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Contoh kode Pemrosesan Fitur untuk kasus penggunaan umum
Contoh berikut memberikan contoh kode Pemrosesan Fitur untuk kasus penggunaan umum. Untuk contoh notebook yang lebih detail yang menampilkan kasus penggunaan tertentu, lihat Notebook Pemrosesan SageMaker Fitur Amazon Feature Store
Dalam contoh berikut,
adalah wilayah sumber daya, us-east-1
adalah ID akun pemilik sumber daya, dan 111122223333
merupakan nama grup fitur.your-feature-group-name
Kumpulan transactions
data yang digunakan dalam contoh berikut memiliki skema berikut:
'FeatureDefinitions': [ {'FeatureName': 'txn_id', 'FeatureType': 'String'}, {'FeatureName': 'txn_time', 'FeatureType': 'String'}, {'FeatureName': 'credit_card_num', 'FeatureType': 'String'}, {'FeatureName': 'txn_amount', 'FeatureType': 'Fractional'} ]
Menggabungkan data dari berbagai sumber data
@feature_processor( inputs=[ CSVDataSource('s3://bucket/customer'), FeatureGroupDataSource('transactions') ], output='arn:aws:sagemaker:
' ) def join(transactions_df, customer_df): '''Combine two data sources with an inner join on a common column''' return transactions_df.join( customer_df, transactions_df.customer_id == customer_df.customer_id, "inner" )
Agregat jendela geser
@feature_processor( inputs=[FeatureGroupDataSource('transactions')], output='arn:aws:sagemaker:
' ) def sliding_window_aggregates(transactions_df): '''Aggregates over 1-week windows, across 1-day sliding windows.''' from pyspark.sql.functions import window, avg, count return ( transactions_df .groupBy("credit_card_num", window("txn_time", "1 week", "1 day")) .agg(avg("txn_amount").alias("avg_week"), count("*").alias("count_week")) .orderBy("window.start") .select("credit_card_num", "window.start", "avg_week", "count_week") )
Agregat jendela jatuh
@feature_processor( inputs=[FeatureGroupDataSource('transactions')], output='arn:aws:sagemaker:
' ) def tumbling_window_aggregates(transactions_df, spark): '''Aggregates over 1-week windows, across 1-day tumbling windows, as a SQL query.''' transactions_df.createOrReplaceTempView('transactions') return spark.sql(f''' SELECT credit_card_num, window.start, AVG(amount) AS avg, COUNT(*) AS count FROM transactions GROUP BY credit_card_num, window(txn_time, "1 week") ORDER BY window.start ''')
Promosi dari toko offline ke toko online
@feature_processor( inputs=[FeatureGroupDataSource('transactions')], target_stores=['OnlineStore'], output='arn:aws:sagemaker:
:feature-group/transactions' ) def offline_to_online(): '''Move data from the offline store to the online store of the same feature group.''' transactions_df.createOrReplaceTempView('transactions') return spark.sql(f''' SELECT txn_id, txn_time, credit_card_num, amount FROM (SELECT *, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY txn_id ORDER BY "txn_time" DESC, Api_Invocation_Time DESC, write_time DESC) AS row_number FROM transactions) WHERE row_number = 1 ''')
Transformasi dengan perpustakaan Pandas
Transformasi dengan perpustakaan Pandas
@feature_processor( inputs=[FeatureGroupDataSource('transactions')], target_stores=['OnlineStore'], output='arn:aws:sagemaker:
:feature-group/transactions' ) def pandas(transactions_df): '''Author transformations using the Pandas interface. Requires PyArrow to be installed via pip. For more details: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/python/user_guide/pandas_on_spark ''' import pyspark.pandas as ps # PySpark DF to Pandas-On-Spark DF (Distributed DF with Pandas interface). pandas_on_spark_df = transactions_df.pandas_api() # Pandas-On-Spark DF to Pandas DF (Single Machine Only). pandas_df = pandas_on_spark_df.to_pandas() # Reverse: Pandas DF to Pandas-On-Spark DF pandas_on_spark_df = ps.from_pandas(pandas_df) # Reverse: Pandas-On-Spark DF to PySpark DF spark_df = pandas_on_spark_df.to_spark() return spark_df
Eksekusi berkelanjutan dan percobaan ulang otomatis menggunakan pemicu berbasis peristiwa
from sagemaker.feature_store.feature_processor import put_trigger, to_pipeline, FeatureProcessorPipelineEvent from sagemaker.feature_store.feature_processor import FeatureProcessorPipelineExecutionStatus streaming_pipeline_name = "
" to_pipeline( pipeline_name=streaming_pipeline_name, step=transform ) put_trigger( source_pipeline_events=[ FeatureProcessorPipelineEvent( pipeline_name=streaming_pipeline_name, pipeline_execution_status=[ FeatureProcessorPipelineExecutionStatus.STOPPED, FeatureProcessorPipelineExecutionStatus.FAILED] ) ], target_pipeline=streaming_pipeline_name )