Log group selection options when creating a query - Amazon CloudWatch Logs

Log group selection options when creating a query

This section explains the various ways that you can select log groups to include in a query.

To select log groups for a query in the console
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Logs, Logs Insights.

  3. There are three ways to select log groups for the query:

    • Use the Log group name box. This is the default selection method. You can enter as many as 50 log group names with this method. If this is a monitoring account in CloudWatch cross-account observability, you can select log groups in the source accounts as well as the monitoring account. A single query can query logs from different accounts at once.

    • Use the Log group criteria section. In this section, you can choose log groups based on the prefix of the log group names. You can include as many as five prefixes in one query. Log groups having these prefixes in their names will be selected. Alternatively, the All log groups option selects all the log groups from the account.

    • If this is a monitoring account in CloudWatch cross-account observability, you can select All accounts in the account dropdown menu to select the log groups from all linked accounts. Alternatively, you can individually select which accounts should be included for this query.

    If your choices match more than 10,000 log groups, you'll see an error that prompts you to narrow your selection.

  4. The default log class for a query is Standard. You can use Log class to change it to Infrequent access.

Using the AWS CLI

To make these types of selections when you start a query from the command line, you can use the source command in your query. For more information and examples, see SOURCE.