Responding to alarms - AWS IoT Events

Responding to alarms

If you enabled acknowledge flow, you receive notifications when the alarm state changes. To respond to the alarm, you can acknowledge, disable, enable, reset, or snooze the alarm.


The following shows you how to respond to an alarm in the AWS IoT Events console.

  1. Sign in to the AWS IoT Events console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Alarm models.

  3. Choose the target alarm model.

  4. In the List of alarms section, choose the target alarm.

  5. You can choose one of the following options from Actions:

    • Acknowledge - The alarm changes to the ACKNOWLEDGED state.

    • Disable - The alarm changes to the DISABLED state.

    • Enable - The alarm changes to the NORMAL state.

    • Reset - The alarm changes to the NORMAL state.

    • Snooze, and then do the following:

      1. Choose the Snooze length or enter a Custom snooze length.

      2. Choose Save.

      The alarm changes to the SNOOZE_DISABLED state

    For more information about the alarm states, see Acknowledge flow.


To respond to one or more alarms, you can use the following AWS IoT Events API operations: