Share an Amazon Bedrock in SageMaker Unified Studio chat agent app - Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio

Share an Amazon Bedrock in SageMaker Unified Studio chat agent app

A snapshot of an Amazon Bedrock in SageMaker Unified Studio chat agent app is a point-in-time capture of the app's state, including its code, configuration, and any associated data. You can share a snapshot with all members of your Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio domain, or with specific users or groups in your Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio domain.

When you first share a snapshot, you get a share link to the snapshot that you can send to users. If you share the snapshot with all users, Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio grants permission to a user, when they first open the share link. Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio also adds the snapshot to the user's shared assets list. If you share the snapshot with specific users and groups, the snapshot is immediately available in their shared assets list. They can also use the share link to access the snapshot. By default, sharing a snapshot is restricted to only those users or groups that you select.

When you share an app, Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio also publishes the app to the Amazon SageMaker AI Catalog.

To share a chat agent app snapshot
  1. Navigate to the Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio landing page by using the URL from your admininstrator.

  2. Access Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio using your IAM or single sign-on (SSO) credentials. For more information, see Access Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio.

  3. If the project that you want to use isn't already open, do the following:

    1. Choose the current project at the top of the page. If a project isn't already open, choose Select a project.

    2. Select Browse all projects.

    3. In Projects select the project that you want to use.

  4. Choose the Build menu option at the top of the page.


  6. Open the app that you want to share.

  7. Choose Share.

  8. In App description enter a short description for the app. Make sure that that the description lets users understand the purpose of the app.

  9. Do one of the following:

    • If you want to share the app snapshot with all members of your Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio domain, select turn on Grant access with link.

    • If you want to share the app snapshot with specific Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio domain users or groups, do the following in Share with specific users or groups:

      1. For Member type choose Individual user or Group, depending on the type of member that you want share the app with.

      2. Search for the users or groups that you want to share the app with by entering the user name or group in the Search by alias to invite members text box.

      3. In the drop down list, select the matching user name or group that want to share the app with.

      4. Choose Add to add the user or group.

  10. Choose Share to share the app.

  11. When the success message appears, choose Copy link and send the link to the users that you are sharing the app snapshot with. If Grant access with link is off, the link only works for users that you have explicitly granted access to the app.

As the app creator, you, and other members of the app project, can make changes to the app and share a fresh snapshot of the app. Only the latest snapshot is available to users. Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio removes previous versions of the snapshot. Users that you share a snapshot to can't make any changes to the snapshot.

To change who you share the app with, open the app, choose Share and make your changes. Choose Done to complete the changes. If you are sharing the snapshot with all users, turning off Grant access with link restricts access to users that you have specifically share the snapshot with.

You can't stop sharing a snapshot without deleting the app. If you delete the app, the snapshot is no longer shared and is removed from the Amazon SageMaker AI Catalog. If you want to deny access to everyone, without deleting the app, edit the snapshot and remove all users and groups. If you shared the snapshot with all users, turn off Grant access with link. Note that Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio doesn't remove the snapshot from the Amazon SageMaker AI Catalog.

If you need the share link later, share the app again and copy the share link. You can also change the users that you share with the app with.

To see which apps you have shared, Open the app project, choose Asset gallery and then My apps. Check the Share status column for the app.