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[OA.PPD.1] Encourage collaboration, innovation, learning, and continuous growth to foster a generative culture - DevOps Guidance
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[OA.PPD.1] Encourage collaboration, innovation, learning, and continuous growth to foster a generative culture


A generative culture, as defined by Dr. Ron Westrum's research, provides teams with the autonomy and opportunities to experiment and learn from failures, creating a space for development and performance growth. In a generative culture, individuals feel comfortable expressing their ideas and opinions without fear, and information is openly shared for improvement. This culture is more amenable to successful DevOps adoption than pathological and bureaucratic cultures, which are characterized by a focus on individual power and authority and strict adherence to rules and procedures, respectively.

Leaders should promote a culture of openness and inclusivity and provide teams the autonomy and opportunities to experiment and learn from failures. Encouraging these behaviors allows individual contributors to feel comfortable expressing their ideas and opinions. Recognize and celebrate successes at all levels of the organization, while also providing constructive feedback for improvement as part of performance review processes. Leaders should model these behaviors and create an environment that promotes collaboration, innovation, learning, and continuous growth. For example, if individual contributors are asked to learn about DevOps, cloud technologies, or similar topics, leaders should also strive to become certified and knowledgeable about those topics as well, at least at a high level.

Leaders should model these behaviors and create an environment that promotes collaboration, innovation, learning, and continuous growth. For example, if individual contributors are asked to learn about DevOps, cloud technologies, or similar topics, leaders should also strive to become knowledgeable about those topics as well.

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