Set up Docker on your SiteWise Edge gateway - AWS IoT SiteWise

Set up Docker on your SiteWise Edge gateway

To add a partner data source, Docker Engine 1.9.1 or later must be installed on your local device.


Version 20.10 is the latest version that is verified to work with the SiteWise Edge gateway software.

Verify Docker is installed

To verify Docker is installed, run the following command from a terminal connected to your SiteWise Edge gateway:

docker info

If the command returns a docker is not recognized result, or an older version of Docker is installed, Install Docker Engine before continuing.

Set up Docker

The system user that runs a Docker container component must have root or administrator permissions, or you must configure Docker to run it as a non-root or non-admistrator user.

On Linux devices, you must add a ggc_user user to the docker group to call Docker commands without sudo.

To add ggc_user, or the non-root user that you use to run Docker container components, to the docker group, run the following command:

sudo usermod -aG docker ggc_user

For more information, see Linux post-installation steps for Docker Engine.