Creating a software package and package version - AWS IoT Core

Creating a software package and package version

You can use the following steps to create a package and an initial version thing through the AWS Management Console.

To create a software package
  1. Sign into your AWS account and navigate to the AWS IoT console.

  2. On the navigation pane, choose Software packages.

  3. On the AWS IoT software package page, choose Create package. The Enable dependencies for package management dialog box appears.

  4. Under Fleet indexing, select Add device software packages and version. This is required for Software Package Catalog and provides fleet indexing and metrics about your fleet.

  5. [Optional] If you want AWS IoT jobs to update the reserved named shadow when jobs successfully complete, select Auto update shadows from jobs. If you do not want AWS IoT jobs to make this update, leave this check-box unselected.

  6. [Optional] To grant AWS IoT jobs the rights to update the reserved named shadow, under Select role, choose Create role. If you don't want AWS IoT jobs to make this update, this role is not required.

  7. Create or select a role.

    1. If you don’t have a role for this purpose: When the Create role dialog box appears, enter a Role name, and then choose Create.

    2. If you do have a role for this purpose: For Select role, choose your role and then make sure the Attach policy to IAM role check box is selected.

  8. Choose Confirm. The Create new package page appears.

  9. Under Package detail, enter a Package name.

  10. Under Package description, enter information to help you identify and manage this package.

  11. [Optional] You can use tags to help you categorize and manage this package. To add tags, expand Tags, choose Add tag, and enter a key-value pair. You can enter up to 50 tags. For more information, see Tagging your AWS IoT resources.

To add a package version while creating a new package
  1. Under Initial version, enter a Version name.

    We recommend using the SemVer format (for example, to uniquely identify your package version. You are also able to use a different formatting strategy that better suits your use case. For more information, see Package version lifecycle.

  2. Under Version description, enter information that will help you identify and manage this package version .


    The Default version check box is deactivated because package versions are created in a draft state. You can name the default version after you create the package version and when you change the state to published. For more information, see Package version lifecycle.

  3. [Optional] To help you manage this version or to communicate information to your devices, enter one or more name-value pairs for Version attributes. Choose Add attribute for each name-value pair you enter. For more information, see Version attributes.

  4. [Optional] You can use tags to help you categorize and manage this package. To add tags, expand Tags, choose Add tag, and enter a key-value pair. You can enter up to 50 tags. For more information, see Tagging your AWS IoT resources.

  5. Choose Next.

Associate the Software Bill of Materials to a Package Version (Optional)
  1. On Step 3: Version SBOMs (Optional) in the SBOM configurations window, choose the default SBOM file format and validation mode used to validate your software bill of materials before it is associated to your package version.

  2. In the Add SBOM file window, enter the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) representing your versioned Amazon S3 bucket and the preferred SBOM file format if the default type doesn't work.


    You can either add a single SBOM file or a single zip file containing multiple SBOMs if you have more than one software bill of material for your package version.

  3. In the Added SBOM file window, you can view the SBOM file you added for your package version.

  4. Choose Create package and version. The package version page appears and you can see the validation status of your SBOM file in the Added SBOM file window. The initial status will be In progress as the SBOM file undergoes validation.


    The SBOM file validation statuses are Invalid file, Not started, In progress, Validated (SPDX), Validated (CycloneDX), and the validation failure reasons.