X.509 certificates that belong to one AWS account can be transferred to another AWS account.
To transfer an X.509 certificate from one AWS account to another
The certificate must be deactivated and detached from all policies and things before initiating the transfer.
Accept or reject a certificate transfer
The receiving account must explicitly accept or reject the transferred certificate. After the receiving account accepts the certificate, the certificate must be activated before use.
The originating account can cancel a transfer, if the certificate has not been accepted.
Begin a certificate transfer
You can begin to transfer a certificate to another AWS account by using
the AWS IoT
Begin a certificate transfer (console)
To complete this procedure, you'll need the ID of the certificate that you want to transfer.
Do this procedure from the account with the certificate to transfer.
To begin to transfer a certificate to another AWS account
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS IoT console
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In the left navigation pane, choose Secure, choose Certificates.
Choose the certificate with an Active or Inactive status that you want to transfer and open its details page.
On the certificate's Details page, in the Actions menu, if the Deactivate option is available, choose the Deactivate option to deactivate the certificate.
On the certificate's Details page, in the left menu, choose Policies.
On the certificate's Policies page, if there are any policies attached to the certificate, detach each one by opening the policy's options menu and choosing Detach.
The certificate must not have any attached policies before you continue.
On the certificate's Policies page, in the left menu, choose Things.
On the certificate's Things page, if there are any things attached to the certificate, detach each one by opening the thing's options menu and choosing Detach.
The certificate must not have any attached things before you continue.
On the certificate's Things page, in the left menu, choose Details.
On the certificate's Details page, in the Actions menu, choose Start transfer to open the Start transfer dialog box.
In the Start transfer dialog box, enter the AWS account number of the account to receive the certificate and an optional short message.
Choose Start transfer to transfer the certificate.
The console should display a message that indicates the success or failure of the transfer. If the transfer was started, the certificate's status is updated to Transferred.
Begin a certificate transfer (CLI)
To complete this procedure, you'll need the
and the
of the certificate that
you want to transfer.
Do this procedure from the account with the certificate to transfer.
To begin to transfer a certificate to another AWS account
Use the update-certificate
command to deactivate the certificate. aws iot update-certificate --certificate-id
--new-status INACTIVE -
Detach all policies.
Use the list-attached-policies
command to list the policies attached to the certificate. aws iot list-attached-policies --target
For each attached policy, use the detach-policy
command to detach the policy. aws iot detach-policy --target
Detach all things.
Use the list-principal-things
command to list the things attached to the certificate. aws iot list-principal-things --principal
For each attached thing, use the detach-thing-principal
command to detach the thing. aws iot detach-thing-principal --principal
Use the transfer-certificate
command to start the certificate transfer. aws iot transfer-certificate --certificate-id
Accept or reject a certificate
You can accept or reject a certificate transferred to you AWS account
from another AWS account by using the AWS IoT console
Accept or reject a certificate transfer (console)
To complete this procedure, you'll need the ID of the certificate that was transferred to your account.
Do this procedure from the account receiving the certificate that was transferred.
To accept or reject a certificate that was transferred to your AWS account
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS IoT console
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In the left navigation pane, choose Secure, choose Certificates.
Choose the certificate with a status of Pending transfer that you want to accept or reject and open its details page.
On the certificate's Details page, in the Actions menu,
To accept the certificate, choose Accept transfer.
To not accept the certificate, choose Reject transfer.
Accept or reject a certificate transfer (CLI)
To complete this procedure, you'll need the
of the certificate transfer
that you want to accept or reject.
Do this procedure from the account receiving the certificate that was transferred.
To accept or reject a certificate that was transferred to your AWS account
Use the accept-certificate-transfer
command to accept the certificate. aws iot accept-certificate-transfer --certificate-id
Use the reject-certificate-transfer
command to reject the certificate. aws iot reject-certificate-transfer --certificate-id
Cancel a certificate transfer
You can cancel a certificate transfer before it has been accepted by using
the AWS IoT
Cancel a certificate transfer (console)
To complete this procedure, you'll need the ID of the certificate transfer that you want to cancel.
Do this procedure from the account that initiated the certificate transfer.
To cancel a certificate transfer
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS IoT console
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In the left navigation pane, choose Secure, choose Certificates.
Choose the certificate with Transferred status whose transfer you want to cancel and open its options menu.
On the certificate's options menu, choose the Revoke transfer option to cancel the certificate transfer.
Be careful not to mistake the Revoke transfer option with the Revoke option.
The Revoke transfer option cancels the certificate transfer, while the Revoke option makes the certificate irreversibly unusable by AWS IoT.
Cancel a certificate transfer (CLI)
To complete this procedure, you'll need the
of the certificate transfer
that you want to cancel.
Do this procedure from the account that initiated the certificate transfer.
Use the cancel-certificate-transfer
aws iot cancel-certificate-transfer --certificate-id