The AWS IoT SELECT clause is essentially the same as the ANSI SQL SELECT clause, with some minor differences.
The SELECT clause supports Data types, Operators, Functions, Literals, Case statements, JSON extensions, Substitution templates, Nested object queries, and Binary payloads.
You can use the SELECT clause to extract information from incoming MQTT messages. You
can also use SELECT *
to retrieve the entire incoming message payload. For
Incoming payload published on topic
:{"color":"red", "temperature":50}
SQL statement:SELECT * FROM 'topic/subtopic'
Outgoing payload:{"color":"red", "temperature":50}
If the payload is a JSON object, you can reference keys in the object. Your outgoing payload contains the key-value pair. For example:
Incoming payload published on topic
:{"color":"red", "temperature":50}
SQL statement:SELECT color FROM 'topic/subtopic'
Outgoing payload:{"color":"red"}
You can use the AS keyword to rename keys. For example:
Incoming payload published on topic
:{"color":"red", "temperature":50}
SQL:SELECT color AS my_color FROM 'topic/subtopic'
Outgoing payload:{"my_color":"red"}
You can select multiple items by separating them with a comma. For example:
Incoming payload published on topic
:{"color":"red", "temperature":50}
SQL:SELECT color as my_color, temperature as fahrenheit FROM 'topic/subtopic'
Outgoing payload:{"my_color":"red","fahrenheit":50}
You can select multiple items including '*' to add items to the incoming payload. For example:
Incoming payload published on topic
: {"color":"red", "temperature":50} SQL: SELECT *, 15 as speed FROM 'topic/subtopic' Outgoing payload: {"color":"red", "temperature":50, "speed":15}
You can use the "VALUE"
keyword to produce outgoing payloads that are not
JSON objects. With SQL version 2015-10-08
, you can select only one item.
With SQL version 2016-03-23
or later, you can also select an array to
output as a top-level object.
Incoming payload published on topic
:{"color":"red", "temperature":50}
SQL:SELECT VALUE color FROM 'topic/subtopic'
Outgoing payload:"red"
You can use '.'
syntax to drill into nested JSON objects in the incoming
payload. For example:
Incoming payload published on topic
:{"color":{"red":255,"green":0,"blue":0}, "temperature":50}
SQL:SELECT as red_value FROM 'topic/subtopic'
Outgoing payload:{"red_value":255}
For information about how to use JSON object and property names that include reserved characters, such as numbers or the hyphen (minus) character, see JSON extensions
You can use functions (see Functions) to transform the incoming payload. You can use parentheses for grouping. For example:
Incoming payload published on topic
:{"color":"red", "temperature":50}
SQL:SELECT (temperature - 32) * 5 / 9 AS celsius, upper(color) as my_color FROM 'topic/subtopic'
Outgoing payload:{"celsius":10,"my_color":"RED"}