Connect your LoRaWAN device and verify its connection status - AWS IoT Wireless

Connect your LoRaWAN device and verify its connection status

Before you can check the device connection status, you must have already added your device and connected it to AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN. For information about how to add your device, see Add your wireless device to AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN.

After you've added your device, refer to your device's user manual to learn how to initiate sending an uplink message from your LoRaWAN device.

Wireless device destination payload

The following code shows the payload received at the destination for your wireless device. It shows a sample payload when using your own private LoRaWAN gateway, and when you use a public network. It also shows the payload format if you exclude the gateway metadata information. The following shows a sample payload.

HTTP/1.1 200 Content-type: application/json { "LastUplinkReceivedAt": "2021-03-24T23:13:08.476015749Z", "LoRaWAN": { "DataRate": 5, "DevEui": "647fda0000006420", "Frequency": 868100000, "Gateways": [ { "GatewayEui": "c0ee40ffff29df10", "Rssi": -67, "Snr": 9.75 } ], "WirelessDeviceId": "30cbdcf3-86de-4291-bfab-5bfa2b12bad5" }

This example uses a private LoRaWAN gateway to show the gateway metadata information in the uplink message. The metadata consists of the gateway EUI, SNR (signal to noise ratio), and RSSI (Received signal to strength indicator). These values can help you determine the strength of your gateway channel and whether to switch to a stronger channel.

{ "MessageId": "d8374454-f361-4907-9f3f-ca53233bb281", "WirelessDeviceId": "d7c96c47-6058-46d6-a033-c67d28c2243c", "PayloadData": "wOr7P9SI8tsIgMl0=", "WirelessMetadata": { "LoRaWAN": { "ADR": false, "Bandwidth": 125, "ClassB": false, "CodeRate": "4/5", "DataRate": "0", "DevAddr": "725dd3eb", "DevEui": "ac1f09fffe081943", "FCnt": 5, "FOptLen": 0, "FPort": 1, "Frequency": "868300000", "Gateways": [ { "GatewayEui": "2cf7f11053100080", "Rssi": -34, "Snr": 9.5 } ], "MIC": "9eb0337c", "MType": "UnconfirmedDataUp", "Major": "LoRaWANR1", "Modulation": "LORA", "PolarizationInversion": false, "SpreadingFactor": 12, "Timestamp": "2023-12-01T16:16:11Z" } } }

You can also connect to the public network instead of your own private LoRaWAN gateway. The public network is provided and operated as a service directly by Everynet. The following example shows the public LoRaWAN network metadata in the message. The metadata consists of the ID of the gateway and the network provider (Everynet), whether downlink is allowed, and the SNR and RSSI values. For more infrrmation about the public network, see Managing LoRaWAN traffic from public networks (Everynet).


The uplink message will mention PublicGateways to indicate that it's received from the public network and not a private LoRaWAN gateway.

{ "MessageId": "d8374454-f361-4907-9f3f-ca53233bb281", "WirelessDeviceId": "d7c96c47-6058-46d6-a033-c67d28c2243c", "PayloadData": "wOr7P9SI8tsIgMl0=", "WirelessMetadata": { "LoRaWAN": { "ADR": false, "Bandwidth": 125, "ClassB": false, "CodeRate": "4/5", "DataRate": "0", "DevAddr": "725dd3eb", "DevEui": "ac1f09fffe081943", "FCnt": 5, "FOptLen": 0, "FPort": 1, "Frequency": "868300000", "PublicGateways": [ { "DlAllowed": true, "Id": "3abe094", "ProviderNetId": "0x0000b", "RfRegion": "US915", "Rssi": -12, "Snr": 6.75 } ], "MIC": "9eb0337c", "MType": "UnconfirmedDataUp", "Major": "LoRaWANR1", "Modulation": "LORA", "PolarizationInversion": false, "SpreadingFactor": 12, "Timestamp": "2023-12-01T16:16:11Z" } } }

If you want to exclude the gateway metadata information from your uplink metadata, disable the AddGwMetadata parameter when you create the service profile. For information about disabling this parameter, see Add service profiles.

In this case, you won't see the Gateways section in the uplink metadata, as illustrated in the following example.

{ "MessageId": "d8374454-f361-4907-9f3f-ca53233bb281", "WirelessDeviceId": "d7c96c47-6058-46d6-a033-c67d28c2243c", "PayloadData": "wOr7P9SI8tsIgMl0=", "WirelessMetadata": { "LoRaWAN": { "ADR": false, "Bandwidth": 125, "ClassB": false, "CodeRate": "4/5", "DataRate": "0", "DevAddr": "725dd3eb", "DevEui": "ac1f09fffe081943", "FCnt": 5, "FOptLen": 0, "FPort": 1, "Frequency": "868300000", "MIC": "9eb0337c", "MType": "UnconfirmedDataUp", "Major": "LoRaWANR1", "Modulation": "LORA", "PolarizationInversion": false, "SpreadingFactor": 12, "Timestamp": "2023-12-01T16:16:11Z" } } }

Check device connection status

The following sections show you how to check the connection status using the AWS Management Console and the AWS CLI.

To check the connection status using the console, navigate to the Devices page of the AWS IoT console and choose the device you've added. In the Details section of the Wireless devices details page, you'll see the date and time the last uplink was received.

To check the connection status using the API, use the GetWirelessDeviceStatistics API. This API doesn't have a request body and only contains a response body that shows when the last uplink was received. The response from the API also indicates whether it's received from a public network or a private LoRaWAN gateway.

Next steps

Now that you have connected your device and verified the connection status, you can observe the format of the uplink metadata recieved from the device by using the MQTT test client on the Test page of the AWS IoT console. For more information, see View format of uplink messages sent from LoRaWAN devices.