Contoh PII redaksi dan keluaran identifikasi - Amazon Transcribe

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Contoh PII redaksi dan keluaran identifikasi

Contoh berikut menunjukkan output yang disunting dari pekerjaan batch dan streaming, dan PII identifikasi dari pekerjaan streaming.

Pekerjaan transkripsi menggunakan redaksi konten menghasilkan dua jenis nilai. confidence Keyakinan Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) menunjukkan item type yang memiliki pronunciation atau punctuation merupakan ucapan tertentu. Dalam output transkrip berikut, kata tersebut Good memiliki a confidence dari. 1.0 Nilai kepercayaan ini menunjukkan bahwa Amazon Transcribe 100 persen yakin bahwa kata yang diucapkan dalam transkrip ini adalah 'Baik'. confidenceNilai untuk [PII] tag adalah keyakinan bahwa pidato yang ditandai untuk redaksi benar-benar. PII Dalam output transkrip berikut, confidence dari 0.9999 menunjukkan bahwa 99,99 persen yakin bahwa entitas yang disuntingnya dalam transkrip Amazon Transcribe adalah. PII

Contoh keluaran yang disunting (batch)

{ "jobName": "my-first-transcription-job", "accountId": "111122223333", "isRedacted": true, "results": { "transcripts": [ { "transcript": "Good morning, everybody. My name is [PII], and today I feel like sharing a whole lot of personal information with you. Let's start with my Social Security number [PII]. My credit card number is [PII] and my C V V code is [PII]. I hope that Amazon Transcribe is doing a good job at redacting that personal information away. Let's check." } ], "items": [ { "id": 0, "start_time": "2.86", "end_time": "3.35", "alternatives": [ { "confidence": "1.0", "content": "Good" } ], "type": "pronunciation" }, Items removed for brevity { "id": 8, "start_time": "5.56", "end_time": "6.25", "alternatives": [ { "content": "[PII]", "redactions": [ { "confidence": "0.9999", "type": "NAME", "category": "PII" } ] } ], "type": "pronunciation" }, Items removed for brevity ], }, "status": "COMPLETED" }

Berikut transkrip yang belum disunting untuk perbandingan:

{ "jobName": "job id", "accountId": "111122223333", "isRedacted": false, "results": { "transcripts": [ { "transcript": "Good morning, everybody. My name is Mike, and today I feel like sharing a whole lot of personal information with you. Let's start with my Social Security number 000000000. My credit card number is 5555555555555555 and my C V V code is 000. I hope that Amazon Transcribe is doing a good job at redacting that personal information away. Let's check." } ], "items": [ { "id": 0, "start_time": "2.86", "end_time": "3.35", "alternatives": [ { "confidence": "1.0", "content": "Good" } ], "type": "pronunciation" }, Items removed for brevity { "id": 8, "start_time": "5.56", "end_time": "6.25", "alternatives": [ { "confidence": "0.9999", "content": "Mike", { ], "type": "pronunciation" }, Items removed for brevity ], }, "status": "COMPLETED" }

Contoh output streaming yang disunting

{ "TranscriptResultStream": { "TranscriptEvent": { "Transcript": { "Results": [ { "Alternatives": [ { "Transcript": "my name is [NAME]", "Items": [ { "Content": "my", "EndTime": 0.3799375, "StartTime": 0.0299375, "Type": "pronunciation" }, { "Content": "name", "EndTime": 0.5899375, "StartTime": 0.3899375, "Type": "pronunciation" }, { "Content": "is", "EndTime": 0.7899375, "StartTime": 0.5999375, "Type": "pronunciation" }, { "Content": "[NAME]", "EndTime": 1.0199375, "StartTime": 0.7999375, "Type": "pronunciation" } ], "Entities": [ { "Content": "[NAME]", "Category": "PII", "Type": "NAME", "StartTime" : 0.7999375, "EndTime" : 1.0199375, "Confidence": 0.9989 } ] } ], "EndTime": 1.02, "IsPartial": false, "ResultId": "12345a67-8bc9-0de1-2f34-a5b678c90d12", "StartTime": 0.0199375 } ] } } } }

Contoh keluaran PII identifikasi

PIIidentifikasi adalah fitur tambahan yang dapat Anda gunakan dengan pekerjaan transkripsi streaming Anda. PIIYang diidentifikasi tercantum di Entities bagian setiap segmen.

{ "TranscriptResultStream": { "TranscriptEvent": { "Transcript": { "Results": [ { "Alternatives": [ { "Transcript": "my name is mike", "Items": [ { "Content": "my", "EndTime": 0.3799375, "StartTime": 0.0299375, "Type": "pronunciation" }, { "Content": "name", "EndTime": 0.5899375, "StartTime": 0.3899375, "Type": "pronunciation" }, { "Content": "is", "EndTime": 0.7899375, "StartTime": 0.5999375, "Type": "pronunciation" }, { "Content": "mike", "EndTime": 0.9199375, "StartTime": 0.7999375, "Type": "pronunciation" } ], "Entities": [ { "Content": "mike", "Category": "PII", "Type": "NAME", "StartTime" : 0.7999375, "EndTime" : 1.0199375, "Confidence": 0.9989 } ] } ], "EndTime": 1.02, "IsPartial": false, "ResultId": "12345a67-8bc9-0de1-2f34-a5b678c90d12", "StartTime": 0.0199375 } ] } } } }