Mengganti node dalam cluster - AWS Snowball Edge Panduan Pengembang

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Mengganti node dalam cluster

Untuk mengganti node, Anda harus terlebih dahulu memesan pengganti. Anda dapat memesan node pengganti dari konsol, AWS CLI, atau salah satu dari AWS SDKs. Jika Anda memesan simpul pengganti dari konsol, Anda dapat memesan penggantian untuk tugas apa pun yang belum dibatalkan atau diselesaikan. Kemudian, Anda memisahkan node yang tidak sehat dari cluster, menghubungkan node pengganti ke jaringan Anda dan membuka kluster termasuk node pengganti, mengaitkan node pengganti dengan cluster, dan memulai ulang penyimpanan yang kompatibel dengan Amazon S3 pada layanan Snowball Edge.

Untuk memesan simpul pengganti dari konsol
  1. Masuk ke Konsol Manajemen AWS Snow Family.

  2. Temukan dan pilih tugas untuk simpul yang dimiliki klaster yang Anda buat dari dasbor Tugas.

  3. Untuk Tindakan, pilih Ganti simpul.

    Dengan melakukan ini akan membuka langkah terakhir dari wizard pembuatan tugas, dengan semua pengaturan identik dengan bagaimana klaster awalnya dibuat.

  4. Pilih Buat tugas.

Pengganti Snowball Edge Anda sekarang dalam perjalanan ke Anda. Gunakan prosedur berikut untuk menghapus node yang tidak sehat dari cluster.

Untuk menghapus sebuah node dari sebuah cluster
  1. Matikan node yang akan dihapus. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat Mematikan Snowball Edge.

  2. Gunakan describe-cluster perintah untuk memastikan node yang tidak sehat tidak dapat dijangkau. Ini ditunjukkan oleh nilai UNREACHABLE untuk State nama NetworkReachability objek.

    snowballEdge describe-cluster --manifest-file path/to/manifest/file.bin --unlock-code unlock-code --endpoint https://ip-address-of-device-in-cluster
    contoh dari describe-cluster output
    { "ClusterId": "CID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "Devices": [ { "DeviceId": "JID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "UnlockStatus": { "State": "UNLOCKED" }, "ActiveNetworkInterface": { "IpAddress": "" }, "ClusterAssociation": { "ClusterId": "CID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "State": "ASSOCIATED" }, "NetworkReachability": { "State": "REACHABLE" }, "Tags": [] }, { "DeviceId": "JID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789013", "UnlockStatus": { "State": "UNLOCKED" }, "ActiveNetworkInterface": { "IpAddress": "" }, "ClusterAssociation": { "ClusterId": "CID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "State": "ASSOCIATED" }, "NetworkReachability": { "State": "REACHABLE" }, "Tags": [] }, { "DeviceId": "JID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789014", "ClusterAssociation": { "ClusterId": "CID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "State": "ASSOCIATED" }, "NetworkReachability": { "State": "UNREACHABLE" } } ] }
  3. Gunakan describe-service perintah untuk memastikan status s3-snow layananDEGRADED.

    snowballEdge describe-service --service-id s3-snow --device-ip-addresses snow-device-1-address snow-device-2-address --manifest-file path/to/manifest/file.bin --unlock-code unlock-code --endpoint https://snow-device-ip-address
    contoh Output dari describe-service Command
    { "ServiceId": "s3-snow", "Autostart": true, "Status": { "State": "DEGRADED" }, "ServiceCapacities": [ { "Name": "S3 Storage", "Unit": "Byte", "Used": 38768180432, "Available": 82961231819568 } ], "Endpoints": [ { "Protocol": "https", "Port": 443, "Host": "", "CertificateAssociation": { "CertificateArn": "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/7Rg2lP9tQaHnW4sC6xUzF1vGyD3jB5kN8MwEiYpT" }, "Description" : "s3-snow bucket API endpoint (for s3control SDK)", "DeviceId": "JID-beta-207012320001-24-02-05-17-17-26", "Status": { "State": "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol": "https", "Port": 443, "Host": "", "CertificateAssociation": { "CertificateArn": "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/7Rg2lP9tQaHnW4sC6xUzF1vGyD3jB5kN8MwEiYpT" }, "Description": "Description" : "s3-snow object & bucket API endpoint (for s3api SDK)", "DeviceId": "JID-beta-207012320001-24-02-05-17-17-26", "Status": { "State": "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol": "https", "Port": 443, "Host": "", "CertificateAssociation": { "CertificateArn": "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/7Rg2lP9tQaHnW4sC6xUzF1vGyD3jB5kN8MwEiYpT" }, "Description": "Description" : "s3-snow bucket API endpoint (for s3control SDK)", "DeviceId": "JID-beta-207012240003-24-02-05-17-17-27", "Status": { "State": "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol": "https", "Port": 443, "Host": "", "CertificateAssociation": { "CertificateArn": "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/7Rg2lP9tQaHnW4sC6xUzF1vGyD3jB5kN8MwEiYpT" }, "Description": "Description" : "s3-snow object & bucket API endpoint (for s3api SDK)", "DeviceId": "JID-beta-207012320001-24-02-05-17-17-27", "Status": { "State": "ACTIVE" } } ] }
  4. Gunakan disassociate-device perintah untuk memisahkan dan menghapus node yang tidak sehat dari cluster.

    snowballEdge disassociate-device --device-id device-id --manifest-file path/to/manifest/file.bin --unlock-code unlock-code --endpoint https://ip-address-of-unhealthy-device
    contoh output dari disassociate-device perintah
    Disassociating your Snowball Edge device from the cluster. Your Snowball Edge device will be disassociated from the cluster when it is in the "DISASSOCIATED" state. You can use the describe-cluster command to determine the state of your cluster.
  5. Gunakan describe-cluster perintah lagi untuk memastikan node yang tidak sehat terlepas dari cluster.

    snowballEdge describe-cluster --manifest-file path/to/manifest/file.bin --unlock-code unlock-code --endpoint https:ip-address-of-healthy-device
    contoh describe-clusterperintah yang menunjukkan node terputus
    { "ClusterId": "CID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "Devices": [ { "DeviceId": "JID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "UnlockStatus": { "State": "UNLOCKED" }, "ActiveNetworkInterface": { "IpAddress": "" }, "ClusterAssociation": { "ClusterId": "CID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "State": "ASSOCIATED" }, "NetworkReachability": { "State": "REACHABLE" }, "Tags": [] }, { "DeviceId": "JID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789013", "UnlockStatus": { "State": "UNLOCKED" }, "ActiveNetworkInterface": { "IpAddress": "" }, "ClusterAssociation": { "ClusterId": "CID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "State": "ASSOCIATED" }, "NetworkReachability": { "State": "REACHABLE" }, "Tags": [] }, { "DeviceId": "JID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789014", "ClusterAssociation": { "ClusterId": "CID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "State": "DISASSOCIATED" } } ] }
  6. Matikan dan kembalikan perangkat yang tidak sehat ke AWS. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat Mematikan Snowball Edge dan Mengembalikan Perangkat Snowball Edge.

Saat perangkat pengganti tiba, gunakan prosedur berikut untuk menambahkannya ke cluster.

Untuk menambahkan perangkat pengganti
  1. Posisikan perangkat pengganti untuk cluster sehingga Anda memiliki akses ke depan, belakang, dan atas semua perangkat.

  2. Nyalakan node dan pastikan node terhubung ke jaringan internal yang sama dengan cluster lainnya. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyambung ke Jaringan Lokal Anda.

  3. Gunakan unlock-cluster perintah dan sertakan alamat IP dari node baru.

    snowballEdge unlock-cluster --manifest-file path/to/manifest/file.bin --unlock-code unlock-code --endpoint https://ip-address-of-cluster-device --device-ip-addresses node-1-ip-address node-2-ip-address new-node-ip-address

    Status node baru akan DEGRADED sampai Anda mengaitkannya dengan cluster di langkah berikutnya.

  4. Gunakan associate-device perintah untuk mengaitkan node pengganti dengan cluster.

    snowballEdge associate-device --device-ip-address new-node-ip-address
    contoh dari output associate-device perintah
    Associating your Snowball Edge device with the cluster. Your Snowball Edge device will be associated with the cluster when it is in the ASSOCIATED state. You can use the describe-device command to determine the state of your devices.
  5. Gunakan describe-cluster perintah untuk memastikan node baru dikaitkan dengan cluster.

    snowballEdge describe-cluster --manifest-file path/to/manifest/file.bin --unlock-code unlock-code --endpoint https://node-ip-address
    contoh dari output describe-cluster perintah
    { "ClusterId": "CID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "Devices": [ { "DeviceId": "JID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "UnlockStatus": { "State": "UNLOCKED" }, "ActiveNetworkInterface": { "IpAddress": "" }, "ClusterAssociation": { "ClusterId": "CID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "State": "ASSOCIATED" }, "NetworkReachability": { "State": "REACHABLE" }, "Tags": [] }, { "DeviceId": "JID-CID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789013", "UnlockStatus": { "State": "UNLOCKED" }, "ActiveNetworkInterface": { "IpAddress": "" }, "ClusterAssociation": { "ClusterId": "CID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "State": "ASSOCIATED" }, "NetworkReachability": { "State": "REACHABLE" }, "Tags": [] }, { "DeviceId": "JID-CID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789015", "UnlockStatus": { "State": "UNLOCKED" }, "ActiveNetworkInterface": { "IpAddress": "" }, "ClusterAssociation": { "ClusterId": "CID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "State": "ASSOCIATED" }, "NetworkReachability": { "State": "REACHABLE" }, "Tags": [] } } ] }
  6. Pada node baru, buat dua antarmuka jaringan virtual (VNIs). Untuk informasi selengkapnya, silakan lihat Memulai penyimpanan yang kompatibel dengan Amazon S3 pada layanan Snowball Edge

  7. Gunakan stop-service perintah untuk menghentikan layanan s3-snow.

    snowballEdge stop-service --service-id s3-snow --device-ip-addresses cluster-device-1-ip-address cluster-device-2-ip-address cluster-device-3-ip-address --manifest-file path/to/manifest/file.bin --unlock-code unlock-code --endpoint https://snow-device-ip-address
    contoh dari output stop-service perintah
    Stopping the AWS service on your Snowball Edge. You can determine the status of the AWS service using the describe-service command.
  8. Gunakan start-service perintah untuk memulai layanan s3-snow setelah menambahkan node baru ke cluster.

    snowballEdge start-service --service-id s3-snow --device-ip-addresses cluster-device-1-ip-address cluster-device-2-ip-address cluster-device-3-ip-address --virtual-network-interface-arns "device-1-vni-ip-address-a" "device-1-vni-ip-address-b" "device-2-vni-ip-address-a" "device-2-vni-ip-address-b" "device-3-vni-ip-address-a" "device-3-vni-ip-address-b" --manifest-file path/to/manifest/file.bin --unlock-code unlock-code --endpoint https://snow-device-ip-address
    contoh dari output start-service perintah
    Starting the AWS service on your Snowball Edge. You can determine the status of the AWS service using the describe-service command.
  9. Gunakan describe-service perintah untuk memastikan layanan s3-snow dimulai.

    snowballEdge describe-service --service-id s3-snow --device-ip-addresses snow-device-1-address snow-device-2-address snow-device-3-address --manifest-file path/to/manifest/file.bin --unlock-code unlock-code --endpoint https://snow-device-ip-address
    contoh dari output descibe-service perintah
    { "ServiceId": "s3-snow", "Autostart": true, "Status": { "State": "ACTIVE" }, "ServiceCapacities": [{ "Name": "S3 Storage", "Unit": "Byte", "Used": 38768180432, "Available": 82961231819568 }], "Endpoints": [{ "Protocol": "https", "Port": 443, "Host": "", "CertificateAssociation": { "CertificateArn": "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/7Rg2lP9tQaHnW4sC6xUzF1vGyD3jB5kN8MwEiYpT" }, "Description": "s3-snow bucket API endpoint (for s3control SDK)", "DeviceId": "JID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "Status": { "State": "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol": "https", "Port": 443, "Host": "", "CertificateAssociation": { "CertificateArn": "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/7Rg2lP9tQaHnW4sC6xUzF1vGyD3jB5kN8MwEiYpT" }, "Description": "s3-snow object & bucket API endpoint (for s3api SDK)", "DeviceId": "JID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789013", "Status": { "State": "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol": "https", "Port": 443, "Host": "", "CertificateAssociation": { "CertificateArn": "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/7Rg2lP9tQaHnW4sC6xUzF1vGyD3jB5kN8MwEiYpT" }, "Description": "s3-snow bucket API endpoint (for s3control SDK)", "DeviceId": "JID12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789015", "Status": { "State": "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol": "https", "Port": 443, "Host": "", "CertificateAssociation": { "CertificateArn": "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/7Rg2lP9tQaHnW4sC6xUzF1vGyD3jB5kN8MwEiYpT" }, "Description": "s3-snow object & bucket API endpoint (for s3api SDK)", "DeviceId": "JID-beta-207012320001-24-02-05-17-17-27", "Status": { "State": "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol": "https", "Port": 443, "Host": "", "CertificateAssociation": { "CertificateArn": "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/7Rg2lP9tQaHnW4sC6xUzF1vGyD3jB5kN8MwEiYpT" }, "Description": "s3-snow bucket API endpoint (for s3control SDK)", "DeviceId": "JID-beta-207012240003-24-02-05-17-17-28", "Status": { "State": "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol": "https", "Port": 443, "Host": "", "CertificateAssociation": { "CertificateArn": "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/7Rg2lP9tQaHnW4sC6xUzF1vGyD3jB5kN8MwEiYpT" }, "Description": "s3-snow object & bucket API endpoint (for s3api SDK), "DeviceId": "JID-beta-207012320001-24-02-05-17-17-28", "Status": { "State": "ACTIVE" } } }] }