Onboard AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN control plane API endpoint
You can use AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN control plane API endpoints to interact with the AWS IoT Wireless APIs. For example, you can use this endpoint to run the SendDataToWirelessDevice API to send data from AWS IoT to your LoRaWAN device. For more information, see AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN Control Plane API Endpoints.
You can use the client hosted in your Amazon VPC to access the control plane endpoints that are powered by AWS PrivateLink. You use these endpoints to connect to the AWS IoT Wireless API through an interface endpoint in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) instead of connecting over the public internet.
To onboard the control plane endpoint:
Create your Amazon VPC and subnet
Before you can connect to the interface endpoint, you must create a VPC and subnet. You'll then launch an EC2 instance in your subnet, which you can use to connect to the interface endpoint.
To create your VPC:
Navigate to the VPCs
page of the Amazon VPC console and choose Create VPC. -
On the Create VPC page:
Enter a name for VPC Name tag - optional (for example,
). -
Enter an IPv4 address range for your VPC in the IPv4 CIDR (for example,
). -
If you want to create dualstack VPC endpoints in your VPC, choose Amazon-provided IPv6 CIDR block for IPv6 CIDR block.
Keep the default values for other fields and choose Create VPC.
To create your subnet:
Navigate to the Subnets
page of the Amazon VPC console and choose Create subnet. -
On the Create subnet page:
For VPC ID, choose the VPC that you created earlier (for example,
). -
Enter a name for Subnet name (for example,
Private subnet
). -
Choose the Availability Zone for your subnet.
Enter your subnet's IP address block in the IPv4 subnet CIDR block in CIDR format (for example,
). -
If you want to create dualstack endpoints, choose the IPv6 VPC CIDR block for your VPC. Optionally, you can customize the IPv6 subnet CIDR block.
To create your subnet and add it to your VPC, choose Create subnet.
For more information, see Work with VPCs and subnets.
Launch an Amazon EC2 instance in your subnet
To launch your EC2 instance:
Navigate to the Amazon EC2
console and choose Launch Instance. -
For AMI, choose Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type and then choose the t2 micro instance type. To configure the instance details, choose Next.
In the Configure Instance Details page:
For Network, choose the VPC that you created earlier (for example,
). -
For Subnet, choose the subnet that you created earlier (for example,
Private subnet
If you provided an IPv6 CIDR block for your VPC and subnet, you can optionally choose to auto-assign an IPv6 IP address for your EC2 instance.
For IAM role, choose the role AWSIoTWirelessFullAccess to grant AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN full access policy. For more information, see
policy summary. -
For Assume Private IP, use an IP address, for example,
Choose Next: Add Storage and then choose Next: Add Tags. You can optionally add any tags to associate with your EC2 instance. Choose Next: Configure Security Group.
In the Configure Security Group page, configure the security group to allow:
Open All TCP for Source as
. -
Open All ICMP - IPV4 for Source as
To review the instance details and launch your EC2 instance, choose Review and Launch.
For more information, see Get started with Amazon EC2 Linux instances.
Create Amazon VPC interface endpoint
You can create a VPC endpoint for your VPC, which can then be accessed by the EC2 API. To create the endpoint:
Navigate to the VPC
Endpoints console and choose Create Endpoint. -
In the Create Endpoint page, specify the following information.
Choose AWS services for Service category.
For Service Name, search by entering the keyword
. In the list ofiotwireless
services displayed, choose the control plane API endpoint for your Region. The endpoint will be in the formatcom.amazonaws.
.iotwireless.api -
For VPC and Subnets, choose the VPC where you want to create the endpoint, and the Availability Zones (AZs) in which you want to create the endpoint network.
service might not support all Availability Zones. -
For Enable DNS name, choose Enable for this endpoint.
Choosing this option will automatically resolve the DNS and create a route in Amazon RouteĀ 53 Public Data Plane so that the APIs you use later to test the connection will go through the privatelink endpoints.
For Security group, choose the security groups you want to associate with the endpoint network interfaces.
Optionally, you can add or remove tags. Tags are name-value pairs that you use to associate with your endpoint.
To create your VPC endpoint, choose Create endpoint.
Test your connection to the interface endpoint
You can use an SSH to access your Amazon EC2 instance and then use the AWS CLI to connect to the privatelink interface endpoints.
Before you connect to the interface endpoint, download the most recent AWS CLI version by following the instructions described in Installing, updating, and uninstalling AWS CLI version 2 on Linux.
The following examples show how you can test your connection to the interface endpoint using the CLI.
aws iotwireless create-service-profile \ --endpoint-url https://api.iotwireless.
.amazonaws.com \ --name='test-privatelink'
The following shows a sample response of running the command.
{ "Arn": "arn:aws:iotwireless:
:ServiceProfile/1a2345ba-4c5d-67b0-ab67-e0c8342f2857", "Id": "1a2345ba-4c5d-67b0-ab67-e0c8342f2857" }
Similarly, you can run the following commands to get the service profile information or list all service profiles.
aws iotwireless get-service-profile \ --endpoint-url https://api.iotwireless.
.amazonaws.com --id="1a2345ba-4c5d-67b0-ab67-e0c8342f2857"
The following shows an example for the list-device-profiles command.
aws iotwireless list-device-profiles \ --endpoint-url https://api.iotwireless.