Identity and Access Management - AWS Security Incident Response User Guide

Identity and Access Management

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is an AWS service that helps an administrator control access to AWS resources. IAM administrators control authenticated (signed in) and authorized (have permissions) principals to use AWS Security Incident Response resources. IAM is an AWS service that you can use with no additional charge.


How you use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) differs, depending on the work that you do in AWS Security Incident Response.

Security Administrators

These users are suggested to use the AWSSecurityIncidentResponseFullAccess managed policy to ensure they have read and write access to membership and case resources.

Case Watchers

These individuals do not have authoritative access to all cases but individual cases that you grant explicit permission for.

Incident Response Team members

Members of the team can be given both full membership and case access. It is recommended that not all individuals have authoritative action on service membership but should have access to any and all cases that are created and managed through the service. For more information, refer to AWS Security Incident Response managed policies.