Custom metrics - AWS IoT Device Defender

Custom metrics

With AWS IoT Device Defender custom metrics, you can define and monitor metrics that are unique to your fleet or use case, such as number of devices connected to Wi-Fi gateways, charge levels for batteries, or number of power cycles for smart plugs. Custom metric behaviors are defined in Security Profiles, which specify expected behaviors for a group of devices (a thing group) or for all devices. You can monitor behaviors by setting up alarms, which you can use to detect and respond to issues that are specific to the devices.

How to use custom metrics in the console

AWS IoT Device Defender Agent SDK (Python)

To get started, download the AWS IoT Device Defender Agent SDK (Python) sample agent. The agent gathers the metrics and publishes reports. Once your device-side metrics are publishing, you can view the metrics being collected and determine thresholds for setting up alarms. Instructions for setting up the device agent are available on the AWS IoT Device Defender Agent SDK (Python) Readme. For more information, see AWS IoT Device Defender Agent SDK (Python).

Create a custom metric and add it to a Security Profile

The following procedure shows you how to create a custom metric in the console.

  1. In the AWS IoT console, in the navigation pane, expand Defend, and then choose Detect, Metrics.

  2. On the Custom metrics page, choose Create.

  3. On the Create custom metric page, do the following.

    1. Under Name, enter a name for your custom metric. You can't modify this name after you create the custom metric.

    2. Under Display name (optional), you can enter a friendly name for your custom metric. It doesn't have to be unique and it can be modified after creation.

    3. Under Type, choose the type of metric you'd like to monitor. Metric types include string-list, ip-address-list, number-list, and number. The type can't be modified after creation.


      ML Detect only allows the number type.

    4. Under Tags, you can select tags to be associated with the resource.

    When you're done, choose Confirm.

  4. After you've created your custom metric, the Custom metrics page appears, where you can see your newly created custom metric.

  5. Next, you need to add your custom metric to a Security Profile. In the AWS IoT console, in the navigation pane, expand Defend, and then choose Detect, Security profiles.

  6. Choose the Security Profile you'd like to add your custom metric to.

  7. Choose Actions, Edit.

  8. Choose Additional Metrics to retain, and then choose your custom metric. Choose Next on the following screens until you reach the Confirm page. Choose Save and Continue. After your custom metric has been successfully added, the Security Profile details page appears.


    Percentile statistics are not available for metrics when any of the metric values are negative numbers.

View custom metric details

The following procedure shows you how to view a custom metric's details in the console.

  1. In the AWS IoT console, in the navigation pane, expand Defend, and then choose Detect, Metrics.

  2. Choose the Metric name of the custom metric you'd like to view the details of.

Update a custom metric

The following procedure shows you how to update a custom metric in the console.

  1. In the AWS IoT console, in the navigation pane, expand Defend, and then choose Detect, Metrics.

  2. Choose the option button next to the custom metric you'd like to update. Then, for Actions, choose Edit.

  3. On the Update custom metric page, you can edit the display name and remove or add tags.

  4. After you're done, choose Update. The Custom metrics page.

Delete a custom metric

The following procedure shows you how to delete a custom metric in the console.

  1. First, remove your custom metric from any Security Profile it's referenced in. You can view which Security Profiles contain your custom metric on your custom metric details page. In the AWS IoT console, in the navigation pane, expand Defend, and then choose Detect, Metrics.

  2. Choose the custom metric you'd like to remove. Remove the custom metric from any Security Profile listed under Security Profiles on the custom metric details page.

  3. In the AWS IoT console, in the navigation pane, expand Defend, and then choose Detect, Metrics.

  4. Choose the option button next to the custom metric you'd like to delete. Then, for Actions, choose Delete.

  5. On the Are you sure you want to delete custom metric? message, choose Delete custom metric.


    After you've deleted a custom metric, you lose all data associated with the metric. This action can't be undone.

How to use custom metrics from the CLI

AWS IoT Device Defender Agent SDK (Python)

To get started, download the AWS IoT Device Defender Agent SDK (Python) sample agent. The agent gathers the metrics and publishes reports. After your device-side metrics are publishing, you can view the metrics being collected and determine thresholds for setting up alarms. Instructions for setting up the device agent are available on the AWS IoT Device Defender Agent SDK (Python) Readme. For more information, see AWS IoT Device Defender Agent SDK (Python).

Create a custom metric and add it to a Security Profile

The following procedure shows you how to create a custom metric and add it to a Security Profile from the CLI.

  1. Use the create-custom-metric command to create your custom metric. The following example creates a custom metric that measures battery percentage.

    aws iot create-custom-metric \ --metric-name "batteryPercentage" \ --metric-type "number" \ --display-name "Remaining battery percentage." \ --region us-east-1 --client-request-token "02ccb92b-33e8-4dfa-a0c1-35b181ed26b0" \


    { "metricName": "batteryPercentage", "metricArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:1234564789012:custommetric/batteryPercentage" }
  2. After you've created your custom metric, you can either add the custom metric to an existing profile using update-security-profile or create a new security profile to add the custom metric to using create-security-profile. Here, we create a new security profile called batteryUsage to add our new batteryPercentage custom metric to. We also add a Rules Detect metric called cellularBandwidth.

    aws iot create-security-profile \ --security-profile-name batteryUsage \ --security-profile-description "Shows how much battery is left in percentile." \ --behaviors "[{\"name\":\"great-than-75\",\"metric\":\"batteryPercentage\",\"criteria\":{\"comparisonOperator\":\"greater-than\",\"value\":{\"number\":75},\"consecutiveDatapointsToAlarm\":5,\"consecutiveDatapointsToClear\":1}},{\"name\":\"cellularBandwidth\",\"metric\":\"aws:message-byte-size\",\"criteria\":{\"comparisonOperator\":\"less-than\",\"value\":{\"count\":128},\"consecutiveDatapointsToAlarm\":1,\"consecutiveDatapointsToClear\":1}}]" \ --region us-east-1


    { "securityProfileArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:1234564789012:securityprofile/batteryUsage", "securityProfileName": "batteryUsage" }

Percentile statistics are not available for metrics when any of the metric values are negative numbers.

View custom metric details

The following procedure shows you how to view the details for a custom metric from the CLI.

  • Use the list-custom-metrics command to view all of your custom metrics.

    aws iot list-custom-metrics \ --region us-east-1

    The output of this command looks like the following.

    { "metricNames": [ "batteryPercentage" ] }

Update a custom metric

The following procedure shows you how to update a custom metric from the CLI.

  • Use the update-custom-metric command to update a custom metric. The following example updates the display-name.

    aws iot update-custom-metric \ --metric-name batteryPercentage \ --display-name 'remaining battery percentage on device' \ --region us-east-1

    The output of this command looks like the following.

    { "metricName": "batteryPercentage", "metricArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:1234564789012:custommetric/batteryPercentage", "metricType": "number", "displayName": "remaining battery percentage on device", "creationDate": "2020-11-17T23:01:35.110000-08:00", "lastModifiedDate": "2020-11-17T23:02:12.879000-08:00" }

Delete a custom metric

The following procedure shows you how to delete a custom metric from the CLI.

  1. To delete a custom metric, first remove it from any Security Profiles that it's attached to. Use the list-security-profiles command to view Security Profiles with a certain custom metric.

  2. To remove a custom metric from a Security Profile, use the update-security-profiles command. Enter all information that you want to keep, but exclude the custom metric.

    aws iot update-security-profile \ --security-profile-name batteryUsage \ --behaviors "[{\"name\":\"cellularBandwidth\",\"metric\":\"aws:message-byte-size\",\"criteria\":{\"comparisonOperator\":\"less-than\",\"value\":{\"count\":128},\"consecutiveDatapointsToAlarm\":1,\"consecutiveDatapointsToClear\":1}}]"

    The output of this command looks like the following.

    { "behaviors": [{\"name\":\"cellularBandwidth\",\"metric\":\"aws:message-byte-size\",\"criteria\":{\"comparisonOperator\":\"less-than\",\"value\":{\"count\":128},\"consecutiveDatapointsToAlarm\":1,\"consecutiveDatapointsToClear\":1}}], "securityProfileName": "batteryUsage", "lastModifiedDate": 2020-11-17T23:02:12.879000-09:00, "securityProfileDescription": "Shows how much battery is left in percentile.", "version": 2, "securityProfileArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:1234564789012:securityprofile/batteryUsage", "creationDate": 2020-11-17T23:02:12.879000-09:00 }
  3. After the custom metric is detached, use the delete-custom-metric command to delete the custom metric.

    aws iot delete-custom-metric \ --metric-name batteryPercentage \ --region us-east-1

    The output of this command looks like the following

    HTTP 200

Custom metrics CLI commands

You can use the following CLI commands to create and manage custom metrics.

Custom metrics APIs

The following APIs can be used to create and manage custom metrics.