Update an AWS IoT FleetWise state template - AWS IoT FleetWise

Update an AWS IoT FleetWise state template


Access to certain AWS IoT FleetWise features is currently gated. For more information, see AWS Region and feature availability in AWS IoT FleetWise.

You can use the UpdateStateTemplate API operation to update an existing state template.

To update a state template, run the following command.

Replace update-state-template with the name of the .json file that contains the configuration of the state template.

aws iotfleetwise update-state-template \ --cli-input-json file://update-state-template.json
Example state template configuration

The stateTemplateProperties should contain the fully qualified names of the signals.

The dataExtraDimensions and metadataExtraDimensions should contain the fully qualified names of the vehicle attributes.

{ "identifier": "state-template-name", "stateTemplatePropertiesToAdd": [ "Vehicle.Signal.Three" ], "stateTemplatePropertiesToRemove": [ "Vehicle.Signal.One" ], "dataExtraDimensions": [ "Vehicle.Attribute.One", "Vehicle.Attribute.Two" ], "metadataExtraDimensions": [ "Vehicle.Attribute.Three", "Vehicle.Attribute.Four" ] }