List and view distribution configuration detail - EC2 Image Builder

List and view distribution configuration detail

This section describes the various ways that you can find information and view details for your EC2 Image Builder distribution configuration.

List distribution configurations from the console

To see a list of the distribution configurations created under your account in the Image Builder console, follow these steps:

  1. Open the EC2 Image Builder console at

  2. Choose Distribution settings from the navigation pane. This shows a list of the distribution configurations that are created under your account.

  3. To view details or create new distribution configuration, choose the Configuration name link. This opens the detail view for the distribution settings.


    You can also select the check box next to the Configuration name, then choose View details.

View distribution configuration details from the console

To view details for a specific distribution configuration using the Image Builder console, select the configuration to review, using the steps described in List distribution configurations from the console.

On the distribution detail page, you can:

List distributions from the AWS CLI

The following example shows how to use the list-distribution-configurations command in the AWS CLI to list all of your distributions.

aws imagebuilder list-distribution-configurations

Get distribution configuration detail from the AWS CLI

The following example shows how to use the get-distribution-configuration command in the AWS CLI to get the details of a distribution configuration by specifying its Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

aws imagebuilder get-distribution-configuration --distribution-configuration-arn arn:aws:imagebuilder:us-west-2:123456789012:distribution-configuration/my-example-distribution-configuration