Field index syntax and quotas - Amazon CloudWatch Logs

Field index syntax and quotas

You create field indexes by creating field index policies. You can create account-level index policies that apply to your whole account, and you can also create policies that apply to only a single log group. For account-wide index policies, you can have one that applies to all log groups in the account. You can also create account-level index policies that apply to a subset of log groups in the account, selected by the prefixes of their log group names. If you have multiple account-level policies in the same account, the log group name prefixes for these policies can't overlap.

Log group-level field index policies override account-level field index policies: if you create log-group level index policy, that log group uses only that policy and ignores the account-level policies.

Matches of log events to the names of field indexes are case-sensitive. For example, a field index of RequestId won't match a log event containing requestId.

You can have as many as 20 account-level index policies. If you have multiple account-level index policies filtered to log group name prefixes, no two of them can use the same or overlapping log group name prefixes. For example, if you have one policy filtered to log groups that start with my-log, you can't have another field index policy filtered to my-logpprod or my-logging.

If you have an account-level index policy that has no name prefixes and applies to all log groups, then no other account-level index policy can be created.

Each index policy has the following quotas and restrictions:

  • As many as 20 fields can be included in the policy.

  • Each field name can include as many as 100 characters.

  • To create an index of a custom field in your log groups that starts with @, you must specify the field with an extra @ at the beginning of the field name. For example, if your log events include a field named @userId, you must specify @@userId to create an index for this field.

Generated fields and reserved fields

CloudWatch Logs Insights automatically generates system fields in each log event. These generated fields are prefixed with @ For more information about generated fields, see Supported logs and discovered fields.

Of these generated fields, the following are supported for use as field indexes:

  • @logStream

  • @ingestionTime

  • @requestId

  • @type

  • @initDuration

  • @duration

  • @billedDuration

  • @memorySize

  • @maxMemoryUsed

  • @xrayTraceId

  • @xraySetmentId

To index these generated fields, you don't need to add an extra @ when specifying them, as you have to do for custom fields that start with @. For example, to create a field index for @logStream, just specify @logStream as the field index.

Child fields and array fields in JSON logs

You can index fields that are nested child fields or array fields in JSON logs.

For example, you can create an index of the accessKeyId child field within the userIdentity field within this log:

{ "eventVersion": "1.0", "userIdentity": { "type": "IAMUser", "principalId": "EXAMPLE_PRINCIPAL_ID", "arn": "arn: aws: iam: : 123456789012: user/Alice", "accessKeyId": "11112222", "accountId": "123456789012", "userName": "Alice" }, "eventTime": "2014-03-06T21: 22: 54Z", "eventSource": "", "eventName": "StartInstances", "awsRegion": "us-east-2", "sourceIPAddress": "", "userAgent": "ec2-api-tools1.6.12.2", "requestParameters": { "instancesSet": { "items": [ { "instanceId": "i-abcde123", "currentState": { "code": 0, "name": "pending" }, "previousState": { "code": 80, "name": "stopped" } }] } }

To create this field, you refer to it using dot notation (userIdentity.accessKeyId) both when creating the field index and when specifying it in a query. The query could look like this:

fields @timestamp, @message | filterIndex userIdentity.accessKeyId = "11112222"

In the previous example event, the instanceId field is in an array within requestParameters.instancesSet.items To represent this field both when creating the field index and when querying, refer to it as requestParameters.instancesSet.items.0.instanceId The 0 refers to that field's place in the array.

Then a query for this field could be the following:

fields @timestamp, @message | filterIndex requestParameters.instancesSet.items.0.instanceId="i-abcde123"