Jobs management and control API and data types - AWS IoT Core

Jobs management and control API and data types

The following commands are available for Job management and control in the CLI and over the HTTPS protocol.

To determine the endpoint-url parameter for your CLI commands, run this command.

aws iot describe-endpoint --endpoint-type=iot:Jobs

This command returns the following output.

{ "endpointAddress": "" }

The Jobs endpoint doesn't support ALPN x-amzn-http-ca.

Job management and control data types

The following data types are used by management and control applications to communicate with AWS IoT Jobs.

The Job object contains details about a job. The following example shows the syntax:

{ "jobArn": "string", "jobId": "string", "status": "IN_PROGRESS|CANCELED|SUCCEEDED", "forceCanceled": boolean, "targetSelection": "CONTINUOUS|SNAPSHOT", "comment": "string", "targets": ["string"], "description": "string", "createdAt": timestamp, "lastUpdatedAt": timestamp, "completedAt": timestamp, "jobProcessDetails": { "processingTargets": ["string"], "numberOfCanceledThings": long, "numberOfSucceededThings": long, "numberOfFailedThings": long, "numberOfRejectedThings": long, "numberOfQueuedThings": long, "numberOfInProgressThings": long, "numberOfRemovedThings": long, "numberOfTimedOutThings": long }, "presignedUrlConfig": { "expiresInSec": number, "roleArn": "string" }, "jobExecutionsRolloutConfig": { "exponentialRate": { "baseRatePerMinute": integer, "incrementFactor": integer, "rateIncreaseCriteria": { "numberOfNotifiedThings": integer, // Set one or the other "numberOfSucceededThings": integer // of these two values. }, "maximumPerMinute": integer } }, "abortConfig": { "criteriaList": [ { "action": "string", "failureType": "string", "minNumberOfExecutedThings": integer, "thresholdPercentage": integer } ] }, "SchedulingConfig": { "startTime": string "endTime": string "timeZone": string "endTimeBehavior": string }, "timeoutConfig": { "inProgressTimeoutInMinutes": long } }

For more information, see Job or job.

The JobSummary object contains a job summary. The following example shows the syntax:

{ "jobArn": "string", "jobId": "string", "status": "IN_PROGRESS|CANCELED|SUCCEEDED|SCHEDULED", "targetSelection": "CONTINUOUS|SNAPSHOT", "thingGroupId": "string", "createdAt": timestamp, "lastUpdatedAt": timestamp, "completedAt": timestamp }

For more information, see JobSummary or job-summary.

The JobExecution object represents the execution of a job on a device. The following example shows the syntax:


When you use the control plane API operations, the JobExecution data type doesn't contain a JobDocument field. To obtain this information, you can use the GetJobDocument API operation or the get-job-document CLI command.

{ "approximateSecondsBeforeTimedOut": 50, "executionNumber": 1234567890, "forceCanceled": true|false, "jobId": "string", "lastUpdatedAt": timestamp, "queuedAt": timestamp, "startedAt": timestamp, "status": "QUEUED|IN_PROGRESS|FAILED|SUCCEEDED|CANCELED|TIMED_OUT|REJECTED|REMOVED", "forceCanceled": boolean, "statusDetails": { "detailsMap": { "string": "string" ... }, "status": "string" }, "thingArn": "string", "versionNumber": 123 }

For more information, see JobExecution or job-execution.

The JobExecutionSummary object contains job execution summary information. The following example shows the syntax:

{ "executionNumber": 1234567890, "queuedAt": timestamp, "lastUpdatedAt": timestamp, "startedAt": timestamp, "status": "QUEUED|IN_PROGRESS|FAILED|SUCCEEDED|CANCELED|TIMED_OUT|REJECTED|REMOVED" }

For more information, see JobExecutionSummary or job-execution-summary.

The JobExecutionSummaryForJob object contains a summary of information about job executions for a specific job. The following example shows the syntax:

{ "executionSummaries": [ { "thingArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:123456789012:thing/MyThing", "jobExecutionSummary": { "status": "IN_PROGRESS", "lastUpdatedAt": 1549395301.389, "queuedAt": 1541526002.609, "executionNumber": 1 } }, ... ] }

For more information, see JobExecutionSummaryForJob or job-execution-summary-for-job.

The JobExecutionSummaryForThing object contains a summary of information about a job execution on a specific thing. FThe following example shows the syntax:

{ "executionSummaries": [ { "jobExecutionSummary": { "status": "IN_PROGRESS", "lastUpdatedAt": 1549395301.389, "queuedAt": 1541526002.609, "executionNumber": 1 }, "jobId": "MyThingJob" }, ... ] }

For more information, see JobExecutionSummaryForThing or job-execution-summary-for-thing.

Job management and control API operations

Use the following API operations or CLI commands:

Associates a group with a continuous job. The following criteria must be met:

  • The job must have been created with the targetSelection field set to CONTINUOUS.

  • The job status must currently be IN_PROGRESS.

  • The total number of targets associated with a job must not exceed 100.

HTTPS request
POST /jobs/jobId/targets { "targets": [ "string" ], "comment": "string" }

For more information, see AssociateTargetsWithJob.

CLI syntax
aws iot associate-targets-with-job \ --targets <value> \ --job-id <value> \ [--comment <value>] \ [--cli-input-json <value>] \ [--generate-cli-skeleton]

cli-input-json format:

{ "targets": [ "string" ], "jobId": "string", "comment": "string" }

For more information, see associate-targets-with-job.

Cancels a job.

HTTPS request
PUT /jobs/jobId/cancel { "force": boolean, "comment": "string", "reasonCode": "string" }

For more information, see CancelJob.

CLI syntax
aws iot cancel-job \ --job-id <value> \ [--force <value>] \ [--comment <value>] \ [--reasonCode <value>] \ [--cli-input-json <value>] \ [--generate-cli-skeleton]

cli-input-json format:

{ "jobId": "string", "force": boolean, "comment": "string" }

For more information, see cancel-job.

Cancels a job execution on a device.

HTTPS request
PUT /things/thingName/jobs/jobId/cancel { "force": boolean, "expectedVersion": "string", "statusDetails": { "string": "string" ... } }

For more information, see CancelJobExecution.

CLI syntax
aws iot cancel-job-execution \ --job-id <value> \ --thing-name <value> \ [--force | --no-force] \ [--expected-version <value>] \ [--status-details <value>] \ [--cli-input-json <value>] \ [--generate-cli-skeleton]

cli-input-json format:

{ "jobId": "string", "thingName": "string", "force": boolean, "expectedVersion": long, "statusDetails": { "string": "string" } }

For more information, see cancel-job-execution.

Creates a job. You can provide the job document as a link to a file in an Amazon S3 bucket (documentSource parameter), or in the body of the request (document parameter).

A job can be made continuous by setting the optional targetSelection parameter to CONTINUOUS (the default is SNAPSHOT). A continuous job can be used to onboard or upgrade devices as they are added to a group because it continues to run and is launched on newly added things. This can occur even after the things in the group at the time the job was created have completed the job.

A job can have an optional TimeoutConfig, which sets the value of the in-progress timer. The in-progress timer can't be updated and applies to all executions of the job.

The following validations are performed on arguments to the CreateJob API:

  • The targets argument must be a list of valid thing or thing group ARNs. All things and thing groups must be in your AWS account.

  • The documentSource argument must be a valid Amazon S3 URL to a job document. Amazon S3 URLs are in the form:

  • The document stored in the URL specified by the documentSource argument must be a UTF-8 encoded JSON document.

  • The size of a job document is limited to 32 KB due to the limit on the size of an MQTT message (128 KB) and encryption.

  • The jobId must be unique in your AWS account.

HTTPS request
PUT /jobs/jobId { "targets": [ "string" ], "document": "string", "documentSource": "string", "description": "string", "jobTemplateArn": "string", "presignedUrlConfigData": { "roleArn": "string", "expiresInSec": "integer" }, "targetSelection": "CONTINUOUS|SNAPSHOT", "jobExecutionsRolloutConfig": { "exponentialRate": { "baseRatePerMinute": integer, "incrementFactor": integer, "rateIncreaseCriteria": { "numberOfNotifiedThings": integer, // Set one or the other "numberOfSucceededThings": integer // of these two values. }, "maximumPerMinute": integer } }, "abortConfig": { "criteriaList": [ { "action": "string", "failureType": "string", "minNumberOfExecutedThings": integer, "thresholdPercentage": integer } ] }, "SchedulingConfig": { "startTime": string "endTime": string "timeZone": string "endTimeBehavior": string } "timeoutConfig": { "inProgressTimeoutInMinutes": long } }

For more information, see CreateJob.

CLI syntax
aws iot create-job \ --job-id <value> \ --targets <value> \ [--document-source <value>] \ [--document <value>] \ [--description <value>] \ [--job-template-arn <value>] \ [--presigned-url-config <value>] \ [--target-selection <value>] \ [--job-executions-rollout-config <value>] \ [--abort-config <value>] \ [--timeout-config <value>] \ [--document-parameters <value>] \ [--cli-input-json <value>] \ [--generate-cli-skeleton]

cli-input-json format:

{ "jobId": "string", "targets": [ "string" ], "documentSource": "string", "document": "string", "description": "string", "jobTemplateArn": "string", "presignedUrlConfig": { "roleArn": "string", "expiresInSec": long }, "targetSelection": "string", "jobExecutionsRolloutConfig": { "exponentialRate": { "baseRatePerMinute": integer, "incrementFactor": integer, "rateIncreaseCriteria": { "numberOfNotifiedThings": integer, // Set one or the other "numberOfSucceededThings": integer // of these two values. }, "maximumPerMinute": integer } }, "abortConfig": { "criteriaList": [ { "action": "string", "failureType": "string", "minNumberOfExecutedThings": integer, "thresholdPercentage": integer } ] }, "timeoutConfig": { "inProgressTimeoutInMinutes": long }, "documentParameters": { "string": "string" } }

For more information, see create-job.

Deletes a job and its related job executions.

Deleting a job can take time, depending on the number of job executions created for the job and various other factors. While the job is being deleted, the status of the job is shown as "DELETION_IN_PROGRESS". Attempting to delete or cancel a job whose status is already "DELETION_IN_PROGRESS" results in an error.

HTTPS request
DELETE /jobs/jobId?force=force

For more information, see DeleteJob.

CLI syntax
aws iot delete-job \ --job-id <value> \ [--force | --no-force] \ [--cli-input-json <value>] \ [--generate-cli-skeleton]

cli-input-json format:

{ "jobId": "string", "force": boolean }

For more information, see delete-job.

Deletes a job execution.

HTTPS request
DELETE /things/thingName/jobs/jobId/executionNumber/executionNumber?force=force

For more information, see DeleteJobExecution.

CLI syntax
aws iot delete-job-execution \ --job-id <value> \ --thing-name <value> \ --execution-number <value> \ [--force | --no-force] \ [--cli-input-json <value>] \ [--generate-cli-skeleton]

cli-input-json format:

{ "jobId": "string", "thingName": "string", "executionNumber": long, "force": boolean }

For more information, see delete-job-execution.

Gets the details of the job execution.

HTTPS request
GET /jobs/jobId

For more information, see DescribeJob.

CLI syntax
aws iot describe-job \ --job-id <value> \ [--cli-input-json <value>] \ [--generate-cli-skeleton]

cli-input-json format:

{ "jobId": "string" }

For more information, see describe-job.

Gets details of a job execution. The job's execution status must be SUCCEEDED or FAILED.

HTTPS request
GET /things/thingName/jobs/jobId?executionNumber=executionNumber

For more information, see DescribeJobExecution.

CLI syntax
aws iot describe-job-execution \ --job-id <value> \ --thing-name <value> \ [--execution-number <value>] \ [--cli-input-json <value>] \ [--generate-cli-skeleton]

cli-input-json format:

{ "jobId": "string", "thingName": "string", "executionNumber": long }

For more information, see describe-job-execution.

Gets the job document for a job.


Placeholder URLs are not replaced with presigned Amazon S3 URLs in the document returned. Presigned URLs are generated only when the AWS IoT Jobs service receives a request over MQTT.

HTTPS request
GET /jobs/jobId/job-document

For more information, see GetJobDocument.

CLI syntax
aws iot get-job-document \ --job-id <value> \ [--cli-input-json <value>] \ [--generate-cli-skeleton]

cli-input-json format:

{ "jobId": "string" }

For more information, see get-job-document.

Gets a list of job executions for a job.

HTTPS request
GET /jobs/jobId/things?status=status&maxResults=maxResults&nextToken=nextToken

For more information, see ListJobExecutionsForJob.

CLI syntax
aws iot list-job-executions-for-job \ --job-id <value> \ [--status <value>] \ [--max-results <value>] \ [--next-token <value>] \ [--cli-input-json <value>] \ [--generate-cli-skeleton]

cli-input-json format:

{ "jobId": "string", "status": "string", "maxResults": "integer", "nextToken": "string" }

For more information, see list-job-executions-for-job.

Gets a list of job executions for a thing.

HTTPS request
GET /things/thingName/jobs?status=status&maxResults=maxResults&nextToken=nextToken

For more information, see ListJobExecutionsForThing.

CLI syntax
aws iot list-job-executions-for-thing \ --thing-name <value> \ [--status <value>] \ [--max-results <value>] \ [--next-token <value>] \ [--cli-input-json <value>] \ [--generate-cli-skeleton]

cli-input-json format:

{ "thingName": "string", "status": "string", "maxResults": "integer", "nextToken": "string" }

For more information, see list-job-executions-for-thing.

Gets a list of jobs in your AWS account.

HTTPS request
GET /jobs?status=status&targetSelection=targetSelection&thingGroupName=thingGroupName&thingGroupId=thingGroupId&maxResults=maxResults&nextToken=nextToken

For more information, see ListJobs.

CLI syntax
aws iot list-jobs \ [--status <value>] \ [--target-selection <value>] \ [--max-results <value>] \ [--next-token <value>] \ [--thing-group-name <value>] \ [--thing-group-id <value>] \ [--cli-input-json <value>] \ [--generate-cli-skeleton]

cli-input-json format:

{ "status": "string", "targetSelection": "string", "maxResults": "integer", "nextToken": "string", "thingGroupName": "string", "thingGroupId": "string" }

For more information, see list-jobs.

Updates supported fields of the specified job. Updated values for timeoutConfig take effect for only newly in-progress launches. Currently, in-progress launches continue to launch with the previous timeout configuration.

HTTPS request
PATCH /jobs/jobId { "description": "string", "presignedUrlConfig": { "expiresInSec": number, "roleArn": "string" }, "jobExecutionsRolloutConfig": { "exponentialRate": { "baseRatePerMinute": number, "incrementFactor": number, "rateIncreaseCriteria": { "numberOfNotifiedThings": number, "numberOfSucceededThings": number }, "maximumPerMinute": number }, "abortConfig": { "criteriaList": [ { "action": "string", "failureType": "string", "minNumberOfExecutedThings": number, "thresholdPercentage": number } ] }, "timeoutConfig": { "inProgressTimeoutInMinutes": number } }

For more information, see UpdateJob.

CLI syntax
aws iot update-job \ --job-id <value> \ [--description <value>] \ [--presigned-url-config <value>] \ [--job-executions-rollout-config <value>] \ [--abort-config <value>] \ [--timeout-config <value>] \ [--cli-input-json <value>] \ [--generate-cli-skeleton]

cli-input-json format:

{ "description": "string", "presignedUrlConfig": { "expiresInSec": number, "roleArn": "string" }, "jobExecutionsRolloutConfig": { "exponentialRate": { "baseRatePerMinute": number, "incrementFactor": number, "rateIncreaseCriteria": { "numberOfNotifiedThings": number, "numberOfSucceededThings": number } }, "maximumPerMinute": number }, "abortConfig": { "criteriaList": [ { "action": "string", "failureType": "string", "minNumberOfExecutedThings": number, "thresholdPercentage": number } ] }, "timeoutConfig": { "inProgressTimeoutInMinutes": number } }

For more information, see update-job.