AWS::VerifiedPermissions::Policy PolicyDefinition - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::VerifiedPermissions::Policy PolicyDefinition

A structure that defines a Cedar policy. It includes the policy type, a description, and a policy body. This is a top level data type used to create a policy.

This data type is used as a request parameter for the CreatePolicy operation. This structure must always have either an Static or a TemplateLinked element.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:



A structure that describes a static policy. An static policy doesn't use a template or allow placeholders for entities.

Required: No

Type: StaticPolicyDefinition

Update requires: No interruption


A structure that describes a policy that was instantiated from a template. The template can specify placeholders for principal and resource. When you use CreatePolicy to create a policy from a template, you specify the exact principal and resource to use for the instantiated policy.

Required: No

Type: TemplateLinkedPolicyDefinition

Update requires: No interruption