Create and update AMI distribution configurations - EC2 Image Builder

Create and update AMI distribution configurations

This section covers creating and updating distribution configurations for an Image Builder AMI.

Create an AMI distribution configuration from the console

Distribution configurations include the output AMI name, specific Region settings for encryption, launch permissions, and AWS accounts, organizations, and organizational units (OUs) that can launch the output AMI, and license configurations.

To create a new AMI distribution configuration:
  1. Open the EC2 Image Builder console at

  2. Choose Distribution settings from the navigation pane. This shows a list of the distribution configurations that are created under your account.

  3. Choose Create distribution settings near the top of the Distribution settings panel.

  4. In the Image type section, choose the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) output type.

  5. In the General section, enter a Name for your distribution configuration, and optional description.

  6. In the Region settings section, enter the following details for each Region where you are distributing your AMI:

    1. The AMI is distributed to the current Region (Region 1), by default. Region 1 is the source for the distribution. Some settings for Region 1 are not open for editing. For any Regions that you add, you can choose a Region from the Region dropdown list.

      The Kms key identifies the AWS KMS key that's used to encrypt the EBS volumes for your image in the target Region. It's important to note that this doesn't apply for the original AMI that the build creates under your account in the source Region (Region 1). Encryption that runs during the distribution phase of the build is only for images that are distributed to other accounts or Regions.

      To encrypt the EBS volumes for the AMI that's created in the source Region for your account, you must set the KMS key in the image recipe block device mapping (Storage (volumes) in the console).

      Image Builder copies the AMI to the Target accounts that you specify for the Region.


      To copy an image across accounts, you must create the EC2ImageBuilderDistributionCrossAccountRole role in all of the distribution target accounts, and attach the Ec2ImageBuilderCrossAccountDistributionAccess policy managed policy to the role.

      The Output AMI name is optional. If you provide a name, the final output AMI name includes an appended timestamp of when the AMI is built. If you do not specify a name, Image Builder appends the build timestamp to the recipe name. This ensures unique AMI names for each build.

      1. With AMI sharing, you can grant access for specified AWS Principals to launch instances from your AMI. If you expand the AMI sharing section, you can enter the following details:

        • Launch permissions – Select Private if you want to keep your AMI private, and allow access for specific AWS Principals to launch an instance from your private AMI. Select Public if you want to make your AMI public. Any AWS Principal can launch an instance from your public AMI.

        • Principals – You can grant access for the following types of AWS Principals to launch instances:

          • AWS account – Grant access to a specific AWS account

          • Organizational unit (OU) – Grant access to an OU, and all of its child entities. Child entities include OUs and AWS accounts.

          • Organization – Grant access to your AWS Organizations, and all of its child entities. Child entities include OUs and AWS accounts.

            First, select the Principal type. Then enter the ID for the AWS Principal to which you want to grant access in the box to the right of the drop-down list. You can enter multiple IDs of different types.

      2. You can expand the License configuration section to attach license configurations created with AWS License Manager to your Image Builder images. License configurations contain licensing rules based on the terms of your enterprise agreements. Image Builder automatically includes license configurations that were associated with your base AMI.

      3. You can expand the Launch template configuration section to specify an EC2 launch template to use for launching instances from the AMI you create.

        If you are using an EC2 launch template, you can instruct Image Builder to create a new version of your launch template that includes the latest AMI ID after the build completes. To update the launch template, configure the settings as follows:

        • Launch template name – Select the name of the launch template that you want Image Builder to update.

        • Set the default version – Select this check box to update the launch template default version to the new version.

        To add another launch template configuration, choose Add launch template configuration. You can have up to five launch template configurations per Region.

    2. To add distribution settings for another Region, choose Add Region.

  7. Choose Create settings when you are done.

Create distribution settings for output AMIs from the AWS CLI

A distribution configuration allows you to specify the name and description of your output AMI, authorize other AWS accounts to launch the AMI, copy the AMI to other accounts, and replicate the AMI to other AWS Regions. It also allows you to export the AMI to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), or configure EC2 Fast Launch for output Windows AMIs. To make an AMI public, set the launch permission authorized accounts to all. See the examples for making an AMI public at EC2 ModifyImageAttribute.

The following example shows how to use the create-distribution-configuration command to create a new distribution configuration for your AMI, using the AWS CLI.

  1. Create a CLI input JSON file

    Use a file-editing tool to create a JSON file with keys shown in one of the following examples, and values that are valid for your environment. These examples define which AWS accounts, AWS Organizations or organizational units (OUs) have permission to launch the AMI you distribute to the specified Regions. Name the file create-ami-distribution-configuration.json, for use in the next step:


    This example distributes an AMI to two Regions, and specifies AWS accounts that have launch permissions in each Region.

    { "name": "MyExampleAccountDistribution", "description": "Copies AMI to eu-west-1, and specifies accounts that can launch instances in each Region.", "distributions": [ { "region": "us-west-2", "amiDistributionConfiguration": { "name": "Name {{imagebuilder:buildDate}}", "description": "An example image name with parameter references", "amiTags": { "KeyName": "Some Value" }, "launchPermission": { "userIds": [ "987654321012" ] } } }, { "region": "eu-west-1", "amiDistributionConfiguration": { "name": "My {{imagebuilder:buildVersion}} image {{imagebuilder:buildDate}}", "amiTags": { "KeyName": "Some value" }, "launchPermission": { "userIds": [ "100000000001" ] } } } ] }
    Organizations and OUs

    This example distributes an AMI to the source Region, and specifies organization and OU launch permissions.

    { "name": "MyExampleAWSOrganizationDistribution", "description": "Shares AMI with the Organization and OU", "distributions": [ { "region": "us-west-2", "amiDistributionConfiguration": { "name": "Name {{ imagebuilder:buildDate }}", "launchPermission": { "organizationArns": [ "arn:aws:organizations::123456789012:organization/o-myorganization123" ], "organizationalUnitArns": [ "arn:aws:organizations::123456789012:ou/o-123example/ou-1234-myorganizationalunit" ] } } } ] }
  2. Run the following command, using the file you created as input.
    aws imagebuilder create-distribution-configuration --cli-input-json file://create-ami-distribution-configuration.json
    • You must include the file:// notation at the beginning of the JSON file path.

    • The path for the JSON file should follow the appropriate convention for the base operating system where you are running the command. For example, Windows uses the backslash (\) to refer to the directory path, and Linux uses the forward slash (/).

    For more detailed information, see create-distribution-configuration in the AWS CLI Command Reference.

Update AMI distribution settings from the console

You can change your AMI distribution settings using the Image Builder console. The updated distribution settings are used for all automated and manual pipeline deployments going forward. However, the changes you make do not apply to any resources that Image Builder has already distributed. For example, if you have distributed an AMI to a Region that you later remove from your distribution, the AMI that was already distributed remains in that Region until you remove it manually.

Update AMI distribution configuration
  1. Open the EC2 Image Builder console at

  2. Choose Distribution settings from the navigation pane. This shows a list of the distribution configurations that are created under your account.

  3. To view details or update a distribution configuration, choose the Configuration name link. This opens the detail view for the distribution settings.


    You can also select the check box next to the Configuration name, then choose View details.

  4. To edit distribution configuration, choose Edit from the upper right corner of the Distribution details section. Some fields are locked, such as the Name of the distribution configuration, and the default Region that is displayed as Region 1. For more information about the distribution configuration settings, see Create an AMI distribution configuration from the console.

  5. Choose Save changes when you are done.

Create distribution settings to enable EC2 Fast Launch for output AMIs

The following example shows how to use the create-distribution-configuration command to create distribution settings that have EC2 Fast Launch configured for your AMI, from the AWS CLI.


Image Builder doesn't support cross-account distribution for AMIs with EC2 Fast Launch pre-enabled. EC2 Fast Launch must be enabled from the destination account.

  1. Create a CLI input JSON file

    Use a file editing tool to create a JSON file with keys as shown in the following example, plus values that are valid for your environment.

    This example launches instances for all of its target resources simultaneously, because the maximum number of parallel launches is greater than the target resource count. This file is named ami-dist-config-win-fast-launch.json in the command example shown in the next step.

    { "name": "WinFastLaunchDistribution", "description": "An example of Windows AMI EC2 Fast Launch settings in the distribution configuration.", "distributions": [ { "region": "us-west-2", "amiDistributionConfiguration": { "name": "Name {{imagebuilder:buildDate}}", "description": "Includes Windows AMI EC2 Fast Launch settings.", "amiTags": { "KeyName": "Some Value" } }, "fastLaunchConfigurations": [{ "enabled": true, "snapshotConfiguration": { "targetResourceCount": 5 }, "maxParallelLaunches": 6, "launchTemplate": { "launchTemplateId": "lt-0ab1234c56d789012", "launchTemplateVersion": "1" } }], "launchTemplateConfigurations": [{ "launchTemplateId": "lt-0ab1234c56d789012", "setDefaultVersion": true }] }] }

    You can specify the launchTemplateName instead of the launchTemplateId in the launchTemplate section, but you can't specify both the name and Id.

  2. Run the following command, using the file you created as input.
    aws imagebuilder create-distribution-configuration --cli-input-json file://ami-dist-config-win-fast-launch.json
    • You must include the file:// notation at the beginning of the JSON file path.

    • The path for the JSON file should follow the appropriate convention for the base operating system where you are running the command. For example, Windows uses the backslash (\) to refer to the directory path, and Linux uses the forward slash (/).

    For more detailed information, see create-distribution-configuration in the AWS CLI Command Reference.

Create distribution settings for output VM disks from the AWS CLI

The following example shows how to use the create-distribution-configuration command to create distribution settings that will export VM image disks to Amazon S3 with every image build.

  1. Create a CLI input JSON file

    You can streamline the create-distribution-configuration command that you use in the AWS CLI. To do this, create a JSON file that contains all of the export configuration that you want to pass into the command.


    The naming convention for the data values in the JSON file follows the pattern that is specified for the Image Builder API action request parameters. To review the API command request parameters, see the CreateDistributionConfiguration command in the EC2 Image Builder API Reference.

    To provide the data values as command line parameters, refer to the parameter names specified in the AWS CLI Command Reference. to the create-distribution-configuration command as options.

    Here is a summary of the parameters that we specify in the s3ExportConfiguration JSON object for this example:

    • roleName (string, required) – The name of the role that grants VM Import/Export permission to export images to your S3 bucket.

    • diskImageFormat (string, required) – Export the updated disk image to one of the following supported formats:

      • Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) – Compatible with Citrix Xen and Microsoft Hyper-V virtualization products.

      • Stream-optimized ESX Virtual Machine Disk (VMDK) – Compatible with VMware ESX and VMware vSphere versions 4, 5, and 6.

      • Raw – Raw format.

    • s3Bucket (string, required) – The S3 bucket in which to store the output disk images for your VM.

    Save the file as export-vm-disks.json. Use the file name in the create-distribution-configuration command.

    { "name": "example-distribution-configuration-with-vm-export", "description": "example", "distributions": [ { "region": "us-west-2", "amiDistributionConfiguration": { "description": "example-with-vm-export" }, "s3ExportConfiguration": { "roleName": "vmimport", "diskImageFormat": "RAW", "s3Bucket": "vm-bucket-export" } }], "clientToken": "abc123def4567ab" }
  2. Run the following command, using the file you created as input.
    aws imagebuilder create-distribution-configuration --cli-input-json file://export-vm-disks.json
    • You must include the file:// notation at the beginning of the JSON file path.

    • The path for the JSON file should follow the appropriate convention for the base operating system where you are running the command. For example, Windows uses the backslash (\) to refer to the directory path, and Linux uses the forward slash (/).

    For more detailed information, see create-distribution-configuration in the AWS CLI Command Reference.

Update AMI distribution settings from the AWS CLI

The following example shows how to use the update-distribution-configuration command to update distribution settings for your AMI, using the AWS CLI.

  1. Create a CLI input JSON file

    Use your favorite file-editing tool to create a JSON file with the keys shown in the following example, plus values that are valid for your environment. This example uses a file named update-ami-distribution-configuration.json.

    { "distributionConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:imagebuilder:us-west-2:123456789012:distribution-configuration/update-ami-distribution-configuration.json", "description": "Copies AMI to eu-west-2, and specifies accounts that can launch instances in each Region.", "distributions": [ { "region": "us-west-2", "amiDistributionConfiguration": { "name": "Name {{imagebuilder:buildDate}}", "description": "An example image name with parameter references", "launchPermissions": { "userIds": [ "987654321012" ] } } }, { "region": "eu-west-2", "amiDistributionConfiguration": { "name": "My {{imagebuilder:buildVersion}} image {{imagebuilder:buildDate}}", "tags": { "KeyName": "Some value" }, "launchPermissions": { "userIds": [ "100000000001" ] } } } ] }
  2. Run the following command, using the file you created as input.
    aws imagebuilder update-distribution-configuration --cli-input-json file://update-ami-distribution-configuration.json
    • You must include the file:// notation at the beginning of the JSON file path.

    • The path for the JSON file should follow the appropriate convention for the base operating system where you are running the command. For example, Windows uses the backslash (\) to refer to the directory path, and Linux uses the forward slash (/).

    For more detailed information, see update-distribution-configuration in the AWS CLI Command Reference. To update tags for your distribution configuration resource, see the Tag resources section.