-dataset/" \ --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/<role-name>" \ --format CSV --min-provisioned-memory 128 \ --max-provisioned-memory 1024

Example 3: Create a graph from Amazon S3, and not fail on parsing errors.

aws neptune-graph create-graph-using-import-task \ --graph-name 'graph-1' \ --source "s3://bucket-name/gremlin-format-dataset/" \ --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/<role-name>" \ --format CSV --no-fail-on-error

Example 4: Create a graph from Amazon S3, with 2 replicas.

aws neptune-graph create-graph-using-import-task \ --graph-name 'graph-1' \ --source "s3://bucket-name/gremlin-format-dataset/" \ --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/<role-name>" \ --format CSV --replica-count 2

Example 5: Create a graph from Amazon S3 with vector search index.


The dimension must match the dimension of the embeddings in the vertex files.

aws neptune-graph create-graph-using-import-task \ --graph-name 'graph-1' \ --source "s3://bucket-name/gremlin-format-dataset/" \ --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/<role-name>" \ --format CSV --replica-count 2 \ --vector-search-configuration "{\"dimension\":768}"

Via Neptune console

  1. Start the Create Graph wizard and choose Create graph from existing source.

    Step 1 of import using console.
  2. Choose type of source as Amazon S3, minimum and maximum provisioned memory, Amazon S3 path, and load role ARN.

    Step 2 of import using console.
  3. Choose the Network Settings and Replica counts.

    Step 3 of import using console.
  4. Create graph.