Migrate ML Build, Train, and Deploy workloads to Amazon SageMaker using AWS Developer Tools - AWS Prescriptive Guidance

Migrate ML Build, Train, and Deploy workloads to Amazon SageMaker using AWS Developer Tools

Created by Scot Marvin (AWS)

R Type: Replatform

Source: Machine Learning

Target: Amazon SageMaker

Created by: AWS

Environment: PoC or pilot

Technologies: Machine learning & AI; DevOps; Migration

AWS services: Amazon SageMaker


This pattern provides guidance for migrating an on-premises machine learning (ML) application running on Unix or Linux servers to be trained and deployed on AWS using Amazon SageMaker. This deployment uses a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. The migration pattern is deployed using an AWS CloudFormation stack.

Prerequisites and limitations



  • Only 300 individual pipelines can be deployed in one AWS Region.

  • This pattern is intended for supervised ML workloads with train-and-deploy code in Python.

Product versions

  • Docker version 19.03.5, build 633a0ea, using Python 3.6x


Source technology stack  

  • On-premises Linux compute instance with data on either the local file system or in a relational database

Source architecture 

Diagram showing on-premises setup with Python, Jupyter, and database components interconnected.

Target technology stack

  • AWS CodePipeline deployed with Amazon S3 for data storage and Amazon DynamoDB as metadata store for tracking or logging pipeline runs

Target architecture 

AWS machine learning workflow diagram showing integration of various services for model development and deployment.

Application migration architecture

  • Native Python package and AWS CodeCommit repository (and an SQL client, for on-premises datasets on database instance)

AWS Cloud architecture diagram showing ML pipeline orchestration and data flow from on-premises to cloud services.


  • Python

  • Git 

  • AWS CLI – The AWS CLI deploys the AWS CloudFormation stack and moves data to the S3 bucket. The S3 bucket, in turn, leads to the target.


TaskDescriptionSkills required
Validate source code and datasets.Data scientist
Identify target build, train, and deployment instance types and sizes.Data engineer, Data scientist
Create capability list and capacity requirements.
Identify network requirements.DBA, Systems administrator
Identify the network or host access security requirements for the source and target applications.Data engineer, ML engineer, Systems administrator
Determine backup strategy.ML engineer, Systems administrator
Determine availability requirements.ML engineer, Systems administrator
Identify the application migration or switchover strategy.Data scientist, ML engineer
TaskDescriptionSkills required
Create a virtual private cloud (VPC).ML engineer, Systems administrator
Create security groups.ML engineer, Systems administrator
Set up an Amazon S3 bucket and AWS CodeCommit repository branches for ML code.ML engineer
TaskDescriptionSkills required
Use native MySQL tools or third-party tools to migrate train, validate, and test datasets to provisioned S3 bucket.

This is required for AWS CloudFormation stack deployment.

Data engineer, ML engineer
Package the ML train and hosting code as Python packages and push to the provisioned repository in AWS CodeCommit or GitHub.

You need the repository's branch name to deploy the AWS CloudFormation template for migration.

Data scientist, ML engineer
TaskDescriptionSkills required
Follow the ML workload migration strategy.Application owner, ML engineer
Deploy the AWS CloudFormation stack.

Use the AWS CLI to create the stack declared in the YAML template provided with this solution.

Data scientist, ML engineer
TaskDescriptionSkills required
Switch the application clients over to the new infrastructure.Application owner, Data scientist, ML engineer
TaskDescriptionSkills required
Shut down the temporary AWS resources.

Shut down any custom resources from the AWS CloudFormation template (for example, any AWS Lambda functions that aren't being used).

Data scientist, ML engineer
Review and validate the project documents.Application owner, Data scientist
Validate the results and the ML model evaluation metrics with operators.

Make sure that model performance matches the application users' expectations and is comparable to the on-premises state.

Application owner, Data scientist
Close out the project and provide feedback.Application owner, ML engineer

Related resources


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