Edit data products in Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio
Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio enables data producers to group data assets into well-defined, self-contained packages called data products that are tailored for specific business use cases. For more information, see Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio terminology and concepts.
Any Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio user with the required permissions can edit an Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio data product.
To edit a data product complete the following steps.
Navigate to Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio using the URL from your admin and log in using your SSO or AWS credentials.
Navigate to the project that contains the data product that you want to edit. You can do this by using the center menu at the top of the page and choosing Browse all projects, then choosing the name of the project that you want to navigate to.
Under Project catalog, choose Assets.
Choose the Inventory tab, and then choose the Data products filter. This displays existing data products in the project inventory.
Choose the data product that you want to edit. As part of editing a data product, you can do the following:
Choose Create README to add a README that will help users understand the page better.
Choose Add terms to add glossary terms. Make your selections of glossary terms in the Add terms window and then choose Add terms.
Choose Add metadata form and then select your form in the Add metadata form window and choose Add.
Expand Actions, choose Edit, make your edits to the name and description of the data product, and then choose Update.
On the Assets tab, remove one of the existing assets in the data product by choosing that asset, then expanding the three-dot action icon and choosing Remove asset. Confirm the asset removal by choosing Remove in the Remove asset pop-up window. When you republish, this asset will be removed from all subscribers to this data product.
On the Assets tab, add a new asset to the data product by choosing the Add button and then selecting one or more assets to be added to the data product.