Detect commands
You can use the Detect commands in this section to configure ML Detect or Rules Detect Security Profiles, to identify and monitor unusual behaviors that may indicate a compromised device.
Start and manage Detect execution |
StartDetectMitigationActionsTask |
Start and manage Dimension execution |
CreateDimension |
DescribeDimension |
ListDimensions |
DeleteDimension |
UpdateDimension |
Start and manage CustomMetric execution |
CreateCustomMetric |
UpdateCustomMetric |
DescribeCustomMetric |
ListCustomMetrics |
DeleteCustomMetric |
Start and manage Security Profile execution |
CreateSecurityProfile |
AttachSecurityProfile |
DetachSecurityProfile |
DeleteSecurityProfile |
DescribeSecurityProfile |
ListTargetsForSecurityProfile |
UpdateSecurityProfile |
ValidateSecurityProfileBehaviors |
ListSecurityProfilesForTarget |
Manage alarms and targets |
ListActiveViolations |
ListViolationEvents |
PutVerificationStateOnViolation |
List ML model training data |
GetBehaviorModelTrainingSummaries |