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Metrics for continuous delivery - DevOps Guidance
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Metrics for continuous delivery

  • Pipeline stability: The percentage of deployments that encounter failures, which includes failed deployments, required rollbacks, and incidents directly linked to deployments. This metric provides insight into the reliability and efficiency of the continuous delivery pipeline, with a focus on its configuration, infrastructure, and the quality of the code being deployed. A high rate of these failures suggests the continuous delivery pipeline may need refinement. Examine the continuous delivery pipeline logs and calculate the failure percentage based on the total number of deployments over a specific period. This should account for both direct deployment failures and deployments that required subsequent rollbacks or led to incidents.

  • Mean time to production (MTTP): The average time taken from the moment a code change is merged to when it's live in the production environment. This demonstrates how quickly features, bug fixes, or changes get delivered to end users. Improve this metric by streamlining deployment processes, automate testing, reduce manual interventions, and optimize infrastructure provisioning. Calculate this metric using timestamps from merge events and production deployment events, then calculate the average difference over a given period.

  • Operator interventions: The number of deployments run without human intervention, signifying the level of automation and reliability in the deployment process. A higher count might indicate potential areas for automation or optimization. Improve this metric by reducing toil by increasing automation in the deployment pipeline, reducing manual testing and verification, and establishing trust in automated processes. Monitor deployment logs and count the number of deployments that required manual interventions. Aggregate the count over a set period, such as weekly or monthly.

  • Number of changes per release: The number of changes included in each release of the software. It can include changes to code, configuration, or other components of the system. A high number of changes per release may indicate batching of work and a lack of continuous integration. This can lead to longer lead times, increased risk of defects, and reduced ability to troubleshoot issues. The ideal number of changes per release will depend on the specific needs of the organization and the system being developed, and should be continually evaluated and adjusted as needed. Track this metric using release notes, change logs, or commit metadata for each release. For each release, count the number of distinct changes that were included.

  • Deployment frequency: The frequency at which code is deployed to a production environment. It helps teams understand how quickly they can deliver changes, enhancements, and fixes to users at a rapid pace. A higher deployment frequency often correlates with a faster feedback loop resulting not only from continuous delivery, but other mature DevOps practices like quality assurance and observability as well. Lower frequency of deployments may indicate manual or batched deployment processes, bottlenecks in the release pipeline, or a more cautious release strategy. Aim for a balance between high deployment frequency and system stability. Regularly review deployment logs to count the number of successful deployments over a given period, such as daily, weekly, or monthly.

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