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Contoh: Peningkatan mesin kecil dari ke

Mode fokus
Contoh: Peningkatan mesin kecil dari ke - Amazon Neptune

Terjemahan disediakan oleh mesin penerjemah. Jika konten terjemahan yang diberikan bertentangan dengan versi bahasa Inggris aslinya, utamakan versi bahasa Inggris.

Terjemahan disediakan oleh mesin penerjemah. Jika konten terjemahan yang diberikan bertentangan dengan versi bahasa Inggris aslinya, utamakan versi bahasa Inggris.

Temukan cluster DB yang ingin Anda upgrade, dan template yang Anda gunakan untuk membuatnya. Sebagai contoh:

Description: Base Template to create Neptune Stack with Engine Version using custom Parameter Groups Parameters: DbInstanceType: Description: Neptune DB instance type Type: String Default: db.r5.large Resources: NeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup: Type: 'AWS::Neptune::DBClusterParameterGroup' Properties: Family: neptune1.2 Description: test-cfn-neptune-db-cluster-parameter-group-description Parameters: neptune_enable_audit_log: 0 NeptuneDBParameterGroup: Type: 'AWS::Neptune::DBParameterGroup' Properties: Family: neptune1.2 Description: test-cfn-neptune-db-parameter-group-description Parameters: neptune_query_timeout: 20000 NeptuneDBCluster: Type: 'AWS::Neptune::DBCluster' Properties: EngineVersion: DBClusterParameterGroupName: Ref: NeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup DependsOn: - NeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup NeptuneDBInstance: Type: 'AWS::Neptune::DBInstance' Properties: DBClusterIdentifier: Ref: NeptuneDBCluster DBInstanceClass: Ref: DbInstanceType DBParameterGroupName: Ref: NeptuneDBParameterGroup DependsOn: - NeptuneDBCluster - NeptuneDBParameterGroup Outputs: DBClusterId: Description: Neptune Cluster Identifier Value: Ref: NeptuneDBCluster

Perbarui EngineVersion properti dari ke1.2.0.2:

Description: Template to upgrade minor engine version to Parameters: DbInstanceType: Description: Neptune DB instance type Type: String Default: db.r5.large Resources: NeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup: Type: 'AWS::Neptune::DBClusterParameterGroup' Properties: Family: neptune1.2 Description: test-cfn-neptune-db-cluster-parameter-group-description Parameters: neptune_enable_audit_log: 0 NeptuneDBParameterGroup: Type: 'AWS::Neptune::DBParameterGroup' Properties: Family: neptune1.2 Description: test-cfn-neptune-db-parameter-group-description Parameters: neptune_query_timeout: 20000 NeptuneDBCluster: Type: 'AWS::Neptune::DBCluster' Properties: EngineVersion: DBClusterParameterGroupName: Ref: NeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup DependsOn: - NeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup NeptuneDBInstance: Type: 'AWS::Neptune::DBInstance' Properties: DBClusterIdentifier: Ref: NeptuneDBCluster DBInstanceClass: Ref: DbInstanceType DBParameterGroupName: Ref: NeptuneDBParameterGroup DependsOn: - NeptuneDBCluster - NeptuneDBParameterGroup Outputs: DBClusterId: Description: Neptune Cluster Identifier Value: Ref: NeptuneDBCluster

Sekarang gunakan AWS CloudFormation untuk menjalankan template yang direvisi.

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