Create an AWS IoT FleetWise signal catalog
You can use the CreateSignalCatalog API operation to create a signal catalog. The following example uses AWS CLI.
To create a signal catalog, run the following command.
Replace signal-catalog-configuration
with the name of
the .json file that contains the configuration.
aws iotfleetwise create-signal-catalog --cli-input-json file://
with the name of the signal catalog that you're creating. -
(Optional) Replace
with a description to help you identify the signal catalog.
For more information about how to configure branches, attributes, sensors, and actuators, see Configure AWS IoT FleetWise signals.
{ "name": "signal-catalog-name", "description": "description", "nodes": [ { "branch": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Types" } }, { "struct": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Types.sensor_msgs_msg_CompressedImage" } }, { "struct": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Types.std_msgs_Header" } }, { "struct": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Types.builtin_interfaces_Time" } }, { "property": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Types.builtin_interfaces_Time.sec", "dataType": "INT32", "dataEncoding": "TYPED" } }, { "property": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Types.builtin_interfaces_Time.nanosec", "dataType": "UINT32", "dataEncoding": "TYPED" } }, { "property": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Types.std_msgs_Header.stamp", "dataType": "STRUCT", "structFullyQualifiedName": "Types.builtin_interfaces_Time" } }, { "property": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Types.std_msgs_Header.frame_id", "dataType": "STRING", "dataEncoding": "TYPED" } }, { "property": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Types.sensor_msgs_msg_CompressedImage.header", "dataType": "STRUCT", "structFullyQualifiedName": "Types.std_msgs_Header" } }, { "property": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Types.sensor_msgs_msg_CompressedImage.format", "dataType": "STRING", "dataEncoding": "TYPED" } }, { "property": { "fullyQualifiedName": "", "dataType": "UINT8_ARRAY", "dataEncoding": "BINARY" } }, { "branch": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle", "description": "Vehicle" } }, { "branch": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.Cameras" } }, { "branch": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.Cameras.Front" } }, { "sensor": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.Cameras.Front.Image", "dataType": "STRUCT", "structFullyQualifiedName": "Types.sensor_msgs_msg_CompressedImage" } }, { "struct": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Types.std_msgs_msg_Float64" } }, { "property": { "fullyQualifiedName": "", "dataType": "DOUBLE", "dataEncoding": "TYPED" } }, { "sensor": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.Velocity", "dataType": "STRUCT", "structFullyQualifiedName": "Types.std_msgs_msg_Float64" } }, { "struct": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Types.sensor_msgs_msg_RegionOfInterest" } }, { "property": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Types.sensor_msgs_msg_RegionOfInterest.x_offset", "dataType": "UINT32", "dataEncoding": "TYPED" } }, { "property": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Types.sensor_msgs_msg_RegionOfInterest.y_offset", "dataType": "UINT32", "dataEncoding": "TYPED" } }, { "property": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Types.sensor_msgs_msg_RegionOfInterest.height", "dataType": "UINT32", "dataEncoding": "TYPED" } }, { "property": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Types.sensor_msgs_msg_RegionOfInterest.width", "dataType": "UINT32", "dataEncoding": "TYPED" } }, { "property": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Types.sensor_msgs_msg_RegionOfInterest.do_rectify", "dataType": "BOOLEAN", "dataEncoding": "TYPED" } }, { "branch": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.Perception" } }, { "sensor": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.Perception.Obstacle", "dataType": "STRUCT", "structFullyQualifiedName": "Types.sensor_msgs_msg_RegionOfInterest" } } ] }
You can download a demo script
Vision system data is in preview release and is subject to change.
If you enabled encryption using a customer
managed AWS KMS key, include the following policy statement so that your role can
invoke the CreateSignalCatalog
API operation.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "kms:GenerateDataKey*", "kms:Decrypt" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:kms:
" ] }, ] }