Individual templates - Media Services Application Mapper on AWS

Individual templates

Depending on your needs, the solution allows you to install the CloudFormation templates separately. This might be the preferred option for you if you are performing a customized installation that requires special handling between stacks, or if you have distributed responsibilities within your organization for managing your AWS accounts.

The order in which to create the stacks are as follows:

  1. Create the IAM resources stack.

  2. Create the DynamoDB tables stack.

  3. Create the Core API and periodic tasks stack.

  4. Create the CloudWatch event handler stack.

  5. Create the Browser application stack.

Install the IAM, DynamoDB, Core, and Web stacks in your main, or most accessed AWS Region only. The IAM resources installed by CloudFormation are global, although the stack you use to install them should be run in the same Region as the other stacks.


Install the CloudWatch event handler stack in each Region Media Services are configured. Otherwise, you won’t be able to monitor these resources.