Connecting to AWS IoT Core for Amazon Sidewalk - AWS IoT Wireless

Connecting to AWS IoT Core for Amazon Sidewalk

This section shows you how to onboard your Sidewalk end device and then connect your device to the Sidewalk network. It describes the steps that you perform in the onboarding tutorial, as mentioned in Introduction to onboarding your Sidewalk devices. You'll learn how to onboard devices by using the AWS IoT console and the AWS IoT Core for Amazon Sidewalk API operations. You'll also learn about the AWS CLI commands that perform these operations.


To add your end device and destination to AWS IoT Core for Amazon Sidewalk, you must set up your AWS account. To perform these operations using the AWS IoT Wireless API or the AWS CLI commands, you must also set up the AWS CLI. For more information about the prerequisites and setting up, see Installing Python and the AWS CLI.


To perform the entire onboarding workflow for provisioning and registering your end device, and connecting to your hardware development kit (HDK), you must also set up your Sidewalk gateway and HDK. For more information, see Setting up the hardware development kit (HDK) and Setting up a Sidewalk gateway in the Amazon Sidewalk documentation.

Describing your Sidewalk resources

Before you get started and create the resources, we recommend that you consider the naming convention of your Sidewalk end devices, device profiles, and destinations. AWS IoT Core for Amazon Sidewalk assigns a unique identifier to the resources that you create. However, you can give them more descriptive names, add a description, or add optional tags to help identify and manage them.


The destination name can't be changed after it's created. Use a name that's unique to your AWS account and AWS Region.

For more information, see Describing your AWS IoT Wireless resources.