Collect AWS IoT FleetWise data with campaigns - AWS IoT FleetWise

Collect AWS IoT FleetWise data with campaigns


Access to certain AWS IoT FleetWise features is currently gated. For more information, see AWS Region and feature availability in AWS IoT FleetWise.

A campaign is an orchestration of data collection rules. Campaigns give the Edge Agent for AWS IoT FleetWise software instructions on how to select, collect, and transfer data to the cloud.

You create campaigns in the cloud. After you or your team has approved a campaign, AWS IoT FleetWise automatically deploys it to vehicles. You can choose to deploy a campaign to a vehicle or a fleet of vehicles. The Edge Agent software doesn't start collecting data until a running campaign is deployed to the vehicle.


Campaigns won't work until you have the following.

  • The Edge Agent software is running in your vehicle. For more information about how to develop, install, and work with the Edge Agent software, do the following.

    1. Open the AWS IoT FleetWise console.

    2. On the service home page, in the Get started with AWS IoT FleetWise section, choose Explore Edge Agent.

  • You've set up AWS IoT Core to provision your vehicle. For more information, see Provision AWS IoT FleetWise vehicles.


You can also Monitor the last known state of your vehicles (not fleets) in near real time using state templates that allow you to stream telemetry data with either an "On Change" or "Periodic" update strategy. The capability also provides "On Demand" features to activate or deactivate previously deployed templates or request the current vehicle state one-time (fetch).

Access to last known state is currently gated. For more information, see AWS Region and feature availability in AWS IoT FleetWise.

Each campaign contains the following information.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the signal catalog associated with the campaign.

(Optional) tags

Tags are metadata that can be used to manage the campaign. You can assign the same tag to resources from different services to indicate that the resources are related.


The ARN of a vehicle or fleet to which the campaign is deployed.


A unique name that helps identify the campaign.


The data collection schemes give Edge Agent software instructions on what data to collect or when to collect it. AWS IoT FleetWise currently supports the condition-based collection scheme and the time-based collection scheme.

  • conditionBasedCollectionScheme – the condition-based collection scheme uses a logical expression to recognize what data to collect. The Edge Agent software collects data when the condition is met.

    • expression – the logical expression used to recognize what data to collect. For example, if the $variable.`myVehicle.InVehicleTemperature` > 50.0 expression is specified, the Edge Agent software collects temperature values that are greater than 50.0. For instructions on how to write expressions, see Logical expressions for AWS IoT FleetWise campaigns.

    • (Optional) conditionLanguageVersion – the version of the conditional expression language.

    • (Optional) minimumTriggerIntervalMs – the minimum duration of time between two data collection events, in milliseconds. If a signal changes often, you might collect data at a slower rate.

    • (Optional) triggerMode – can be one of the following values:

      • RISING_EDGE – the Edge Agent software collects data only when the condition is met for the first time. For example, $variable.`myVehicle.AirBagDeployed` == true.

      • ALWAYS – Edge Agent software collects data whenever the condition is met.

  • timeBasedCollectionScheme – when you define a time-based collection scheme, specify a time period in milliseconds. The Edge Agent software uses the time period to decide how often to collect data. For example, if the time period is 120,000 milliseconds, the Edge Agent software collects data once every two minutes.

    • periodMs – the time period (in milliseconds) to decide how often to collect data.

(Optional) compression

To save wireless bandwidth and reduce network traffic, you can specify SNAPPY to compress data in vehicles.

By default (OFF), the Edge Agent software doesn't compress data.


Choose the single destination where the campaign will transfer vehicle data. You can send the data to an MQTT topic, or store it in Amazon S3 or Amazon Timestream.

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight and widely adopted messaging protocol. You can publish data to an MQTT topic to stand up your own event-driven architectures using AWS IoT rules. AWS IoT support for MQTT is based on the MQTT v3.1.1 specification and the MQTT v5.0 specification, with some differences. For more information, see MQTT differences.

S3 can be a cost-effective data storage mechanism that offers durable data management capabilities and downstream data services. You can use S3 for data related to driving behaviors or analyzing long-term maintenance.

Timestream is a data persistence mechanism that can help you identify trends and patterns in near real time. You can use Timestream for time-series data, such as to analyze historical trends in vehicle speed or braking.


Amazon Timestream is not available in the Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region.

(Optional) dataExtraDimensions

You can add one or more attributes to provide additional information for a signal.

(Optional) dataPartitions

Create a data partition to temporarily store signal data on a vehicle. You configure when and how to forward the data to the cloud.

  • Specify how AWS IoT FleetWise stores the data on a vehicle or fleet by defining the maximum storage size, minimum time to live, and storage location.

  • The campaign spoolingMode must be TO_DISK.

  • Uploading configurations include defining the version of the condition language and the logical expression.

(Optional) description

Add a description to help identify the campaign's purpose.

(Optional) diagnosticsMode

When the diagnostics mode is configured to SEND_ACTIVE_DTCS, the campaign sends stored, standard diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) that help identify what is wrong with your vehicle. For example, P0097 indicates the engine control module (ECM) has determined that the intake air temperature sensor 2 (IAT2) input is lower than the normal sensor range.

By default (OFF), the Edge Agent software doesn't send diagnostic codes.

(Optional) expiryTime

Define the expiration date for your campaign. When the campaign expires, the Edge Agent software stops collecting data as specified in this campaign. If multiple campaigns are deployed to the vehicle, the Edge Agent software uses other campaigns to collect data.

Default value: 253402243200 (December 31, 9999, 00:00:00 UTC)

(Optional) postTriggerCollectionDuration

You can define a post-trigger collection duration, so that the Edge Agent software continues collecting data for a specified period after a scheme is invoked. For example, if a condition-based collection scheme with the following expression is invoked: $variable.`myVehicle.Engine.RPM` > 7000.0, the Edge Agent software continues to collect revolutions per minute (RPM) values for the engine. Even if the RPM only goes higher than 7000 once, it might indicate that there's a mechanical issue. In this case, you might want the Edge Agent software to continue collecting data to help monitor the condition.

Default value: 0

(Optional) priority

Specify an integer to indicate the priority level of the campaign. Campaigns with a smaller number are higher priorities. If you deploy multiple campaigns to a vehicle, the campaigns that are higher priorities are initiated first.

Default value: 0

(Optional) signalsToCollect

A list of signals from which data is collected when the data collection scheme is invoked.

  • name – the name of the signal from which data is collected when the data collection scheme is invoked.

  • dataPartitionId – the ID of the data partition to use in the signal. The ID must match one of the IDs provided in dataPartitions. If you upload a signal as a condition in your data partition, then those same signals must be included in signalsToCollect.

  • (Optional) maxSampleCount – the maximum number of data samples that the Edge Agent software collects and transfers to the cloud when the data collection scheme is invoked.

  • (Optional) minimumSamplingIntervalMs – the minimum duration of time between two data sample collection events, in milliseconds. If a signal changes often, you can use this parameter to collect data at a slower rate.

    Valid range: 0‐4294967295

(Optional) spoolingMode

If spoolingMode is configured to TO_DISK, the Edge Agent software temporarily stores data locally when a vehicle isn't connected to the cloud. After the connection is reestablished, the data stored locally is automatically transferred to the cloud.

Default value: OFF

(Optional) startTime

An approved campaign is activated at the start time.

Default value: 0

The status of a campaign can be one of the following values.

  • CREATING – AWS IoT FleetWise is processing your request to create the campaign.

  • WAITING_FOR_APPROVAL – After a campaign is created, it enters the WAITING_FOR_APPROVAL state. To approve the campaign, use the UpdateCampaign API operation. After the campaign is approved, AWS IoT FleetWise automatically deploys the campaign to the target vehicle or fleet. For more information, see Update an AWS IoT FleetWise campaign.

  • RUNNING – The campaign is active.

  • SUSPENDED – The campaign is suspended. To resume the campaign, use the UpdateCampaign API operation.

AWS IoT FleetWise provides the following API operations that you can use to create and manage campaigns.

  • CreateCampaign – Creates a new campaign.

  • UpdateCampaign – Updates an existing campaign. After a campaign is created, you must use this API operation to approve the campaign.

  • DeleteCampaign – Deletes an existing campaign.

  • ListCampaigns – Retrieves a paginated list of summaries for all campaigns.

  • GetCampaign – Retrieves information about a campaign.