Search for and view assets in the Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio catalog
Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio provides a streamlined way to search for data. Any Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio user with permissions to access Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio can search for assets in the Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio catalog and view asset names and the metadata assigned to them. You can take a closer look at an asset by examining its details page.
To view the actual data that an asset contains, you must first subscribe to the asset and have your subscription request approved and access granted.
To search for assets in the catalog
Navigate to Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio using the URL from your admin and log in using your SSO or AWS credentials.
Navigate to the Discover menu in the top navigation bar.
Choose Data catalog.
Find the asset you want to subscribe to by browsing or typing the name of the asset into the search bar.
To view details about a specific asset, choose the asset to open its details page. The details page includes the following information:
The asset name and type.
A description of the asset.
The current published revision of the asset, the owner, whether approval is required for subscriptions, and update history.
A Business metadata tab which includes glossary terms and metadata forms.
A Subscription requests tab which includes a list of subscribers to the domain.
A Lineage tab which displays a chart of past revisions of the asset.