AWS IoT Jobs Troubleshooting - AWS IoT Core

AWS IoT Jobs Troubleshooting

This is the troubleshooting section for AWS IoT Jobs.

How do I locate an AWS IoT Jobs endpoint?

How do I locate the AWS IoT Jobs control plane endpoint?

AWS IoT Jobs supports controls plane API operations using the HTTPS protocol. Verify you have connected to the correct control plane endpoint using the HTTPS protocol.

For a list of AWS region-specific endpoints, see AWS IoT Core - control plane endpoints.

For a list of FIPS compliant AWS IoT Jobs control plane endpoints, see FIPS Endpoints by Service


AWS IoT Jobs and AWS IoT Core share the same AWS Region-specific endpoints.

How do I locate the AWS IoT Jobs data plane endpoint?

AWS IoT Jobs supports data plane API operations using the HTTPS and MQTT protocols. Verify you have connected to the correct data plane endpoint using the HTTPS or MQTT protocol.

  • HTTPS protocol

    • Use the following describe-endpoint CLI command shown below or the DescribeEndpoint REST API. For the endpoint type, use iot:Jobs.

      aws iot describe-endpoint --endpoint-type iot:Jobs
  • MQTT protocol

    • Use the following describe-endpoint CLI command shown below or the DescribeEndpoint REST API. For the endpoint type, use iot:Data-ATS.

      aws iot describe-endpoint --endpoint-type iot:Data-ATS

For a list of FIPS compliant AWS IoT Jobs data plane endpoints, see FIPS Endpoints by Service

How do I monitor AWS IoT Jobs activity and provide metrics?

Monitoring AWS IoT Jobs activity using Amazon CloudWatch provides real-time visibility into ongoing AWS IoT Jobs operations and helps control costs with CloudWatch alarms via AWS IoT Rules. You must configure logging before you can monitor AWS IoT Jobs activity and setup CloudWatch alarms. For more information on setting up logging, see Configure AWS IoT logging.

For more information on Amazon CloudWatch and how to setup permission via an IAM user role to use CloudWatch resources, see Identity and access management for Amazon CloudWatch.

How do I set up AWS IoT Jobs metrics and monitoring using Amazon CloudWatch?

To set up AWS IoT logging, follow the steps outlined in Configure AWS IoT logging. AWS IoT logging set up can be done in the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or API. AWS IoT logging set up for specific thing groups must be done in the AWS CLI or API only.

The AWS IoT Jobs metrics section contains the AWS IoT Jobs metrics used for monitoring AWS IoT Jobs activity. It explains how to view the metrics in the AWS Management Console and AWS CLI.

Additionally, you can set up CloudWatch alarms to alert you of specific metrics you want to closely monitor. For guidance on alarm setup, see Using Amazon CloudWatch alarms.

Device fleets and single device troubleshooting

A job execution maintains a status of QUEUED indefinitely

When a job execution with a status state of QUEUED does not proceed to the next logical status state such as IN_PROGRESS, FAILED, or TIMED_OUT, one of the following scenarios may be the cause:

  • Review your device activity in the CloudWatch logs located in the CloudWatch console. For more information, refer to Monitor AWS IoT using CloudWatch Logs.

  • The IAM role associated with the job and subsequent job execution may not have the correct permissions listed in one of the policy statements of the IAM policy attached to that IAM role. Use the describe-job API to identify the IAM role linked to that job and subsequent job execution and review the IAM policy for correct permissions. Once the policy permission statements have been updated, you should be able to perform the AssumeRole API command on the resource.

A job execution was not created for my thing or thing group

When a job updates its status state to IN_PROGRESS, it will begin the job document rollout to all devices in your target group. This status state update will create a job execution for each target device. If a job execution was not created for one of the target devices, refer to the following guidance:

  • Is the thing directly targeted by the job, the job has a status state of IN_PROGRESS, and the job is concurrent? If all three conditions are met, then the job is still sending out job executions to all devices in your target group and that specific thing has not received its job execution yet.

    • Review the devices in your target group for the job and the job status state in the AWS Management Console or use the describe-job API command.

    • Use the describe-job API command to review if the job has the IsConcurrent property set to true or false. For more information, see Job limits.

  • The thing is not directly targeted by the job.

    • If the Thing was added to a ThingGroup and the job targeted the ThingGroup, then verify the Thing is part of the ThingGroup.

    • If the job is a snapshot job with a status state of IN_PROGRESS and is concurrent, then the job is still sending out job executions to all devices in your target group and that specific Thing has not received its job execution yet.

    • If the job is a continuous job with a status state of IN_PROGRESS and is concurrent, then the job is still sending out job executions to all devices in your target group and that specific Thing has not received its job execution yet. For continuous jobs only, you can also remove the Thing from the ThingGroup and then add the Thing back to the ThingGroup.

    • If the job is a snapshot job with a status state of IN_PROGRESS and is not concurrent, then it's likely the Thing or ThingGroup membership relationship is not acknowledged by AWS IoT Jobs. It is recommended to add several seconds of waiting time after your AddThingToThingGroup call before you create your Job. Alternatively, you can switch the target selection to Continuous, thus making the service backfill the delayed Thing and ThingGroup membership attachment event.

New job fails due to LimitedExceededException error

If your job creation fails with an error response of LimitedExceededException, then call the list-jobs API and review all jobs with isConcurrent=true to determine if you are at your job concurrency limit. See Job limits for additional information on concurrent jobs. To view your job concurrency limits and to request a limit increase, see AWS IoT Device Management jobs limits and quotas.

Job document size limit

The job document size is limited by the MQTT payload size. If you need a job document larger than 32 kB (kilobytes), 32,000 B (bytes), then create and store the job document in Amazon S3 and add an Amazon S3 object URL in the documentSource field for the CreateJob API or using the AWS CLI. For the AWS Management Console, add an Amazon S3 object URL in the Amazon S3 URL text box when creating a job.

Device Side MQTT message requests throttle limits

If you receive an error code 400 ThrottlingException, the device side MQTT message failed due to reaching the limit of simultaneous device side requests. See AWS IoT Device Management jobs limits and quotas for more information on throttle limits and if it is adjustable.

Connection timeout error

An error code 400 RequestExpired indicates a connection failure due to high latency or low client side timeout values.

Invalid API command

Confirm the correct API command is entered to avoid an error message stating the API command is invalid. See the AWS IoT API Reference for a comprehensive list of all AWS IoT API commands.

Service side connection error

An error code 503 ServiceUnavailable indicates the error originated from the server side.