Query asset property aggregates - AWS IoT SiteWise

Query asset property aggregates

AWS IoT SiteWise automatically computes aggregated asset property values, which are a set of basic metrics calculated over multiple time intervals. AWS IoT SiteWise computes the following aggregates every minute, hour, and day for your asset properties:

  • average – The average (mean) of a property's values over a time interval.

  • count – The number of data points for a property over a time interval.

  • maximum – The maximum of a property's values over a time interval.

  • minimum – The minimum of a property's values over a time interval.

  • standard deviation – The standard deviation of a property's values over a time interval.

  • sum – The sum of a property's values over a time interval.

For non-numeric properties, such as strings and Booleans, AWS IoT SiteWise computes only the count aggregate.

You can also compute custom metrics for your asset data. With metric properties, you define aggregations that are specific to your operation. Metric properties offer additional aggregation functions and time intervals that aren't precomputed for the AWS IoT SiteWise API. For more information, see Aggregate data from properties and other assets (metrics).

Aggregates for an asset property (API)

You can use the AWS IoT SiteWise API to get aggregates for an asset property.

Use the GetAssetPropertyAggregates operation to query aggregates of an asset property.

To identify an asset property, specify one of the following:

  • The assetId and propertyId of the asset property that data is sent to.

  • The propertyAlias, which is a data stream alias (for example, /company/windfarm/3/turbine/7/temperature). To use this option, you must first set your asset property's alias. To set property aliases, see Map industrial data streams to asset properties.

You must also pass the following required parameters:

  • aggregateTypes – The list of aggregates to retrieve. You can specify any of AVERAGE, COUNT, MAXIMUM, MINIMUM, STANDARD_DEVIATION, and SUM.

  • resolution – The time interval for which to retrieve the metric: 1m (1 minute), 1h (1 hour), or 1d (1 day).

  • startDate – The exclusive start of the range from which to query historical data, expressed in seconds in Unix epoch time.

  • endDate – The inclusive end of the range from which to query historical data, expressed in seconds in Unix epoch time.

You can also pass any of the following parameters to refine your results:

  • maxResults – The maximum number of results to return in one request. Defaults to 20 results.

  • nextToken – A pagination token returned from a previous call of this operation.

  • timeOrdering – The ordering to apply to the returned values: ASCENDING or DESCENDING.

  • qualities – The quality to filter results by: GOOD, BAD, or UNCERTAIN.


The GetAssetPropertyAggregates operation returns a TQV with a different format than other operations described in this section. The value structure contains a field for each of the aggregateTypes in the request. The timestamp contains the time that the aggregation occurred, in seconds in Unix epoch time.

Aggregates for an asset property (AWS CLI)

To query aggregates for an asset property (AWS CLI)
  1. Run the following command to get aggregates for the asset property. This command queries the average and sum with a 1 hour resolution for a specific 1 hour interval. Replace asset-id with the ID of the asset and property-id with the ID of the property. Replace the parameters with the aggregates and interval to query.

    aws iotsitewise get-asset-property-aggregates \ --asset-id asset-id \ --property-id property-id \ --start-date 1575216000 \ --end-date 1575219600 \ --aggregate-types AVERAGE SUM \ --resolution 1h

    The operation returns a response that contains the historical TQVs of the property in the following format. The response includes only the requested aggregates.

    { "aggregatedValues": [ { "timestamp": Number, "quality": "String", "value": { "average": Number, "count": Number, "maximum": Number, "minimum": Number, "standardDeviation": Number, "sum": Number } } ], "nextToken": "String" }
  2. If more value entries exist, you can pass the pagination token from the nextToken field to a subsequent call to the GetAssetPropertyAggregates operation.