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ServiceCatalogProvisionedProductDetails - Amazon SageMaker
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Details of a provisioned service catalog product. For information about service catalog, see What is AWS Service Catalog.



The ID of the provisioned product.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 100.

Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*

Required: No


The current status of the product.

  • AVAILABLE - Stable state, ready to perform any operation. The most recent operation succeeded and completed.

  • UNDER_CHANGE - Transitive state. Operations performed might not have valid results. Wait for an AVAILABLE status before performing operations.

  • TAINTED - Stable state, ready to perform any operation. The stack has completed the requested operation but is not exactly what was requested. For example, a request to update to a new version failed and the stack rolled back to the current version.

  • ERROR - An unexpected error occurred. The provisioned product exists but the stack is not running. For example, CloudFormation received a parameter value that was not valid and could not launch the stack.

  • PLAN_IN_PROGRESS - Transitive state. The plan operations were performed to provision a new product, but resources have not yet been created. After reviewing the list of resources to be created, execute the plan. Wait for an AVAILABLE status before performing operations.

Type: String

Pattern: .*

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:

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