Configuring replication sets and Findings in Incident Manager - Incident Manager

Configuring replication sets and Findings in Incident Manager

After you have completed the Incident Manager Get prepared wizard, you can manage certain options on the Settings page. These options include your replication set, tags applied to the replication set, and the Findings feature.

Configuring the Incident Manager replication set

The Incident Manager replication set replicates your data to many AWS Regions in order to do the following:

  • Increase cross-Region redundancy

  • Allow Incident Manager to access resources in different Regions and reduce latency for your users.

  • Encrypt your data with either an AWS managed key or your own customer managed key.

    All Incident Manager resources are encrypted by default. To learn more about how your resources are encrypted, see Data protection in Incident Manager.

To get started with Incident Manager, first create your replication set using the Get prepared wizard. To learn more about getting prepared in Incident Manager, see the Get prepared wizard.

Editing your replication set

By using the Incident Manager Settings page, you can edit your replication set. You can add Regions, delete Regions, and enable or disable replication set deletion protection. You can't edit the key used to encrypt your data. To change the key, delete and recreate the replication set.

Add a Region
  1. Open the Incident Manager console, and then choose Settings in the left navigation pane.

  2. Choose Add Region.

  3. Select the Region.

  4. Choose Add.

Delete a Region
  1. Open the Incident Manager console, and then choose Settings in the left navigation pane.

  2. Select the Region that you want to delete.

  3. Choose Delete.

  4. Enter delete into the text box, and choose Delete.

Deleting your replication set

Deleting the last Region in your replication set deletes the entire replication set. Before you can delete the last Region, disable the deletion protection by turning off Deletion protection on the Settings page. After you delete your replication set, you can create a new replication set by using the Get prepared wizard.

To delete a Region from your replication set, wait 24 hours after creating it. Attempting to delete a Region from your replication set sooner than 24 hours after creation causes the deletion to fail.

Deleting your replication set deletes all Incident Manager data.

Delete the replication set
  1. Open the Incident Manager console, and then choose Settings in the left navigation pane.

  2. Select the last Region in your replication set.

  3. Choose Delete.

  4. Enter delete into the text box, and choose Delete.

Managing tags for a replication set

Tags are optional metadata that you assign to a resource. Use tags to categorize a resource in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, or environment.

To manage tags for a replication set
  1. Open the Incident Manager console, and then choose Settings in the left navigation pane.

  2. In the Tags area, choose Edit.

  3. To add a tag, do the following:

    1. Choose Add new tag.

    2. Enter a key and optional value for the tag.

    3. Choose Save.

  4. To delete a tag, do the following:

    1. Under the tag you want to delete, choose Remove.

    2. Choose Save.

Managing the Findings feature

The Findings feature helps responders in your organization identify potential root causes of incidents soon after the incidents begin. Currently, Incident Manager provides findings for AWS CodeDeploy deployments and AWS CloudFormation stack updates.

For cross-account support for findings, after you enable the feature, you must complete an additional setup step in each application account in the organization.

To use the feature, you let Incident Manager create a service role that includes the required permissions to access data on your behalf.

To enable the Findings feature
  1. Open the Incident Manager console, and then choose Settings in the left navigation pane.

  2. In the Findings area, choose Create service role.

  3. Review information about the service role to be created, and then choose Create.

To disable the Findings feature

To stop using the Findings feature, delete the IncidentManagerIncidentAccessServiceRole role from each account where it has been created.

  1. Open the IAM console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Roles.

  3. In the search box, enter IncidentManagerIncidentAccessServiceRole.

  4. Choose the name of the role, and then choose Delete.

  5. Enter the role name in the dialog box to confirm that you want to delete the role, and then choose Delete.