Contoh 1: Membuat runbook orangtua-anak - AWS Systems Manager

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Contoh 1: Membuat runbook orangtua-anak

Contoh berikut ini menunjukkan cara membuat dua runbook yang menambal grup instans Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) secara bertahap. Runbook ini digunakan dalam hubungan orangtua-anak dengan runbook induk yang digunakan untuk memulai otomatisasi kontrol tingkat runbook anak. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang otomatisasi kontrol tarif tarif, lihatJalankan operasi otomatis pada skala. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang tindakan otomatisasi yang digunakan dalam contoh ini, lihatReferensi tindakan Otomatisasi Systems Manager.

Buat runbook anak

Contoh ini runbook membahas skenario berikut: Emily adalah Systems Engineer di AnyCompany Consultants, LLC. Dia perlu mengonfigurasi patching untuk grup instans Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) yang meng-host database primer dan sekunder. Aplikasi mengakses database ini 24 jam sehari, jadi salah satu instance database harus selalu tersedia.

Dia memutuskan bahwa menambal instance secara bertahap adalah pendekatan terbaik. Kelompok utama contoh database akan ditambal pertama, diikuti oleh kelompok sekunder contoh database. Selain itu, untuk menghindari biaya tambahan dengan membiarkan instance berjalan yang sebelumnya dihentikan, Emily ingin instance yang ditambal dikembalikan ke keadaan semula sebelum penambalan terjadi.

Emily mengidentifikasi grup instance database primer dan sekunder dengan tag yang terkait dengan instance. Dia memutuskan untuk membuat runbook induk yang memulai otomatisasi kontrol tingkat dari runbook anak. Dengan melakukan itu, dia dapat menargetkan tag yang terkait dengan grup instance database primer dan sekunder dan mengelola konkurensi otomatisasi anak. Setelah meninjau dokumen Systems Manager (SSM) yang tersedia untuk ditambal, dia memilihAWS-RunPatchBaseline dokumen tersebut. Dengan menggunakan dokumen SSM ini, rekan-rekannya dapat meninjau informasi kepatuhan patch terkait setelah operasi patching selesai.

Untuk mulai membuat konten runbook-nya, Emily meninjau tindakan otomatisasi yang tersedia dan mulai menulis konten untuk runbook anak sebagai berikut:

  1. Pertama, dia memberikan nilai untuk skema dan deskripsi runbook, dan mendefinisikan parameter input untuk runbook anak.

    Dengan menggunakanAutomationAssumeRole parameter, Emily dan rekan-rekannya dapat menggunakan peran IAM yang ada yang memungkinkan Automation untuk melakukan tindakan di runbook atas nama mereka. Emily menggunakanInstanceId parameter untuk menentukan instance yang harus ditambal. Opsional,Operation,RebootOption, danSnapshotId parameter dapat digunakan untuk memberikan nilai-nilai untuk parameter dokumen untukAWS-RunPatchBaseline. Untuk mencegah nilai yang tidak valid diberikan kepada parameter dokumen tersebut, dia mendefinisikanallowedValues sesuai kebutuhan.

    schemaVersion: '0.3' description: 'An example of an Automation runbook that patches groups of Amazon EC2 instances in stages.' assumeRole: '{{AutomationAssumeRole}}' parameters: AutomationAssumeRole: type: String description: >- '(Optional) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation uses your IAM permissions to operate this runbook.' default: '' InstanceId: type: String description: >- '(Required) The instance you want to patch.' SnapshotId: type: String description: '(Optional) The snapshot ID to use to retrieve a patch baseline snapshot.' default: '' RebootOption: type: String description: '(Optional) Reboot behavior after a patch Install operation. If you choose NoReboot and patches are installed, the instance is marked as non-compliant until a subsequent reboot and scan.' allowedValues: - NoReboot - RebootIfNeeded default: RebootIfNeeded Operation: type: String description: '(Optional) The update or configuration to perform on the instance. The system checks if patches specified in the patch baseline are installed on the instance. The install operation installs patches missing from the baseline.' allowedValues: - Install - Scan default: Install
    { "schemaVersion":"0.3", "description":"An example of an Automation runbook that patches groups of Amazon EC2 instances in stages.", "assumeRole":"{{AutomationAssumeRole}}", "parameters":{ "AutomationAssumeRole":{ "type":"String", "description":"(Optional) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation uses your IAM permissions to operate this runbook.", "default":"" }, "InstanceId":{ "type":"String", "description":"(Required) The instance you want to patch." }, "SnapshotId":{ "type":"String", "description":"(Optional) The snapshot ID to use to retrieve a patch baseline snapshot.", "default":"" }, "RebootOption":{ "type":"String", "description":"(Optional) Reboot behavior after a patch Install operation. If you choose NoReboot and patches are installed, the instance is marked as non-compliant until a subsequent reboot and scan.", "allowedValues":[ "NoReboot", "RebootIfNeeded" ], "default":"RebootIfNeeded" }, "Operation":{ "type":"String", "description":"(Optional) The update or configuration to perform on the instance. The system checks if patches specified in the patch baseline are installed on the instance. The install operation installs patches missing from the baseline.", "allowedValues":[ "Install", "Scan" ], "default":"Install" } } },
  2. Dengan unsur-unsur tingkat atas didefinisikan, Emily melanjutkan dengan authoring tindakanmainSteps yang membentuk runbook. Langkah pertama menampilkan status saat ini dari instance target yang ditentukan dalam parameterInstanceId input menggunakanaws:executeAwsApi tindakan. Output dari tindakan ini digunakan dalam tindakan selanjutnya.

    mainSteps: - name: getInstanceState action: 'aws:executeAwsApi' onFailure: Abort inputs: inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DescribeInstances InstanceIds: - '{{InstanceId}}' outputs: - Name: instanceState Selector: '$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].State.Name' Type: String nextStep: branchOnInstanceState
    "mainSteps":[ { "name":"getInstanceState", "action":"aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure":"Abort", "inputs":{ "inputs":null, "Service":"ec2", "Api":"DescribeInstances", "InstanceIds":[ "{{InstanceId}}" ] }, "outputs":[ { "Name":"instanceState", "Selector":"$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].State.Name", "Type":"String" } ], "nextStep":"branchOnInstanceState" },
  3. Alih-alih memulai dan melacak status asli setiap instance secara manual yang perlu ditambal, Emily menggunakan output dari tindakan sebelumnya untuk mencabang otomatisasi berdasarkan status instance target. Hal ini memungkinkan otomatisasi untuk menjalankan langkah-langkah yang berbeda tergantung pada kondisi yang ditentukan dalamaws:branch tindakan dan meningkatkan efisiensi keseluruhan otomatisasi tanpa intervensi manual.

    Jika status instance sudahrunning, otomatisasi akan berlanjut dengan menambal instance denganAWS-RunPatchBaseline dokumen menggunakanaws:runCommand action.

    Jika status instance adalahstopping, otomatisasi jajak pendapat untuk instance untuk mencapaistopped status menggunakanaws:waitForAwsResourceProperty tindakan, memulai instance menggunakanexecuteAwsApi tindakan, dan polling untuk instance untuk mencapairunning status sebelum menambal instance.

    Jika status instancestopped, otomatisasi memulai instance dan melakukan polling untuk instance untuk mencapairunning status sebelum menambal instance menggunakan tindakan yang sama.

    - name: branchOnInstanceState action: 'aws:branch' onFailure: Abort inputs: Choices: - NextStep: startInstance Variable: '{{getInstanceState.instanceState}}' StringEquals: stopped - NextStep: verifyInstanceStopped Variable: '{{getInstanceState.instanceState}}' StringEquals: stopping - NextStep: patchInstance Variable: '{{getInstanceState.instanceState}}' StringEquals: running isEnd: true - name: startInstance action: 'aws:executeAwsApi' onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: StartInstances InstanceIds: - '{{InstanceId}}' nextStep: verifyInstanceRunning - name: verifyInstanceRunning action: 'aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty' timeoutSeconds: 120 inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DescribeInstances InstanceIds: - '{{InstanceId}}' PropertySelector: '$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].State.Name' DesiredValues: - running nextStep: patchInstance - name: verifyInstanceStopped action: 'aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty' timeoutSeconds: 120 inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DescribeInstances InstanceIds: - '{{InstanceId}}' PropertySelector: '$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].State.Name' DesiredValues: - stopped nextStep: startInstance - name: patchInstance action: 'aws:runCommand' onFailure: Abort timeoutSeconds: 5400 inputs: DocumentName: 'AWS-RunPatchBaseline' InstanceIds: - '{{InstanceId}}' Parameters: SnapshotId: '{{SnapshotId}}' RebootOption: '{{RebootOption}}' Operation: '{{Operation}}'
    { "name":"branchOnInstanceState", "action":"aws:branch", "onFailure":"Abort", "inputs":{ "Choices":[ { "NextStep":"startInstance", "Variable":"{{getInstanceState.instanceState}}", "StringEquals":"stopped" }, { "Or":[ { "Variable":"{{getInstanceState.instanceState}}", "StringEquals":"stopping" } ], "NextStep":"verifyInstanceStopped" }, { "NextStep":"patchInstance", "Variable":"{{getInstanceState.instanceState}}", "StringEquals":"running" } ] }, "isEnd":true }, { "name":"startInstance", "action":"aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure":"Abort", "inputs":{ "Service":"ec2", "Api":"StartInstances", "InstanceIds":[ "{{InstanceId}}" ] }, "nextStep":"verifyInstanceRunning" }, { "name":"verifyInstanceRunning", "action":"aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty", "timeoutSeconds":120, "inputs":{ "Service":"ec2", "Api":"DescribeInstances", "InstanceIds":[ "{{InstanceId}}" ], "PropertySelector":"$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].State.Name", "DesiredValues":[ "running" ] }, "nextStep":"patchInstance" }, { "name":"verifyInstanceStopped", "action":"aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty", "timeoutSeconds":120, "inputs":{ "Service":"ec2", "Api":"DescribeInstances", "InstanceIds":[ "{{InstanceId}}" ], "PropertySelector":"$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].State.Name", "DesiredValues":[ "stopped" ], "nextStep":"startInstance" } }, { "name":"patchInstance", "action":"aws:runCommand", "onFailure":"Abort", "timeoutSeconds":5400, "inputs":{ "DocumentName":"AWS-RunPatchBaseline", "InstanceIds":[ "{{InstanceId}}" ], "Parameters":{ "SnapshotId":"{{SnapshotId}}", "RebootOption":"{{RebootOption}}", "Operation":"{{Operation}}" } } },
  4. Setelah operasi patching selesai, Emily ingin otomatisasi mengembalikan instance target ke keadaan yang sama sebelum otomatisasi dimulai. Dia melakukan ini dengan lagi menggunakan output dari tindakan pertama. Cabang otomatisasi berdasarkan keadaan asli dari instance target menggunakanaws:branch aksi. Jika instance sebelumnya dalam keadaan apa pun selainrunning, instance dihentikan. Jika tidak, jika status instancerunning, otomatisasi berakhir.

    - name: branchOnOriginalInstanceState action: 'aws:branch' onFailure: Abort inputs: Choices: - NextStep: stopInstance Not: Variable: '{{getInstanceState.instanceState}}' StringEquals: running isEnd: true - name: stopInstance action: 'aws:executeAwsApi' onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: StopInstances InstanceIds: - '{{InstanceId}}'
    { "name":"branchOnOriginalInstanceState", "action":"aws:branch", "onFailure":"Abort", "inputs":{ "Choices":[ { "NextStep":"stopInstance", "Not":{ "Variable":"{{getInstanceState.instanceState}}", "StringEquals":"running" } } ] }, "isEnd":true }, { "name":"stopInstance", "action":"aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure":"Abort", "inputs":{ "Service":"ec2", "Api":"StopInstances", "InstanceIds":[ "{{InstanceId}}" ] } } ] }
  5. Emily meninjau konten runbook anak yang telah selesai dan membuat runbook dalam contoh yang samaAkun AWS danWilayah AWS sebagai target. Sekarang dia siap untuk melanjutkan pembuatan konten runbook induk. Berikut ini adalah konten runbook anak yang telah selesai.

    schemaVersion: '0.3' description: 'An example of an Automation runbook that patches groups of Amazon EC2 instances in stages.' assumeRole: '{{AutomationAssumeRole}}' parameters: AutomationAssumeRole: type: String description: >- '(Optional) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation uses your IAM permissions to operate this runbook.' default: '' InstanceId: type: String description: >- '(Required) The instance you want to patch.' SnapshotId: type: String description: '(Optional) The snapshot ID to use to retrieve a patch baseline snapshot.' default: '' RebootOption: type: String description: '(Optional) Reboot behavior after a patch Install operation. If you choose NoReboot and patches are installed, the instance is marked as non-compliant until a subsequent reboot and scan.' allowedValues: - NoReboot - RebootIfNeeded default: RebootIfNeeded Operation: type: String description: '(Optional) The update or configuration to perform on the instance. The system checks if patches specified in the patch baseline are installed on the instance. The install operation installs patches missing from the baseline.' allowedValues: - Install - Scan default: Install mainSteps: - name: getInstanceState action: 'aws:executeAwsApi' onFailure: Abort inputs: inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DescribeInstances InstanceIds: - '{{InstanceId}}' outputs: - Name: instanceState Selector: '$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].State.Name' Type: String nextStep: branchOnInstanceState - name: branchOnInstanceState action: 'aws:branch' onFailure: Abort inputs: Choices: - NextStep: startInstance Variable: '{{getInstanceState.instanceState}}' StringEquals: stopped - Or: - Variable: '{{getInstanceState.instanceState}}' StringEquals: stopping NextStep: verifyInstanceStopped - NextStep: patchInstance Variable: '{{getInstanceState.instanceState}}' StringEquals: running isEnd: true - name: startInstance action: 'aws:executeAwsApi' onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: StartInstances InstanceIds: - '{{InstanceId}}' nextStep: verifyInstanceRunning - name: verifyInstanceRunning action: 'aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty' timeoutSeconds: 120 inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DescribeInstances InstanceIds: - '{{InstanceId}}' PropertySelector: '$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].State.Name' DesiredValues: - running nextStep: patchInstance - name: verifyInstanceStopped action: 'aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty' timeoutSeconds: 120 inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DescribeInstances InstanceIds: - '{{InstanceId}}' PropertySelector: '$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].State.Name' DesiredValues: - stopped nextStep: startInstance - name: patchInstance action: 'aws:runCommand' onFailure: Abort timeoutSeconds: 5400 inputs: DocumentName: 'AWS-RunPatchBaseline' InstanceIds: - '{{InstanceId}}' Parameters: SnapshotId: '{{SnapshotId}}' RebootOption: '{{RebootOption}}' Operation: '{{Operation}}' - name: branchOnOriginalInstanceState action: 'aws:branch' onFailure: Abort inputs: Choices: - NextStep: stopInstance Not: Variable: '{{getInstanceState.instanceState}}' StringEquals: running isEnd: true - name: stopInstance action: 'aws:executeAwsApi' onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: StopInstances InstanceIds: - '{{InstanceId}}'
    { "schemaVersion":"0.3", "description":"An example of an Automation runbook that patches groups of Amazon EC2 instances in stages.", "assumeRole":"{{AutomationAssumeRole}}", "parameters":{ "AutomationAssumeRole":{ "type":"String", "description":"'(Optional) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation uses your IAM permissions to operate this runbook.'", "default":"" }, "InstanceId":{ "type":"String", "description":"'(Required) The instance you want to patch.'" }, "SnapshotId":{ "type":"String", "description":"(Optional) The snapshot ID to use to retrieve a patch baseline snapshot.", "default":"" }, "RebootOption":{ "type":"String", "description":"(Optional) Reboot behavior after a patch Install operation. If you choose NoReboot and patches are installed, the instance is marked as non-compliant until a subsequent reboot and scan.", "allowedValues":[ "NoReboot", "RebootIfNeeded" ], "default":"RebootIfNeeded" }, "Operation":{ "type":"String", "description":"(Optional) The update or configuration to perform on the instance. The system checks if patches specified in the patch baseline are installed on the instance. The install operation installs patches missing from the baseline.", "allowedValues":[ "Install", "Scan" ], "default":"Install" } }, "mainSteps":[ { "name":"getInstanceState", "action":"aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure":"Abort", "inputs":{ "inputs":null, "Service":"ec2", "Api":"DescribeInstances", "InstanceIds":[ "{{InstanceId}}" ] }, "outputs":[ { "Name":"instanceState", "Selector":"$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].State.Name", "Type":"String" } ], "nextStep":"branchOnInstanceState" }, { "name":"branchOnInstanceState", "action":"aws:branch", "onFailure":"Abort", "inputs":{ "Choices":[ { "NextStep":"startInstance", "Variable":"{{getInstanceState.instanceState}}", "StringEquals":"stopped" }, { "Or":[ { "Variable":"{{getInstanceState.instanceState}}", "StringEquals":"stopping" } ], "NextStep":"verifyInstanceStopped" }, { "NextStep":"patchInstance", "Variable":"{{getInstanceState.instanceState}}", "StringEquals":"running" } ] }, "isEnd":true }, { "name":"startInstance", "action":"aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure":"Abort", "inputs":{ "Service":"ec2", "Api":"StartInstances", "InstanceIds":[ "{{InstanceId}}" ] }, "nextStep":"verifyInstanceRunning" }, { "name":"verifyInstanceRunning", "action":"aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty", "timeoutSeconds":120, "inputs":{ "Service":"ec2", "Api":"DescribeInstances", "InstanceIds":[ "{{InstanceId}}" ], "PropertySelector":"$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].State.Name", "DesiredValues":[ "running" ] }, "nextStep":"patchInstance" }, { "name":"verifyInstanceStopped", "action":"aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty", "timeoutSeconds":120, "inputs":{ "Service":"ec2", "Api":"DescribeInstances", "InstanceIds":[ "{{InstanceId}}" ], "PropertySelector":"$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].State.Name", "DesiredValues":[ "stopped" ], "nextStep":"startInstance" } }, { "name":"patchInstance", "action":"aws:runCommand", "onFailure":"Abort", "timeoutSeconds":5400, "inputs":{ "DocumentName":"AWS-RunPatchBaseline", "InstanceIds":[ "{{InstanceId}}" ], "Parameters":{ "SnapshotId":"{{SnapshotId}}", "RebootOption":"{{RebootOption}}", "Operation":"{{Operation}}" } } }, { "name":"branchOnOriginalInstanceState", "action":"aws:branch", "onFailure":"Abort", "inputs":{ "Choices":[ { "NextStep":"stopInstance", "Not":{ "Variable":"{{getInstanceState.instanceState}}", "StringEquals":"running" } } ] }, "isEnd":true }, { "name":"stopInstance", "action":"aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure":"Abort", "inputs":{ "Service":"ec2", "Api":"StopInstances", "InstanceIds":[ "{{InstanceId}}" ] } } ] }

Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang tindakan otomatisasi yang digunakan dalam contoh ini, lihatReferensi tindakan Otomatisasi Systems Manager.

Buat runbook induk

Contoh ini runbook melanjutkan skenario yang dijelaskan pada bagian sebelumnya. Sekarang Emily telah membuat runbook anak, dia mulai menulis konten untuk runbook induk sebagai berikut:

  1. Pertama, dia memberikan nilai untuk skema dan deskripsi runbook, dan mendefinisikan parameter input untuk runbook induk.

    Dengan menggunakanAutomationAssumeRole parameter, Emily dan rekan-rekannya dapat menggunakan peran IAM yang ada yang memungkinkan Automation untuk melakukan tindakan di runbook atas nama mereka. Emily menggunakanPatchGroupPrimaryValue parameterPatchGroupPrimaryKey and untuk menentukan tag yang terkait dengan kelompok utama instance database yang akan ditambal. Dia menggunakanPatchGroupSecondaryKey danPatchGroupSecondaryValue parameter untuk menentukan tag yang terkait dengan kelompok sekunder contoh database yang akan ditambal.

    description: 'An example of an Automation runbook that patches groups of Amazon EC2 instances in stages.' schemaVersion: '0.3' assumeRole: '{{AutomationAssumeRole}}' parameters: AutomationAssumeRole: type: String description: '(Optional) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation uses your IAM permissions to operate this runbook.' default: '' PatchGroupPrimaryKey: type: String description: '(Required) The key of the tag for the primary group of instances you want to patch.'' PatchGroupPrimaryValue: type: String description: '(Required) The value of the tag for the primary group of instances you want to patch.' PatchGroupSecondaryKey: type: String description: '(Required) The key of the tag for the secondary group of instances you want to patch.' PatchGroupSecondaryValue: type: String description: '(Required) The value of the tag for the secondary group of instances you want to patch.'
    { "schemaVersion": "0.3", "description": "An example of an Automation runbook that patches groups of Amazon EC2 instances in stages.", "assumeRole": "{{AutomationAssumeRole}}", "parameters": { "AutomationAssumeRole": { "type": "String", "description": "(Optional) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation uses your IAM permissions to operate this runbook.", "default": "" }, "PatchGroupPrimaryKey": { "type": "String", "description": "(Required) The key of the tag for the primary group of instances you want to patch." }, "PatchGroupPrimaryValue": { "type": "String", "description": "(Required) The value of the tag for the primary group of instances you want to patch." }, "PatchGroupSecondaryKey": { "type": "String", "description": "(Required) The key of the tag for the secondary group of instances you want to patch." }, "PatchGroupSecondaryValue": { "type": "String", "description": "(Required) The value of the tag for the secondary group of instances you want to patch." } } },
  2. Dengan unsur-unsur tingkat atas didefinisikan, Emily melanjutkan dengan authoring tindakanmainSteps yang membentuk runbook.

    Tindakan pertama memulai otomatisasi kontrol tingkat menggunakan runbook anak yang baru saja dia buat yang menargetkan instance yang terkait dengan tag yang ditentukan dalam parameterPatchGroupPrimaryKey danPatchGroupPrimaryValue input. Dia menggunakan nilai yang diberikan kepada parameter input untuk menentukan kunci dan nilai tag yang terkait dengan kelompok utama instance database yang ingin ditambal.

    Setelah otomatisasi pertama selesai, tindakan kedua memulai otomatisasi kontrol tingkat lain menggunakan runbook anak yang menargetkan instance yang terkait dengan tag yang ditentukan dalam parameterPatchGroupSecondaryKey danPatchGroupSecondaryValue input. Dia menggunakan nilai-nilai yang diberikan kepada parameter input untuk menentukan kunci dan nilai tag yang terkait dengan kelompok sekunder contoh database yang dia ingin patch.

    mainSteps: - name: patchPrimaryTargets action: 'aws:executeAutomation' onFailure: Abort timeoutSeconds: 7200 inputs: DocumentName: RunbookTutorialChildAutomation Targets: - Key: 'tag:{{PatchGroupPrimaryKey}}' Values: - '{{PatchGroupPrimaryValue}}' TargetParameterName: 'InstanceId' - name: patchSecondaryTargets action: 'aws:executeAutomation' onFailure: Abort timeoutSeconds: 7200 inputs: DocumentName: RunbookTutorialChildAutomation Targets: - Key: 'tag:{{PatchGroupSecondaryKey}}' Values: - '{{PatchGroupSecondaryValue}}' TargetParameterName: 'InstanceId'
    "mainSteps":[ { "name":"patchPrimaryTargets", "action":"aws:executeAutomation", "onFailure":"Abort", "timeoutSeconds":7200, "inputs":{ "DocumentName":"RunbookTutorialChildAutomation", "Targets":[ { "Key":"tag:{{PatchGroupPrimaryKey}}", "Values":[ "{{PatchGroupPrimaryValue}}" ] } ], "TargetParameterName":"InstanceId" } }, { "name":"patchSecondaryTargets", "action":"aws:executeAutomation", "onFailure":"Abort", "timeoutSeconds":7200, "inputs":{ "DocumentName":"RunbookTutorialChildAutomation", "Targets":[ { "Key":"tag:{{PatchGroupSecondaryKey}}", "Values":[ "{{PatchGroupSecondaryValue}}" ] } ], "TargetParameterName":"InstanceId" } } ] }
  3. Emily meninjau konten runbook induk yang telah selesai dan membuat runbook dalam contoh yang samaAkun AWS danWilayah AWS sebagai target. Sekarang, dia siap untuk menguji runbook-nya untuk memastikan otomatisasi beroperasi seperti yang diinginkan sebelum menerapkannya ke lingkungan produksinya. Berikut ini adalah konten runbook induk yang telah selesai.

    description: An example of an Automation runbook that patches groups of Amazon EC2 instances in stages. schemaVersion: '0.3' assumeRole: '{{AutomationAssumeRole}}' parameters: AutomationAssumeRole: type: String description: '(Optional) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation uses your IAM permissions to operate this runbook.' default: '' PatchGroupPrimaryKey: type: String description: (Required) The key of the tag for the primary group of instances you want to patch. PatchGroupPrimaryValue: type: String description: '(Required) The value of the tag for the primary group of instances you want to patch. ' PatchGroupSecondaryKey: type: String description: (Required) The key of the tag for the secondary group of instances you want to patch. PatchGroupSecondaryValue: type: String description: '(Required) The value of the tag for the secondary group of instances you want to patch. ' mainSteps: - name: patchPrimaryTargets action: 'aws:executeAutomation' onFailure: Abort timeoutSeconds: 7200 inputs: DocumentName: RunbookTutorialChildAutomation Targets: - Key: 'tag:{{PatchGroupPrimaryKey}}' Values: - '{{PatchGroupPrimaryValue}}' TargetParameterName: 'InstanceId' - name: patchSecondaryTargets action: 'aws:executeAutomation' onFailure: Abort timeoutSeconds: 7200 inputs: DocumentName: RunbookTutorialChildAutomation Targets: - Key: 'tag:{{PatchGroupSecondaryKey}}' Values: - '{{PatchGroupSecondaryValue}}' TargetParameterName: 'InstanceId'
    { "description":"An example of an Automation runbook that patches groups of Amazon EC2 instances in stages.", "schemaVersion":"0.3", "assumeRole":"{{AutomationAssumeRole}}", "parameters":{ "AutomationAssumeRole":{ "type":"String", "description":"(Optional) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation uses your IAM permissions to operate this runbook.", "default":"" }, "PatchGroupPrimaryKey":{ "type":"String", "description":"(Required) The key of the tag for the primary group of instances you want to patch." }, "PatchGroupPrimaryValue":{ "type":"String", "description":"(Required) The value of the tag for the primary group of instances you want to patch. " }, "PatchGroupSecondaryKey":{ "type":"String", "description":"(Required) The key of the tag for the secondary group of instances you want to patch." }, "PatchGroupSecondaryValue":{ "type":"String", "description":"(Required) The value of the tag for the secondary group of instances you want to patch. " } }, "mainSteps":[ { "name":"patchPrimaryTargets", "action":"aws:executeAutomation", "onFailure":"Abort", "timeoutSeconds":7200, "inputs":{ "DocumentName":"RunbookTutorialChildAutomation", "Targets":[ { "Key":"tag:{{PatchGroupPrimaryKey}}", "Values":[ "{{PatchGroupPrimaryValue}}" ] } ], "TargetParameterName":"InstanceId" } }, { "name":"patchSecondaryTargets", "action":"aws:executeAutomation", "onFailure":"Abort", "timeoutSeconds":7200, "inputs":{ "DocumentName":"RunbookTutorialChildAutomation", "Targets":[ { "Key":"tag:{{PatchGroupSecondaryKey}}", "Values":[ "{{PatchGroupSecondaryValue}}" ] } ], "TargetParameterName":"InstanceId" } } ] }

Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang tindakan otomatisasi yang digunakan dalam contoh ini, lihatReferensi tindakan Otomatisasi Systems Manager.