Multi-factor authentication (MFA) - AWS Partner Central

Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an additional layer of security to your AWS Partner Central login. When enabled, your users must enter a verification code sent to their registered email address in addition to their username and password. An alliance lead or cloud admin can manage MFA for your AWS Partner Central accounts.

To manage MFA for your AWS Partner Central accounts
  1. Sign in to AWS Partner Central as a user with the alliance lead or cloud admin role.

  2. On the My Company menu, choose User Management.

  3. (Alliance leads only) On the User management page, choose the Security tab.

  4. Choose Edit.

  5. Select a Multi-factor authentication (MFA) status option.

    • Enabled – To sign in to AWS Partner Central, users must enter a verifcation code sent to their registered email address in addition to their username and password.

    • Disabled – To sign in to AWS Partner Central, users must only enter their username and password.

  6. Choose Save.


If you are locked out of AWS Partner Central and need support, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the AWS Partner Team contact page of the AWS Partner Network Knowledge Base.

  2. Complete the contact form and choose Submit.