AWS IoT SiteWise identity-based policy examples
By default, entities (users and roles) don't have permission to create or modify AWS IoT SiteWise resources. They also can't perform tasks using the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or AWS API. To adjust permissions, an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) administrator must do the following:
Create IAM policies that grant users and roles permission to perform specific API operations on resources they need.
Attach those policies to the users or groups that require those permissions.
To learn how to create an IAM identity-based policy using these example JSON policy documents, see Creating policies on the JSON tab in the IAM User Guide.
Policy best practices
Identity-based policies determine whether someone can create, access, or delete AWS IoT SiteWise resources in your account. These actions can incur costs for your AWS account. When you create or edit identity-based policies, follow these guidelines and recommendations:
Get started with AWS managed policies and move toward least-privilege permissions – To get started granting permissions to your users and workloads, use the AWS managed policies that grant permissions for many common use cases. They are available in your AWS account. We recommend that you reduce permissions further by defining AWS customer managed policies that are specific to your use cases. For more information, see AWS managed policies or AWS managed policies for job functions in the IAM User Guide.
Apply least-privilege permissions – When you set permissions with IAM policies, grant only the permissions required to perform a task. You do this by defining the actions that can be taken on specific resources under specific conditions, also known as least-privilege permissions. For more information about using IAM to apply permissions, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the IAM User Guide.
Use conditions in IAM policies to further restrict access – You can add a condition to your policies to limit access to actions and resources. For example, you can write a policy condition to specify that all requests must be sent using SSL. You can also use conditions to grant access to service actions if they are used through a specific AWS service, such as AWS CloudFormation. For more information, see IAM JSON policy elements: Condition in the IAM User Guide.
Use IAM Access Analyzer to validate your IAM policies to ensure secure and functional permissions – IAM Access Analyzer validates new and existing policies so that the policies adhere to the IAM policy language (JSON) and IAM best practices. IAM Access Analyzer provides more than 100 policy checks and actionable recommendations to help you author secure and functional policies. For more information, see Validate policies with IAM Access Analyzer in the IAM User Guide.
Require multi-factor authentication (MFA) – If you have a scenario that requires IAM users or a root user in your AWS account, turn on MFA for additional security. To require MFA when API operations are called, add MFA conditions to your policies. For more information, see Secure API access with MFA in the IAM User Guide.
For more information about best practices in IAM, see Security best practices in IAM in the IAM User Guide.
Use the AWS IoT SiteWise console
To access the AWS IoT SiteWise console, you need a basic set of permissions. These permissions let you see and manage details about the AWS IoT SiteWise resources in your AWS account.
If you make a policy that's too restrictive, the console might not work as expected
for users or roles (entities) with that policy. To ensure that those entities can still
use the AWS IoT SiteWise console, attach the AWSIoTSiteWiseConsoleFullAccess
If entities are only using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) or the AWS IoT SiteWise API, and not the console, they don't need these minimum permissions. In that case, just give them access to the specific actions they need for their API tasks.
Allow users to view their own permissions
This example shows how you might create a policy that allows IAM users to view the inline and managed policies that are attached to their user identity. This policy includes permissions to complete this action on the console or programmatically using the AWS CLI or AWS API.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "ViewOwnUserInfo", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iam:GetUserPolicy", "iam:ListGroupsForUser", "iam:ListAttachedUserPolicies", "iam:ListUserPolicies", "iam:GetUser" ], "Resource": ["arn:aws:iam::*:user/${aws:username}"] }, { "Sid": "NavigateInConsole", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iam:GetGroupPolicy", "iam:GetPolicyVersion", "iam:GetPolicy", "iam:ListAttachedGroupPolicies", "iam:ListGroupPolicies", "iam:ListPolicyVersions", "iam:ListPolicies", "iam:ListUsers" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }
Allow users to ingest data to assets in one hierarchy
In this example, you want to grant a user in your AWS account access to write data
to all asset properties in a specific hierarchy of assets, starting from the root asset
. The policy grants the
permission to the user. This policy
uses the iotsitewise:assetHierarchyPath
condition key to restrict access to
assets whose hierarchy path matches the asset or its descendants.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "PutAssetPropertyValuesForHierarchy", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iotsitewise:BatchPutAssetPropertyValue", "Resource": "arn:aws:iotsitewise:*:*:asset/*", "Condition": { "StringLike": { "iotsitewise:assetHierarchyPath": [ "/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-22222EXAMPLE", "/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-22222EXAMPLE/*" ] } } } ] }
View AWS IoT SiteWise assets based on tags
Use conditions in your identity-based policy to control access to AWS IoT SiteWise resources
based on tags. This example shows how to create a policy that allows asset viewing.
However, permission is granted only if the asset tag Owner
has the value of
that user's user name. This policy also grants permission to complete this action on the
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "ListAllAssets", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iotsitewise:ListAssets", "iotsitewise:ListAssociatedAssets" ], "Resource": "*" }, { "Sid": "DescribeAssetIfOwner", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iotsitewise:DescribeAsset", "Resource": "arn:aws:iotsitewise:*:*:asset/*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "aws:ResourceTag/Owner": "${aws:username}" } } } ] }
Attach this policy to the users in your account. If a user named
attempts to view an AWS IoT SiteWise asset, the asset must be tagged
or owner=richard-roe
. Otherwise, Richard is
denied access. The condition tag key names are not case-sensitive. So, Owner
matches both Owner
and owner
. For more information, see IAM JSON Policy
Elements: Condition in the IAM User Guide.