AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard ParameterControl - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard ParameterControl

The control of a parameter that users can interact with in a dashboard or an analysis.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:



A control from a date parameter that specifies date and time.

Required: No

Type: ParameterDateTimePickerControl

Update requires: No interruption


A control to display a dropdown list with buttons that are used to select a single value.

Required: No

Type: ParameterDropDownControl

Update requires: No interruption


A control to display a list with buttons or boxes that are used to select either a single value or multiple values.

Required: No

Type: ParameterListControl

Update requires: No interruption


A control to display a horizontal toggle bar. This is used to change a value by sliding the toggle.

Required: No

Type: ParameterSliderControl

Update requires: No interruption


A control to display a text box that is used to enter multiple entries.

Required: No

Type: ParameterTextAreaControl

Update requires: No interruption


A control to display a text box that is used to enter a single entry.

Required: No

Type: ParameterTextFieldControl

Update requires: No interruption