Viewing AWS resource telemetry in CloudWatch
Telemetry config displays AWS resources in two ways: An overview in the Telemetry config page and in detail in the Discovered resources page.
Telemetry config – This page shows the percentage of resources with telemetry configured for each resource type and the quantity of resources detected as providing metrics and the total number of resources in your account or AWS Organization. You can filter the display of resources in the Telemetry config page by account ID or tags applied to them.
The Discovered resources – This page shows details about each resource discovered by telemetry config, including the resource ID, the type of telemetry each resource is providing, and the time when the resource was last refreshed by telemetry config. You can filter the display of resource in the Discovered resources page by any of the information provided about the resource.
For each AWS resource tracked by telemetry config, the discovered resources page shows the status of its telemetry as follows:
For telemetry types that CloudWatch detects the resource is providing, the discovered resource view shows On.
For telemetry types that CloudWatch detects the resource is not providing, the discovered resources view shows Off.
For telemetry types that are not supported for a resource, the discovered resources view shows NS (not supported).
To view resources in the telemetry config page
Open the CloudWatch console at
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In the navigation pane, choose Telemetry config.
The telemetry config page shows the total quantities of each resource discovered by telemetry config, the quantity of resources providing telemetry, and the percentage of discovered resources that are providing telemetry.
To refresh and see recently-updated changes to resources, choose refresh.
To view resources in the discovered resources page
Open the CloudWatch console at
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In the navigation pane, choose Telemetry config.
Do one of the following to view all resource types discovered by telemetry config or to view one resource type:
To view all resources discovered by telemetry config, choose View resources. The Discovered resources page appears and shows all resources discovered by telemetry config.
To view one resource type, at the bottom of the page, choose a type of AWS resource. The Discovered resources page appears. The discovered resources page shows all discovered resources for that resource type.
In the discovered resources page, do one or more of the following:
To view information about the resource or to change its telemetry settings, choose the resource ID. The console for the resource appears.
You can only view a resource in its service console if the resource belongs to your account. Use the AWS account column to determine if the resource belongs to your account. If the AWS account column does not appear, configure the discovered resources page preferences. For more information, see Changing discovered resource page preferences.
To view other pages of resources, choose the page number or < to view the previous page or > to view the next page.
To refresh the resources in the page, choose refresh.
Filtering discovered resources
You can use one or more filters in the telemetry config page or the discovered resources page to change the view of the resources displayed. Your filter settings persist in both pages.
To filter resources in the telemetry config page
Open the CloudWatch console at
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In the navigation pane, choose Settings, Telemetry config.
You can filter the discovered resources displayed in the page based on account ID or tag value.
Choose Find resource. Choose Account ID or Tag value then choose additional options to define the filter. The statistics about telemetry coverage for each resource change based on the filter options.
To further filter the resources displayed in the page, choose Find resources again, choose another filter, and choose additional options. The statistics about telemetry coverage for each resource change based on all filter options.
To remove a filter, in the box of the filter to remove, choose X.
To filter resources in the discovered resources page
Open the CloudWatch console at
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In the navigation pane, choose Telemetry config.
Do one of the following to view all resource types discovered by telemetry config or to view one resource type:
To view all resources discovered by telemetry config, choose View resources. The Discovered resources page appears and shows all resources discovered by telemetry config.
To view one resource type, at the bottom of the page, choose a type of AWS resource. The Discovered resources page appears. The discovered resources page filters all discovered resources for that resource type.
You can filter the discovered resources displayed in the page based on any of the columns in the page. You can change the columns in the page by changing your preferences. For more information, see Changing discovered resource page preferences.
Choose Find resource. Filters for each column in the page appear. Choose one, then choose additional options to define the filter. Resources appear in the page that match the filter settings.
To further filter the resources displayed in the page, choose Find resources again, choose another filter, and choose additional options. Resources appear in the page that match all of the filter settings.
To remove one the filters, in the box of the filter to remove, choose X.
To remove all of the filters and see all resource types discovered by telemetry config, choose Clear filters.
Changing discovered resource page preferences
You can change your preferences for the discovered resources page to control how many resources appear per page and which detailed metrics appear in the page. Only detailed metrics in view can be used to filter the resources displayed in the discovered resources page. For more information, see Filtering discovered resources.
Open the CloudWatch console at
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In the navigation pane, choose Telemetry config.
Choose View resources. The Discovered resources page appears.
Choose the gear icon.
In the Preferences window, choose the number of resources per page and the visible content to show as columns.
Choose Confirm.