Buat AMI dan salinan lintas wilayah - AWS Systems Manager

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Buat AMI dan salinan lintas wilayah

Membuat Amazon Machine Image (AMI) dari sebuah instans adalah proses umum yang digunakan dalam backup dan recovery. Anda juga dapat memilih untuk menyalin AMI ke yang lain Wilayah AWS sebagai bagian dari arsitektur pemulihan bencana. Mengotomatiskan tugas pemeliharaan umum dapat mengurangi waktu henti jika masalah memerlukan failover. AWS Systems Manager Tindakan otomatisasi dapat membantu Anda mencapai hal ini. Otomatisasi adalah kemampuan AWS Systems Manager.

Contoh AWS Systems Manager runbook berikut melakukan tindakan ini:

  • Menggunakan aws:executeAwsApi tindakan otomatisasi untuk membuat AMI.

  • Menggunakan aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty tindakan otomatisasi untuk mengonfirmasi ketersediaan AMI.

  • Menggunakan aws:executeScript tindakan otomatisasi untuk menyalin AMI ke wilayah tujuan.

--- description: Custom Automation Backup and Recovery Example schemaVersion: '0.3' assumeRole: "{{ AutomationAssumeRole }}" parameters: AutomationAssumeRole: type: String description: "(Required) The ARN of the role that allows Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation uses your IAM permissions to use this runbook." default: '' InstanceId: type: String description: "(Required) The ID of the EC2 instance." default: '' mainSteps: - name: createImage action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: CreateImage InstanceId: "{{ InstanceId }}" Name: "Automation Image for {{ InstanceId }}" NoReboot: false outputs: - Name: newImageId Selector: "$.ImageId" Type: String nextStep: verifyImageAvailability - name: verifyImageAvailability action: aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty timeoutSeconds: 600 inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DescribeImages ImageIds: - "{{ createImage.newImageId }}" PropertySelector: "$.Images[0].State" DesiredValues: - available nextStep: copyImage - name: copyImage action: aws:executeScript timeoutSeconds: 45 onFailure: Abort inputs: Runtime: python3.8 Handler: crossRegionImageCopy InputPayload: newImageId : "{{ createImage.newImageId }}" Script: |- def crossRegionImageCopy(events,context): import boto3 #Initialize client ec2 = boto3.client('ec2', region_name='us-east-1') newImageId = events['newImageId'] ec2.copy_image( Name='DR Copy for ' + newImageId, SourceImageId=newImageId, SourceRegion='us-west-2' )
{ "description": "Custom Automation Backup and Recovery Example", "schemaVersion": "0.3", "assumeRole": "{{ AutomationAssumeRole }}", "parameters": { "AutomationAssumeRole": { "type": "String", "description": "(Required) The ARN of the role that allows Automation to perform\nthe actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation\nuses your IAM permissions to run this runbook.", "default": "" }, "InstanceId": { "type": "String", "description": "(Required) The ID of the EC2 instance.", "default": "" } }, "mainSteps": [ { "name": "createImage", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "CreateImage", "InstanceId": "{{ InstanceId }}", "Name": "Automation Image for {{ InstanceId }}", "NoReboot": false }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "newImageId", "Selector": "$.ImageId", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "verifyImageAvailability" }, { "name": "verifyImageAvailability", "action": "aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty", "timeoutSeconds": 600, "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "DescribeImages", "ImageIds": [ "{{ createImage.newImageId }}" ], "PropertySelector": "$.Images[0].State", "DesiredValues": [ "available" ] }, "nextStep": "copyImage" }, { "name": "copyImage", "action": "aws:executeScript", "timeoutSeconds": 45, "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Runtime": "python3.8", "Handler": "crossRegionImageCopy", "InputPayload": { "newImageId": "{{ createImage.newImageId }}" }, "Attachment": "crossRegionImageCopy.py" } } ], "files": { "crossRegionImageCopy.py": { "checksums": { "sha256": "sampleETagValue" } } } }